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re: Star Wars Episode 8: The Last Jedi Discussion Thread ***SPOILERS***

Posted on 1/8/18 at 4:14 pm to
Posted by Breesus
House of the Rising Sun
Member since Jan 2010
67023 posts
Posted on 1/8/18 at 4:14 pm to
Care to refute these points:

Posted by Josh Fenderman
Ron Don Volante's PlayPen
Member since Jul 2011
6809 posts
Posted on 1/8/18 at 4:18 pm to
Same scenario as you, and thought the same thing. And surprise! It’s the same poster that was doing it two weeks ago.

Some people need to really consider therapy. Over frickING STAR WARS
Posted by meeple
Member since May 2011
9653 posts
Posted on 1/9/18 at 8:00 am to
Now TLJ is down to 49% on RT.

It’s incredible the degree at which Disney screwed this up.
Posted by BulldogXero
Member since Oct 2011
9845 posts
Posted on 1/9/18 at 10:38 am to

Now TLJ is down to 49% on RT. It’s incredible the degree at which Disney screwed this up.

To some degree, is the low audience score not sensationalism due to the audience score going viral an initial albeit vocal group of Star Wars fans expressed their displeasure with many aspects of the film?
Posted by musick
the internet
Member since Dec 2008
26127 posts
Posted on 1/9/18 at 10:50 am to


I'm going to do this bc I respect you as a poster here and we usually have legit discussions from different angles.


Remove the star wars Fandom from your eyes. It only serves to galvanize the proponents of this movie.

Thing is, and I think this has a lot to do with why I like the movie and a lot of you are so passionate about hating on it. I'm not a "star wars fan" I like the movies (all of them) but just as that, movies. I don't care about lore, canon, etc. It's too much to follow and invest in. They are entertaining, that's it. I like the sci-fi genre.


The movie itself fails at the core of being a movie.

This is your opinion, 100's of actual movie critics disagree, and I know the arguement here, omg disney paid them off. That's another discussion. But it's worth mentioning that the critic rating (people without invested interest in super fandom) is 91%, and the audience score (comprised of people that are heavily invested in the SW saga to the point of dressing up and going to cons, or creating fan fiction, or maybe just huge fans of the saga in general) on RT is ~50%.

That doesn't make the movie bad. It means a lot of people who live and breathe SW from the 1977 OT might not like it and that's okay. The internet now gives these people a platform too, and that's where you get that RT #.


There's no protagonist. Rey is a straight up goddess. She absolutely masters everything she thinks of without training or struggle. She never waivers in her convictions. She easily overcomes every situation without conflict or resolution. She's boring as frick and completely unrelatable. Also, she has almost nothing to do in the entire movie and she's absent for the final third of it. Until she miraculously shows up at the end somehow getting to Snoke's escape ship and operating it and then transferring from that to the Falcon and then somehow showing up at the exact right place and time despite not knowing where any of that was or whatever.

A lot of conjecture and opinion here. Rey/Finn/Poe/Leia/Resistance/Luke are all protagonists. By definition. Good ones? That's up for debate but they are protagonists so that refutes that point.

Rey is a goddess? Maybe she is. This is new generation of "Jedi". It's worth saying she may even be the new Anakin, and much stronger than he ever was, therefore being a goddess could be a good description of her. They still have another movie to reveal why she is so powerful. Don't need to do it here in part 2. you could say the biggest reveal of this trilogy is why she is the way she is, and is being saved till the end. This moots your whole argument about her because you are upset she is the way she is because it's still unanswered in this film.

Boring, unrelateable, again, I disagree. She is an awesome actress and plays that character perfect. The mystery surrounding her is half of her character.

The third act wasn't about her, it was about Luke/Ren and the First Order, resistance. Third act was all about closing Luke's arc and it hard cuts to her when he says "I will not be the Last Jedi". That's her part in the third act, along with "moving rocks", didn't really need her for Ren/Luke's showdown, and still got to make a huge point about her possible future.


Luke, who was absent for 30 years and the focal point of episode VII, is again absent, refuses to train Rey, and then also isn't there for the climax. He was supposed to be but then they just decided to rob the audience of that climax and he's really just levitating on the island he never left.

I'll stand by my original thoughts about I love how Luke went out. He was never Jesus and always conflicted. It was a the ultimate pacifist move not to fight Ren and totally what an old Luke would do considering what all transpired with him through the whole series. If you don't like the position he was in, blame JJ for making Luke go in exile in the first place. I think that Rian did him well. Having Yoda and Luke burn down the old "religion" to pave way for the new age, and showing the more human side of the "myth" that was Luke Skywalker was well done. I know people hate it but I liked it.


And then at the end Leia, who is an extremely powerful force user, and the leader of the resistance, and just came back from the dead, and everyone just watched her communicate with Luke, says, ah frick it, just follow Poe down this cave he's never been in, I'm too lazy to lead yall anymore. Couldn't she just throw all those rocks out the way? She literally can fly through space but she can't move a couple rocks or whatever.

Again, this movie and trilogy are about ending the OT characters. The torch is being passed. Leia was also still healing, she wasn't like 100% back to normal.


The antagonist is I guess whoever is operating the laser cannons on the one ship the first order decides to fire at the escape pods with? They never send Fighters or bombers or call in back up or anything they just let one ship lob unharmful cannon fire at them for a while or whatever.

The antagonist is the entire first order, Ren, and (was) Snoke, Phasma, etc. I know you don't think they are good antagonist (blah blah who was snoke anyway, why, etc) but for the sake of this post cmon man, there's obvious story ingredients here.

Posted by musick
the internet
Member since Dec 2008
26127 posts
Posted on 1/9/18 at 10:50 am to

The plot of the movie is a nightmare. There seem to be atleast 4 different stories being told all at once and we just kind of randomly jump in and out of them so the viewer gets no clear attachment. None of the plots of any of these 4 stories (resistance ship being attacked, Rey and Luke, Finn and Rose, Poe and Dern) affect any of the characters in any meaningful way. I'd be amazed if any of you could show me significant character growth in any character outside of Finn, who for the first time decides to stay and fight instead of run but the viewer is robbed of this climax when rose ex machina saves him. And then he somehow just walks right past the entire first order and the explosions surrounding Luke into the base or whatever the frick that scene was.

This part I mostly agree with. The rose/finn section was a waste of time and the whole thing felt like a forced SJW agenda (bad white people, destory this town, PETA free the animals, rich sickos, etc) and it's just terrible and made the movie drag when the entire subplot went nowhere and "paid off" in a terrible un-earned kiss. That whole thing felt like straight from Disney execs as a prereq to making this movie.

They def robbed Finn of his hero moment. For a stupid kiss and another SJW about "fight for the things we love" instead of "destroying the things we hate", again, felt like it was pulled right out of a 90s disney movie.

Character growth, I'd argue that Kylo Ren/ Ben Solo has the most in this movie, and Finn second. Not terrible. Rey has some too but not as much.


Also, those 4 plots never intersect for a conclusion.

Again, just wrong. They all climaxed in the end, the only reason Rose was there to save Finn, and also Ren, Luke and Leia, and the first order being in the same place was bc of the aforementioned shitty subplot.

You have everyone intersecting at the salt mine, again so IDK why you said that.


I hate this fricking movie. It's a failure on the basic level of storytelling and plot structure.

Fair and you have that right. But as I've been saying since the beginning of me defending it, no, it's not a perfect movie, but I think hardcore fandom and invested interest in Star Wars hurt it more than the actual film being poor.

Star Wars is just too big for it's own good. Which is why the movies other than the "main trilogy" are going to be better from now on, and also why I think Disney did this, they are ready to move on and start something new, while still trying to throw the OT a bone. Could they have done better, obviously yes. IMO they should have just kept JJ from the beginning, he "got" it and I feel he is going to do a damn good job of fixing all the stuff Johnson tainted. It wasn't ever going to be met with universal praise because of the sheer monster that is Star Wars.

Disney took a risk hiring Johnson for this which only real credit was Looper and 3 breaking bad episodes. It backfired. The movie is not great, and not terrible. It is the epitome of a middle of the road movie for me. But I enjoyed it immensely, and can't wait for JJ to wrap this up so we can all move on.

Do we think Disney is going to part ways over this with the next trilogy? I don't think so but it will be interesting to watch unfold.

I hope that was at least decent enough for you.

This post was edited on 1/9/18 at 12:54 pm
Posted by meeple
Member since May 2011
9653 posts
Posted on 1/9/18 at 12:02 pm to
I don't have time to respond to all of this, but I will this


the only reason Rose was there to save Finn, and Ren, Luke and Leia

Did we watch the same movie?
Posted by musick
the internet
Member since Dec 2008
26127 posts
Posted on 1/9/18 at 12:51 pm to
Rose there being for Finn is what I meant, and Luke, leia, Ren being all physically in the same place as those two, worded poorly yes my fault.

But he said the plots don't intersect ever
Posted by meeple
Member since May 2011
9653 posts
Posted on 1/9/18 at 1:45 pm to
Ah, ok
Posted by TexasSinger
Front Row
Member since Feb 2006
4481 posts
Posted on 1/9/18 at 8:47 pm to
Finally saw TLJ. Pretty disappointing imo. Disney has driven this Lucas lambo right off a cliff. Also, maybe this should have been named TLM....The Last Men. I guess E9 will kill off the last couple of men left and go all female cast. And have them all in black dresses.
Posted by Tom288
Member since Apr 2009
21101 posts
Posted on 1/10/18 at 3:36 am to

Now TLJ is down to 49% on RT.

Posted by Breesus
House of the Rising Sun
Member since Jan 2010
67023 posts
Posted on 1/10/18 at 8:31 pm to

'm going to do this bc I respect you as a poster here and we usually have legit discussions from different angles.

I appreciate that. I'm glad someone wants to have in depth discussion about this move rather than random bullshite and insults.

A lot of conjecture and opinion here. 

Outside of the line "boring and unrelatable" that entire post is just a factual summary of what happened in the movie. What did you consider opinion?


Rey/Finn/Poe/Leia/Resistance/Luke are all protagonists. By definition. Good ones? That's up for debate but they are protagonists so that refutes that point. 

Those seem to be the "good guy" main characters, but I don't think you can just list 5 different people and an entire movement as your argument for a protagonist? In fact, I'd argue that you listing the entire cast of the good guys is proof that there is no clear protagonist.

A protagonist by definition is the leading figure and hero or champion of a work/book/movie. There is no clear hero or champion. And again, this has alot to do with the fricked up plot. Poe and Rose objectively fail at their plot lines.

Leia is in a coma basically the whole movie.

And Rey spends most of the movie hanging out on an island and then she shows up magically at the very end.

Actually the best example in the movie of a "protagonist" is Poe. If it wasn't for him being a hero and taking out the dreadnaught the entire Resistance would've been dead about 20 minutes into the movie. And of it wasn't for him distracting TFO, the entire Resistance would've been dead, and if it wasn't for him saving Finn and Rose they'd both be dead and at the end he leads the resistance. The problem is he is constantly attacked for his decisions by the other "protagonists" so he's clearly not viewed as a hero or leader and at the end when he's finally given a chance to lead he leads them directly into a dead end.


Rey is a goddess? Maybe she is. This is new generation of "Jedi". It's worth saying she may even be the new Anakin, and much stronger than he ever was, therefore being a goddess could be a good description of her. 

You missed the point of my post. She's done absolutely nothing to earn her powers or grow as a character. Anikan was born incredibly gifted and powerful, but he underwent training by two different Jedi and a Sith lord and underwent a hell of alot of character building and development and internal and external struggle.

Obi-Wan was trained and saw many struggles and issues in his life.

Luke trained under two different Jedi Masters and underwent internal and external struggles.

Rey has done none of that. As the "hero" of the movie she falls flat. I agree about Daisy Ridley. I like her as an actress and I'm positive she's the only reason Rey is viewed favorably, but Rey has no depth. She has no character. She's a supremely talented and incredibly powerful person with 0 training and 0 practice and she never once waivers in her convictions. Where's the lesson? Where's the relatability? It's like starting at lvl 1 in a video game with all of your characters stats maxed out and all of the story fleshed out and finished. There's no point. I'm not upset that she's way she is because it's "unanswered in the film" in upset because it's shitty storytelling and shitty writing and atrocious character development.

It doesn't matter who her parents are. It doesn't matter where she comes from. Nothing about her matters because he only character trait is that she was born the Supreme unwavering godess of the universe and that's it.


The third act wasn't about her, 

Then she's not the protagonists of the movie.


It was a the ultimate pacifist move not to fight Ren

The ultimate pacifist move.... But after he tried to murder his nephew in his sleep because of a dream he had?


Having Yoda and Luke burn down the old "religion" to pave way for the new age, and showing the more human side of the "myth" that was Luke Skywalker was well done. 

Well done? Ghost Yoda can summon extremely powerful force lightening? Where the frick was he the rest of the entirety of star wars after Empire? If force ghosts can summon lightening, it opens the entire universe to massive plot holes.

Also, in case you missed the end of the movie, they didn't "burn down the old religion" they just lit a tree on fire. Rey had all the books with her in the Falcon and pledged to continue the Jedi Order. So she ignored everything Luke said and invalidated the entire Luke and Yoda scene.


Again, this movie and trilogy are about ending the OT characters. 

Really? After TFA I thought it was about Rey and Finn and Poe and the new Resistance and Ren and Hux and The First Order. There was not reason to make an entire movie just for the purpose of shitting on the characters of the OT, which is against horrendous story telling and writing.


The antagonist is the entire first order, Ren, and (was) Snoke, Phasma, etc. 

Again, I don't think you can just list out the other half of the cast as antagonists. If anything, Hux is the main antagonist. Not anyone else.

Snoke never seems to do much of anything or care about the resistance. Phasma is a mini antagonist to Finn, but she's in one scene and gets the frick beat out of her, not much of an adversary, Ren isn't really and antagonist at all. He is just a guy talking to Rey most of the movie and the he even teams up with her in the throne room, and at the end he fights a ghost.
This post was edited on 1/11/18 at 6:12 am
Posted by Breesus
House of the Rising Sun
Member since Jan 2010
67023 posts
Posted on 1/10/18 at 8:48 pm to

They def robbed Finn of his hero moment. For a stupid kiss and another SJW about "fight for the things we love" 

Don't forget that Finn and Rose's entire storyline is a failure. They fail to get the first code cracker and the second guy betrays them,so they don't help the resistance at all and then Finn is about to sacrifice himself to save everyone and Rose stops him and dooms everyone to death of not for the Rey ex machina completely unknown to her. Their entire plot line could literally be edited out the movie and no one would notice.


Character growth, I'd argue that Kylo Ren/ Ben Solo has the most in this movie

Kylo is by far my favorite character in the trilogy up to now. But he didn't experience much character growth in this movie. He still had a soft spot for his mom, he's still conflicted between light and dark, he still likes Rey alot and doesn't want to hurt her, he's still raw power with no training, etc... But he was the best part of the movies.

Finn, I agree. His character developed and he went from a run away scared storm trooper, to a guy sympathetic to the resistance, to a guy who decided not to run anymore, and now he's conflicted between Rey and Rose. I'll agree there.


Again, just wrong. They all climaxed in the end, the only reason Rose was there to save Finn, and also Ren, Luke and Leia, and the first order being in the same place was bc of the aforementioned shitty subplot. 

You have everyone intersecting at the salt mine, again so IDK why you said that. 

The characters intersected at the salt mine. The plot lines did not. There is an important difference. And it is another example of this movie's failure from the aspect of story telling.

Finn and Rose's plot line was to find the one code cracker in the galaxy who could take down the First Order shields, not only did they fail to get that guy, but the guy they did recruit turned on them, and before they made it back the ship was destroyed anyway so none of it mattered. Their plot line was inconsequential to the movie.

Rey the character showed up, but her whole plot line made no difference to the movie. She's already shown to be a gifted pilot and force user in the first movie and she got no training from Luke to change anything.


Star Wars is just too big for it's own good. Which is why the movies other than the "main trilogy" are going to be better from now on, and also why I think Disney did this

bullshite. There are a frick ton of story's and characters they could've explored. I reject the whole premise that "we needed to kill the OT and destroy everything about the characters in it" that is, again, horrendous story telling.


Disney took a risk hiring Johnson for this 

Disney studios is a complete and utter failure.

They started a trilogy with one of the most loved IPs ever and had no theme, no direction, no architect, wiped their arse with the established source material, and hired two completely different directors and writers to do the first two movies with no thought about connecting the two.
Posted by statman34
Member since Feb 2011
3083 posts
Posted on 1/11/18 at 9:58 am to

They started a trilogy with one of the most loved IPs ever and had no theme, no direction, no architect, wiped their arse with the established source material, and hired two completely different directors and writers to do the first two movies with no thought about connecting the two.

I liked the movie, but if I could validate one criticism, this one would be it. Two different visions and clearly two different directions. That was disappointing.
Posted by CockCommander
Member since Feb 2014
2897 posts
Posted on 1/12/18 at 8:15 am to
I’m spending at least 3 hours a day thinking about possibilities for episode 9
Posted by CockCommander
Member since Feb 2014
2897 posts
Posted on 1/12/18 at 8:35 am to
I also want to point out that Snoke is very likely not dead. If Snoke bridged their minds, then how does their force bond continue after his “death?”

It’s because he isn’t dead. In fact, he probably was never there in the first place. Probably still hanging out in the unknown regions consorting with god knows what (many theories on this.)
Posted by meeple
Member since May 2011
9653 posts
Posted on 1/12/18 at 10:30 am to

It’s because he isn’t dead. In fact, he probably was never there in the first place. Probably still hanging out in the unknown regions consorting with god knows what (many theories on this.)

I really like this line of thinking, I just wish it was developed a little more and that was one of the cliffhangers for TLJ. There really was no cliffhanger.

Now so much has to be developed and crammed into Episode IX. It's almost like they need to make this series a tetralogy to further develop these arcs.
Posted by Salamander_Wilson
Member since Jul 2015
7801 posts
Posted on 1/12/18 at 2:08 pm to
If he wasn't there how did he end up chopped in half and panned to with a ridiculous 'I'm dead' face that they put in for comic relief?
Posted by Akit1
Baton Rouge, LA
Member since Jul 2006
7719 posts
Posted on 1/12/18 at 2:50 pm to
Just saw it. It was good but they are getting ridiculous with the Force. Using the Force to mediate oneself or whatever that was with Luke at the end was too much.

I wanted more litesaber. Maybe Snoke could've fought Rey and Kylo Ren at the same time? We were teased with lightning and that was it.
Posted by Broken Coyote
Seated. Facing forward
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Posted on 1/12/18 at 6:03 pm to
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