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re: Can someone give a summary?

Posted on 9/25/19 at 2:12 pm to
Posted by Bokke
Salt Lake City, UT
Member since Nov 2014
771 posts
Posted on 9/25/19 at 2:12 pm to

We are totally fricked. Our entire political system is a game to these rich assholes. It is strictly about enforcing their will on eachother to win the game. The problem is, the game they're playing affects them almost zero and fricks us hard.

Posted by dukkbill
Member since Aug 2012
805 posts
Posted on 9/25/19 at 2:23 pm to
President Trump has a call with President Zelinski of the Ukraine. The majority of the call involves the parties explaining pleasantries; however, three substantive items were discussed. First, President Trump asks that Ukraine hold the nations of the European Union to commit their fair share of economic support to the Ukraine. Second, President Trump asks about the previous administrations dismissal of their attorney general, and third, President Trump asks for any assistance on locating information on the hacking of the DNC server. During the second point, the President also mentions that the Attorney General was investigating Joe Biden's son. The call was held in the same proximity as the timing of the release of US aid to the Ukraine. Someone with knowledge of the existence of the call made a whistleblower report. The contents are unknown, but most believe it was due to the President's inquiries around the AG. Initial reports characterized the call as a quid pro quo of US economic aid in return for opposition research on Joe Biden. A transcript has sense been released which shows there was no direct quid pro quo during the call. Additionally, President Zelinsky has stated that he did not feel any pressure to act in a recent press conference. Congressional democrats (and possibly some media) sources are still characterizing the event as an implicit shakedown, and have announced a Congressional inquiry into the events.
Posted by PsychTiger
Member since Jul 2004
99704 posts
Posted on 9/25/19 at 2:27 pm to

"Greta picked the wrong day to debut her acting talents."

Poor Greta...

Posted by dukkbill
Member since Aug 2012
805 posts
Posted on 9/25/19 at 2:29 pm to

Poor Greta...

Poor Demi Moore too. She is trying to cash in by dropping dirt on Hollywood and the Ukraine is stealing her headlines. I bet that publisher's pr rep is getting fired.
Posted by BeefDawg
Member since Sep 2012
4747 posts
Posted on 9/25/19 at 2:49 pm to
1. When Biden was VP, his cokehead son, Hunter (who was kicked out of the Navy for cocaine use and busted multiple times with cocaine in his possession), who has no oil and gas experience, somehow got appointed to the board of a Ukrainian oil and gas company, Burisma, and they were paying Hunter upwards of $83,000 PER MONTH for who knows what.

2. Ukraine's Justice Department had Burisma under investigation for things like money laundering, fraud, extortion, etc. etc. The lead Prosecutor General for Ukraine heading up that investigation was named Shokin.

3. Then VP Joe Biden was [conveniently] tasked by Obama to be the liaison/point-man between the Ukraine and the US shortly after Russia annexed Crimea. We were tossing a lot of funding at Ukraine to assist them with their problems with Russia, as well as authorizing large bank loans to help their struggling military and infrastructure.

4. Then VP Joe Biden threatened to withhold a billion in approved loans unless the Ukrainians fired Shokin. So they did, and almost immediately the investigation into Burisma was over. Biden was even tasked with helping approve the Ukraine's new lead Prosecutor General. Biden publicly bragged about this in a televised interview in 2016, literally admitting openly and laughing about how he threatened to withhold the billion dollars if they didn't fire Shokin.

5. On the downlow, the Ukrainian government tried to get the evidence of this situation, along with evidence of certain Democrats trying to coerce Ukraine into finding dirt on candidate Trump, to the DOJ somehow. But when they handed all the evidence to the US Ambassador to Ukraine, she swept it under the rug and never gave it to anyone. They then tried to reach out directly to the DOJ, but again were rebuffed. They then tried to reach out direct to the State Department, but individuals in the State Dept. were blocked by certain folks in the DOJ. So none of this evidence ever made it anywhere... until now.

6. The Ukraine had an election and a new President with a new administration was elected.

7. Probably as a result of the election, the folks at the State Dept. who were previously blocked by DOJ, went directly to Rudy Guiliani and explained the situation and asked him to help them get this evidence from Ukraine. Which apparently he did somehow.

8. Then last month, Trump has a phone conversation with the new Ukrainian President, and in that call, according to the situation room dictation/transcript, AFTER the Ukrainian President brought up Rudy Guiliani, Trump asked if they would re-open the investigation into Burisma, Biden's son, the previous administration and Ambassador who quashed the evidence, as well as CrowdStrike (which is owned by a Ukrainian) because they may have Hillary's server, and the circumstances around the firing of Shokin.

9. There was ZERO mention of money or holding back of funding/aide, therefore there was absolutely NO promise of quid pro quo, extortion, or even mild pressure. The Ukrainian President said they had already been investigating most of these things and are looking forward to getting all the information/evidence to Bill Barr and Rudy Guiliani, and cooperating with Bill Barrs already ongoing investigation into the Democrats attempts to pressure Ukraine into producing dirt on Trump during the 2016 election.

10. Somebody inside the IC, either a Dem plant or just some hyper-partisan leftover, who was reported, at first, to have physically listened in on the phone call, claimed that Trump pressured the Ukrainian President 8x to open an investigation into Joe Biden, made him some form of quid pro quo promise for doing so, and also threatened to hold back military aide if he didn't do this. All of which, it turns out, is completely false. Which makes some of us think this might have been a setup/trap laid by Team Trump. This individual claimed "whistleblower status" and reported this to the IC IG as a formal whistleblower complaint.

11. The IC IG, also an Obama holdover and former Clinton attorney, declared the complaint of great urgency and reported it to the OIG and DOJ. Both of which investigated the claims and found them fruitless and insignificant.

12. Then somebody, probably the IC IG or the clown whistleblower, leaked everything to the Dem leadership, and then somebody leaked it all to the media, full of lies, made up assumptions, false innuendo, loads of omissions that would have been bad for Biden and good for Trump, and wrapped in yet another bullshite packaged narrative for the Lefty MSM to propagandize and misinform the public.

13. Turns out, the "Whistleblower" never actually heard the phone conversation, they simply got bits and pieces of it 2nd or 3rd hand from the grapevine. But meanwhile, the House Democrats had a powwow and decided they don't care about the truth, they are going with this false narrative and opening an impeachment INQUIRY. Not formal impeachment proceedings, but simply the inquiry, which I guess is just more subpoenas and dragging people in front of committees to be harassed.

14. Trump released the transcript of the actual phone conversation and it's 100% innocuous and innocent of any of the false accusations. No quid pro quo promise. No pressure. No extortion to withhold aide. Just simple and typical leader to leader diplomacy. They acknowledged that Bill Barr is conducting an investigation, so he essentially asked him to please cooperate with the investigation. And after the Ukrainian President brought up Rudy Guiliani, Trump acknowledged that he is troubled by the situation surrounding Joe Biden and his son (remember, Rudy already has the evidence and Trump has seen it and knows the truth), so he merely agreed it would be a good idea to look into this situation some more. ZERO threats. ZERO pressure. ZERO quid pro quo.

15. The Left/Dems/MSM doesn't give a shite about the truth. Every headline says something like, "Trump pressures Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden", which is simply false and beyond dishonest. They refuse to cover the fact Biden extorted Ukraine and even publicly bragged about it on TV. Even going as far as openly lying and claiming there is no evidence Biden did anything.

And I guess that's about where we are so far.
This post was edited on 9/25/19 at 2:57 pm
Posted by LanierSpots
Sarasota, Florida
Member since Sep 2010
62237 posts
Posted on 9/25/19 at 3:21 pm to

Trump has phone call with Ukranian President
Someone sits in on call and tells someone else their version
The someone else tells their own version(version 3) to IC by filing a complaint
Someone leaks story to press
Democrats hair on fire
Dems demand transcripts
Transcripts do not say what the rumor suggested they'd say
Transcripts damning to Biden and DNC putting their corruption in Ukraine on display
Hilarity ensues

Posted by TiderTom
Pleasant Grove
Member since Apr 2011
387 posts
Posted on 9/25/19 at 3:31 pm to
Perfect. Mind if I copy for my use?
Posted by CelticDog
Member since Apr 2015
42867 posts
Posted on 9/25/19 at 3:32 pm to
Trump timed a gift of us money with a call asking ukraine to do trump a favor. Do a political hit on bidens son.

Posted by SSpaniel
Member since Feb 2013
29658 posts
Posted on 9/25/19 at 3:33 pm to

Trump timed a gift of us money with a call asking ukraine to do trump a favor. Do a political hit on bidens son.

Of course, none of that actually occurred. But you already know this. You simply don't care. Or are trying to be sarcastic and funny.
This post was edited on 9/25/19 at 3:35 pm
Posted by PaperTiger
Ruston, LA
Member since Feb 2015
23086 posts
Posted on 9/25/19 at 3:33 pm to
That's fricking false lol
Posted by SWCBonfire
South Texas
Member since Aug 2011
1279 posts
Posted on 9/25/19 at 3:45 pm to

Trump timed a gift of us money with a call asking ukraine to do trump a favor. Do a political hit on bidens son.

Of course, none of that actually occurred. But you already know this. You simply don't care. Or are trying to be sarcastic and funny.

The above is a more concise summary. Dems hear what they want to be true, not what is true. Even when the actual transcript is released in its entirety in black and white, they still only see what they want to see - because the alternative means that what they believe in their very souls is false.
Posted by Paige
Vice President of the OT
Member since Oct 2010
84748 posts
Posted on 9/25/19 at 3:47 pm to
Is that why the dems are celebrating on Twitter?
Posted by Vecchio Cane
Ivory Tower
Member since Jul 2016
17900 posts
Posted on 9/25/19 at 3:47 pm to

Is that why the dems are celebrating on Twitter?

No, that's because they're morons
Posted by SSpaniel
Member since Feb 2013
29658 posts
Posted on 9/25/19 at 3:49 pm to

Is that why the dems are celebrating on Twitter?

That would be because they are, for the most part, all stupid.
Posted by kingbob
Sorrento, LA
Member since Nov 2010
67309 posts
Posted on 9/25/19 at 3:49 pm to
While Obama was president, Biden’s son somehow winds up on the board of a Ukranian natural gas company. When $1.8 billion worth of foreign aid from the U.S. goes missing, a Ukranian prosecutor opens up a probe into the gas company as well as into Mr. Biden for bribery of public officials and embezzlement. Biden then calls the president of The Ukraine and threatens to withhold $1 billion worth of aid if the case against his son is not dropped. The prosecutor is fired and the case is dropped.

None of this is conjecture as Joe Biden has repeatedly and publicly talked about this action and bragged about it.

Last week, some unknown whistleblower leaks that Trump pressured the President of The Ukraine to reopen the probe on Biden’s son. The media went ape-shite calling for impeachment. Trump just shrugged, said okay, and released the full transcript of the phone call.

See, as it turns out, the Ukraine and the United States signed a treaty in 1999 where their law enforcement agencies are supposed to cooperate on criminal matters of shared interest between the two countries. Ukrainian prosecutors had been denied VISAS by a certain American diplomat who was a holdover from the Obama administration. Trump sacked that diplomat and notified the president of Ukraine that there was an ongoing DOJ investigation into Hunter Biden’s actions in the Ukraine with that shady gas company, and asked the Ukrainians if they would be willing to contact DOJ with any information they may have.

It turns out that not only do the Ukranians have info on Biden’s son, but they also have the goods on Crowdstrike, The infamous tech analytics firm that has custody of the DNC servers that they (and only they) were permitted to examine. See, they were the ones who determined that server had been hacked by the Russians before the info was passed onto wikileaks. The FBI and intelligence agencies all took Crowdstrike at their word because none of them were permitted to see said server.

Well, there was no hack. The leaks were internal, by a little patriot by the name of Seth Rich. So, basically, Trump baited the media and the dems into getting all riled up and reintroducing to America multiple scandals all sure to backfire on them tremendously.

Trump tricked the media into covering Biden’s quid pro quo to protect his son from the bribery and embezzlement scam he was involved in, and brought back the DNC leaks, Fusion GPS, and Spygate whilst the democrats acrobatically hoisted themselves upon their own petard in record fashion. Truly, a sight to behold.

The media, realizing they’ve been duped, is now doubling-down on stupid because they’re in too deep to turn back now, so they’re just blatantly lying about the literal words in the call transcript hoping no one will read it.
This post was edited on 9/25/19 at 3:52 pm
Posted by CAD703X
Liberty Island
Member since Jul 2008
78857 posts
Posted on 9/25/19 at 3:50 pm to

s that why the dems are celebrating on Twitter?

your first time on twitter?
Posted by Paige
Vice President of the OT
Member since Oct 2010
84748 posts
Posted on 9/25/19 at 3:51 pm to
Good deal. I was worried

I’ll be so happy when this is over and they’re proven wrong
Posted by Paige
Vice President of the OT
Member since Oct 2010
84748 posts
Posted on 9/25/19 at 3:52 pm to
I don’t do twitter unless something big is going on or for football
Posted by Vecchio Cane
Ivory Tower
Member since Jul 2016
17900 posts
Posted on 9/25/19 at 3:53 pm to

Good deal. I was worried I’ll be so happy when this is over and they’re proven wrong

Honest advice: Don't take any political pulse from Twitter.

The Left does this, a lot, and it's been damaging to their national image.

Twitter is far, far, from reality
Posted by PickupAutist
Member since Sep 2018
3022 posts
Posted on 9/25/19 at 3:56 pm to
Trump threw down another rake and dems stepped on it again
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