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This nis awful. They have several firework displays that look like shite in broad daylight. This trashy boat parade looks like something we'd do in Lafayette, and the performers are an endless circus of ghoulish freaks. I can't believe they trucked migrants the frick out of the city for this. ...
[quote]What's next, the Red Scare was actual liberals hunting right wing people and forcing them out of Hollywood?[/quote]No, it was communists in the movie industry and government using all their powers of propaganda to portray themselves as victims and make it look like McCarthy was a zealot consp...
It just means that your fortune cookie is really old. Don't eat it....
[quote]This woman isn’t as intelligent as Joe Biden. Let that sink in [/quote]She was Biden's assassination insurance. She was picked specifically because she sucks....
I'm happy for them, because the first two were good, but I just can't do any more multiverse shite. I'll wait for it to hit the streams. ...
Don't worry. Ironically, the demographic shift in France will ensure they don't have a lot of trannies running around ever again. :lol:...
This woman is a republican? She seems to be rooting for Kamala. ...
Grandstanding Homo Grandstands. He did nothing of real substance for NOLA and it became uninhabitable for peaceful, normal people under his leadership. But he gave the zealots their pound of flesh via the statues, so he's a star to the dems even though he was a massive failure as mayor. ...
[quote]But they know they can't troll there like they can here[/quote]Calling out activist showrunners isn't trolling. Garbage take.[quote]make it seem like they are being victimized.[/quote]:lol: No, that's the showrunners. All criticism = racism/sexism. It's been their standard for a while now....
[quote]There's a dedicated group on this board that doesn't even wait too see if it sucks. (And some that never watch it all and just spam Nerdtrotic videos to the board)[/quote]That's one guy....
[quote]shite, the only entertaining parts of RoP and The Acolyte are people calling out political bullshite[/quote]is not the same as[quote]You have no interest in the show besides politics.[/quote]Me mentioning two shows is not a blanket statement for all shows and movies, so no. It's not all I'm in...
[quote]You have no interest in the show besides politics. [/quote]:lol: You have no idea what I'm interested in. When they suck, sometimes the only entertaining part is people calling out woke trash. You should thank people who do it.[quote]inserting political BS[/quote]I'm not the one inserting ...
[quote]Everyone who doesn't agree with them is out to get them.[/quote] :lol: Huh? People calling out the stated practices of showrunners, etc. is paranoia? [quote] Because otherwise that means *gasp* it might be their own fault for the problems in their life.[/quote] :lol: Right, because that's th...
[quote]That doesn't mean I am going to spend my time here doing nothing but bitching about it and ruining every thread[/quote] :lol: shite, the only entertaining parts of RoP and The Acolyte are people calling out political bullshite. As I've said many times, every character could be a white guy and...
[quote] It’s the poliboard folks that come here to bash everything they don’t like[/quote]No, we call things out when the showrunners, etc. say they inserted political dogma into their work. It's not our opinion that it's political. The creators themselves have shouted it from the tallest mountain...
[quote]foolish to just use a blanket statement to say everyone in favor of this is a liberal cheerleader[/quote]You've read the thread, right? :lol:...
[quote]Bringing the politics of today into the discussion is the line.[/quote]Who made you the content police? The number of times I'm going to look to you for guidance on the content of any board - is zero. :lol: There's a reason the gaslighting liberal cheerleaders are all in favor of this and...
[quote]People that live like this must literally be so exhausted all the time.[/quote][img]https://facts.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/38-facts-about-leslye-headland-1690656462.jpg[/img][quote]often massively exaggerated or completely imagined[/quote] :lol: ...
[quote]every thread on the movie board turning into a Biden, Trump, left, right discussion[/quote]The only time I've seen either mentioned by name was The Boys thread, talking about the showrunner saying he adapted Homelander for TV as a Trump metaphor. I don't think these threads ever become Trump...
He realized he was outnumbered. I expect his mouthpiece BLM to stfu now as well. ...