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The Last Jedi, who hasn’t seen it and won’t

Posted on 1/21/18 at 3:37 pm
Posted by StickD
Member since Apr 2010
10837 posts
Posted on 1/21/18 at 3:37 pm
I’m a fan but with all the bad reviews I didn’t go see it.

So I started watching some YouTube with Spoilers.
YouTube - Alex Becker review
Tell us how you really feel

So I guess they didn’t have Rey get tempted to the dark side (and choose the dark side at least for now) and Kylo kill her father or uncle Luke Skywalker. You’d have to figure Luke was going to have to go so have an epic dual and kill him off? Did the dark side of the force take over in this movie? What happen to Snoke? I thought they would make this a dark Stars Wars film?

Is it worth renting when it comes out?
Posted by Bmath
Member since Aug 2010
18689 posts
Posted on 1/21/18 at 3:41 pm to
I guess I’m in the minority as I enjoyed it.
Posted by GeauxLSUGeaux
1 room down from Erin Andrews
Member since May 2004
23415 posts
Posted on 1/21/18 at 3:47 pm to

You’d have to figure Luke was going to have to go so have an epic dual and kill him off?

That would have made too much sense
Posted by johnnydrama
Possibly Trashy
Member since Feb 2010
8718 posts
Posted on 1/21/18 at 3:48 pm to
I haven't and probably won't but I'm not a big Star Wars fan anyway.

I was meh on the original trilogy and got about fifteen minutes into the prequel before Jar Jar ran me off.

I watched TFA and again, meh. I would probably have given TLJ a chance but now, because of all the negative pub, I'm not sure.
Posted by StickD
Member since Apr 2010
10837 posts
Posted on 1/21/18 at 3:52 pm to
I’d be interested to hear spoilers and plot points that were good.

What happens?
Posted by LuckyTiger
Someone's Alter
Member since Dec 2008
45505 posts
Posted on 1/21/18 at 4:08 pm to
I saw it, hated it, now wish I hadn’t seen it, and have disavowed it from Star Wars.

If you love Star Wars, I suggest that you not see tlj.
Posted by TigerinATL
Member since Feb 2005
61623 posts
Posted on 1/21/18 at 4:43 pm to
I finally saw it yesterday and the loudest complaints, the SJW stuff, seem to be the least relevant. If I were to edit about 20-30 seconds out of the movie that would seem to cut out 80% of the biggest complaints I've seen.

That's not to say it's a great movie. I have 2 major gripes with these movies. First, they are so derivative of the originals. So many scenes seem like call backs to the originals. I really was hoping for new stories in the Star Wars universe but that's not what we've gotten. So far Rogue One is the best and most original of these new movies.

Second, Finn, who is presented as and gets the screen time of a major character seems pretty unnecessary. I guess that's some of the SJW/diversity complaints and you can't really edit Finn completely out of the movie, but he really seems kind of pointless.

I believe this will end up on NetFlix sometime this year like Rogue One did. I'd wait for that to watch it. If you're a Star Wars fan I think it's worth your time, just to see what all the fuss is about, but it's probably not worth your money.
This post was edited on 1/21/18 at 4:48 pm
Posted by StickD
Member since Apr 2010
10837 posts
Posted on 1/21/18 at 5:03 pm to
What’s the major plot points? Can you post the big bullet points.

- did the empire take over and wreck the rebels? Kylo is the big bad?
- is Rey the new Luke, albeit w/o training?

I hear the subplot is Rey isn’t related to the Skywalkers. If so ok. Is she just a natural force bad arse or midichlorians or just whatever.
Posted by molsusports
Member since Jul 2004
36155 posts
Posted on 1/21/18 at 5:05 pm to
I got bored with that one and clicked on another video linked to your review - from that one:

"Episode VII: The Last Snowflake

The Patriarchy reigns Having decimated the peaceful Matriarchy, Dearth Smeagol now deploys his merciless shitposters to seize cultural control of the galaxy.

Only Princess Leia's band of white knights and soyboys stand against peace and prosperity, certain that a man will swoop in and save feminism from its own incompetence. But the Matriarchy has been exposed. As the Patriarchy speeds toward the rebel base, the soyboys forsake the gender binary and bravely decide to run away... "

Kind of funny, but sad that Star Wars finds itself being used in culture wars instead of just trying to be a more universal form of common cultural ideals and storytelling.

Also noticed this summary of the times Mark Hamill warned people his character was no longer Luke Skywalker: LINK That one just makes you kinda sad. People making the movie knew it was being hijacked and still couldn't stop it from happening.
Posted by Bmath
Member since Aug 2010
18689 posts
Posted on 1/21/18 at 5:25 pm to

I’d be interested to hear spoilers and plot points that were good.


A) Rey and Kylo are unexpectedly in each others’ head throughout the movie (connected secretly by Snoke). Rey thinks she can turn Kylo, and pulls a Luke in ROTJ and turns herself in. Snoke begins to torture Rey before telling Kylo to execute her. Kylo uses the force to turn on Rey’s confiscated lightsaber, which is at Snoke’s side, to kill him. I thought the move was great and unexpected.

Kylo isn’t turned but asks Rey to join him as he seeks to rule in place of Snoke. People are pissed because they don’t answer the question of who Snoke is or how he influenced Kylo. IMO, who Snoke is is irrelevant. I suspect we’ll learn more in the final film.

B) FN287 and the new Asian chick travel to SW Montecarlo to recruit a code breaker which can help the rebels escape a 2.5 hr long chase scene straight out of Battle Star Gallactica. People are mad because the rebels inevitably don’t actually need a code breaker as they just use a Plan B to escape the first order. The whole side story, as shown in the final scene, sets up how the new rebellion will be supported in the next movie.

C) Luke is not a Jedi master badass in this film. Instead, he is a broken man, haunted by his temptation to kill the possibly evil Kylo and give in to the dark side. He later shows how truly powerful he is by using the force to project himself ACROSS THE GALAXY and confront Kylo. The act kills him but allows the last remaining rebels to escape.
Posted by StickD
Member since Apr 2010
10837 posts
Posted on 1/21/18 at 5:25 pm to
I actually watched that one, that was the two I watched today.

I clicked on the Kevin Smith one. He said he liked it. But I’m not listening to an hour an a half of explainatition of why it was good.

Someone will post the cliffs.
Posted by TigerinATL
Member since Feb 2005
61623 posts
Posted on 1/21/18 at 5:30 pm to

What’s the major plot points? Can you post the big bullet points.


- Rebel attack against The First Order, they destroy a dreadnaught but lose their bombing fleet in the process. Leia demotes Poe because she ordered him not to engage in the costly attack.

- Rey finds Luke on a planet where original Jedi temples are. Luke is a shell of his former self and doesn't want to teach Rey because he can't get over his failure with Kylo Ren.

- The First Order uses some new, previously unavailable technology to track the rebel ships that attacked them through hyperspace. The rebels are able to stay just out of range of the First Order guns, but they only have 18 hours of fuel to keep it up. This starts Finn's unnecessary subplot with an asian chick. Because with just 18 hours it's feasible to go to a Casino planet somewhere else, convince a hacker to help hack them onto the First Order's lead ship and turn off the tracker so they can jump to light speed and get away. While on the Casino planet the Asian chick makes a short 10-15 second speech railing against rich people. This silly subplot + diversity for the sake of diversity + getting preachy = lots of middle aged white males that grew up with Star Wars and are tired of hearing how they are what's wrong with the world got triggered. Sorry this bullet point got a little side tracked, but this is what's triggering so many.

- Rey and Kylo have some connection through the force, they keep telepathically talking to each other and start a long distance relationship.

- Luke finally starts to teach Rey a few things but she's a natural unlike Luke. This seems to trigger a lot of people too that have some vision of Luke as a stalwart hero. They act like it's some GirlPower thing but I believe they are forgetting that Luke was a whiny bitch that didn't want to work in the first 2 movies. "But I was going to go to Tosche Station" when Uncle Owen needed him to work on the farm and "It's too big, I can't do it" when trying to lift his XWing in Degobah.

- Rey leaves in the middle of her training (call back to Empire and Luke with Yoda) because she has a vision that she can turn Kylo Ren

- Finn and the Asian chick manage to get a hacker and get back to sneak on the lead First Order ship.

- Rey gets onto the same ship to be taken prisoner and taken to Snoke's throne room with Kylo and it's pretty much a repeat of the Luke/Vader/Emperor scene from Return of the Jedi with a light saber battle with Snoke's guards thrown in for good measure.

- The rebels make it to a nearby former base to hide. Luke comes back to help. This part is pretty cool with great visuals.

- Happy ending with the rebellion reborn
This post was edited on 1/21/18 at 5:34 pm
Posted by mizzoubuckeyeiowa
Member since Nov 2015
35715 posts
Posted on 1/21/18 at 5:35 pm to

Also noticed this summary of the times Mark Hamill warned people his character was no longer Luke Skywalker: LINK That one just makes you kinda sad. People making the movie knew it was being hijacked and still couldn't stop it from happening.

Never understood why Disney was so anti-Luke.

I mean, I know they killed off Han but it seemed like there was this vitriol to Luke. Like they knew he was necessary to segway the new films but they hated him.

And I'm not just talking about the films...Mark Hamill in your video shows how JJ and everyone just gave him the middle finger in discussions about his role in the movies.

He has no role in TFA and then they neuter him in TLJ.

What the frick is that about? Disney has no place for male action heroes anymore?

It's just pussy-hat movies from here on out?

So's such a terrible movie decision that you only feel it's political. Because it doesn't make sense for entertainment purposes or fan enjoyment unless you are trying to social engineer.
Posted by StickD
Member since Apr 2010
10837 posts
Posted on 1/21/18 at 5:37 pm to
A). Is Rey and Kylo related, that’s his sister right?
Who killed Snoke Rey or Kylo?

B). Meh so filler story.

C). So Luke just dies, like how? Did Kylo end him ala obi wan kenobi ?
This post was edited on 1/21/18 at 5:41 pm
Posted by molsusports
Member since Jul 2004
36155 posts
Posted on 1/21/18 at 5:48 pm to

Never understood why Disney was so anti-Luke.

I can't attribute an opinion to a whole company but RJ and Kennedy obviously do not have any love for the original character or life lessons he learned in the first trilogy.


Mark Hamill in your video shows how JJ and everyone just gave him the middle finger in discussions about his role in the movies.

I can give JJ a pass to some extent because Luke essentially wasn't' in the film.

And his motivation in leaving behind a map (arguably the central piece of the first movie's plot) was presumably because he cared about the universe and was still interested in playing a positive role in the lives of other people. That was thrown on its head from the very start of TLJ.


it's such a terrible movie decision that you only feel it's political.

That ends up being the only interpretation. That or some sort of specific malice directed at Luke's character or the fans of his character in the original trilogy.

Thinking about it the only interesting left to potentially do would be to have Rey turn to the dark side. Kylo would then have to become good and defeat her to end the movie.

Why? Because it would restore dramatic tension to the movie and she's the only remaining unstoppable force that would be difficult to overcome. In her first lightsaber fight she defeats Kylo. A day after beginning training with the last jedi in the universe she defeats Luke in one on one combat. She is more powerful than Darth Vader in granny panties.
Posted by LuckyTiger
Someone's Alter
Member since Dec 2008
45505 posts
Posted on 1/21/18 at 6:00 pm to

Luke finally starts to teach Rey a few things but she's a natural unlike Luke.

Posted by Bmath
Member since Aug 2010
18689 posts
Posted on 1/21/18 at 6:03 pm to
A). Is Rey and Kylo related, that’s his sister right?
Who killed Snoke Rey or Kylo?

Kylo killed Snoke. Kylo and Rey being related is not suggested. In fact, Kylo tells Rey that she is the daughter of drunkard junk dealers. I personally think this is BS.

B). Meh so filler story.

That is the main complaint.

C). So Luke just dies, like how? Did Kylo end him ala obi wan kenobi ?

Sort of. His projection bests Kylo, and he fades away after he is finished.
Posted by Dr RC
The Money Pit
Member since Aug 2011
58164 posts
Posted on 1/21/18 at 6:04 pm to
I don't understand why Luke essentially turning into a hybrid of Yoda and Obi Wan means they hate the character.

I get why Hammill didn't like it though b/c he wanted to be the epic version of him from the EU books.
Posted by blueboy
Member since Apr 2006
56602 posts
Posted on 1/21/18 at 6:06 pm to

I finally saw it yesterday and the loudest complaints, the SJW stuff, seem to be the least relevant.
We've said from day one that the SJW stuff isn't even really what makes it bad. It's just the cherry on top of the giant shitcake.

But, apparently they're too up their own smug asses to realize that the political message they wanted to ram up our asses is going to be negatively received since it's now associated with a really shitty movie.

Unless the message is "hire more women or we'll frick up all of your favorite movies." After this and Ghostbusters, I really think there might be something to that.
Posted by dallastiger55
Jennings, LA
Member since Jan 2010
27897 posts
Posted on 1/21/18 at 6:08 pm to

I guess I’m in the minority as I enjoyed it.

Im as big of a SW guy as their is, and I highly recommend seeing it a 2nd time.

First time i overwhelmingly agreed with everyone that it wasnt very good, but took my mom the second time and with no expectations it was really a fun movie

Its far from perfect(Lauren Dern is awful, casino scene was worthless, Chinese girl and Finn are pointless), but its not as bad as people are making it out
This post was edited on 1/21/18 at 6:20 pm
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