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CopyPasta Thread 2.0

Posted on 3/16/17 at 1:24 pm
Posted by Burt Reynolds
Monterey, CA
Member since Jul 2008
22443 posts
Posted on 3/16/17 at 1:24 pm
Let me kick this one off with some of our all time faves


sorry for starting a music venue that was essentially a hobby and passion project (that plenty of musicians, media and fans really appreciated). What do you do to help any music scene? As a matter of fact what do you period? Since you know me so well you probably realize I am rarely in my hometown of BR and that most of my time is spent in LA/ATL/NOLA (my home base) working on films. So don't lump me in any BR scenester categories. And by promote i guess you mean give free tickets to members of this site that i have been a member of since 2004. So spare me your flame tactics

meltdown ? hardly. You just seem like a petulant child and attacked me directly, so i responded. I will sleep at night for sure knowing I at least tried something. Oh and by the way i still have a music venue in NOLA, so I'm good on that front. I don't give a shite about the tiers on this board, but won't sit back and let some idiot call me a douche. Burt feel free to tell all of us about your super cool life and your contributions to entertainment on the local and national level. Until then I need to get back to Art Directing another studio film with a little known actor named Robert De Niro douche


Oh wow. You are as lame as I predicted with a pretty high level of creepiness. Lucky for you though I can also spew paragraphs of grade school bullshite with the best of them so if this is the level "your" music board has stooped too than I'm your huckleberry. Ole St. Amant Steve's thread was in fact derailed, but it wasn't by me. It was by derailed by the same bush league "your music sux" jabber that seems to be the norm here on "your" board. Good ole Burt removed his cock from your mouth right off the bat and fired a bullet at poor Steve informing him that 9 of the 10 bands he liked were "awful". From there Steve's thread took a turn for the worst. I don't post much on "your" board but I do notice that Burt often likes to shite on most people's music (and probably your chest). Fine by me, but if you're are going to post in such a manner you can expect similar retorts from people from time to time. Which is what I did. Burt replied some typical reply back to me consistent with the burned out uncreative mind of a drug addled miscreant/ internet rock star. And that would have been the end of it. Little did I know about your existence on here, much less your bottom bitch toadie relationship with Burt. You took it upon yourself to 1) Out yourself as some creepy arse internet stalker dude and 2) Totally wipe out all hope for poor Steve's seemingly innocent Southern Rock band thread to ever be anything other than a total clusterfrick. Great job Spaulding. And great board you have going here. I think I'll take your advise and spend my time making jokes about Katy Perry's tits, cooking bad food, and judging minorities by the color of their skin. At least that will save me from further getting owned on your board. Later
Posted by Brosef Stalin
Member since Dec 2011
39343 posts
Posted on 3/16/17 at 1:28 pm to
Number 1 is JW. I don't know who said number 2.
Posted by Damone
Member since Aug 2016
32966 posts
Posted on 3/16/17 at 1:44 pm to

Listen up scumbag: This is the second time now that either me or someone I know has gotten sick from your food. My best friend Sarah had one of your tacos Sunday night at Alpine Valley and we had to stop at an urgent care this morning.

Diagnosis: Food poisoning.

I also got very sick at Great Woods 2014 and confronted you about it. You swore up and down on your food preparation techniques. You tried to offer me a free taco. After I refused you tried to offer me the nastiest piece of beaster weed I have ever seen in my life. It looked like it came from a custy's bag via '99 Polaris show time capsule.

To all of you looking to buy food on lot please avoid this wook like the plague. He's dragging around a cooler full of tilapia from show to show without changing the ice or the fish. He is literally poisoning phans.

And you better hope I don't see you at Dick's my friend. We are coming to find you and dumping your product on the fricking ground. You are done making people sick with your old and tainted fish.


LISTEN UP BITCHES. DO NOT BUY no muthafuggin' tickets form a homie named "Brent the Dent." This muthafugga is a goddamn shallow tardhole and I'ma bout to tell you why. So It's '09 summer tour and I'm getting my swag on with the boomboom recitative of Leroi. Now, this is right after Leroi died, so my soul was still tender as I'm sure yours was 2. But I wanna see some Dave still, naturally. So I'm on Stubhub (and suck my p**** if you don't like it, stubhub is the s*** dog) and I'm looking for some fresh tix to the Syracuse show. I wake up on the first of August and the heat is seeping through my expensive glass windshield. I sit up in my Grand Cherokee and greet the day. It is my birthday. My hungover girfriend is passed out like a muthafugga in the seat next to me. I doseraped her that night and she asked me for more (call me if you wanna know how we do it). So I dial up this homie who says he can get me some fresh tix to the Syracuse show, even though it was sold out. He says he goes by Brent the Dent. I say "sweet man/" So we strike up a deal. I'll send him the cash through PayPal, he'll send me the tix, and voila, I'll be raging with an ice cold PBR third row with some honeys drapin' their tanned arms 'round my shoulder in three days haste. So I send him the cash. Don't ask me how much I spent, I work hard for my dough and if you wanna judge go to law school, b****. So I'm out $400, and the tix never show. I try sneaking into the show and I even give the guy at the front the sob story about how I got ripped off on my birthday.

Now here's the kicker: he says "who'd you buy the tix from"

I say, "Brent the Dent."

He says "come with me." This burly sweet caramel mountain of a man leads me through the doors of what seems to be the back entrance of the venue. Little did I know, it was a small secluded room so dark you'd think you'd gone blind. Suddenly I feel his mammoth bear hands wrap around my waist as he gracefully steals my a*** virginity. As I squeal like Porky the Pig he tapes something across my face. I woke up on the back of the floor as set 2 started, feeling Leroi's spirit pumping through my molested body.


At Echo Project I watched a wookette giving birth during the GZA set. I was just peaking on some 2ci. People were trying to get medical help, but they hadn't arrived. Some other wookette claimed to be a midwife and was coaching the woman through this. Her wook man is standing there shirtless and spun like top, just making these weird sounds while he is crushing his beer can and spraying coors light all over everyone. He looked really anxious about the whole thing, grabbing his face and just making grunts and stuff. The baby's head starts to crown and the medics still haven't arrived.

This is where it gets crazy... It was so fricking dusty out there and the baby and all the surrounding fluids were immediately "muddified" by the blowing dirt. I mean, its fricking gross. All of a sudden, this fricking kid (probably 19 or 20) in his oversized neon, flat-brim LRG hat, runs up yelling "welcome to the party bitch!" before he blows a huge plume of smoke right in the baby's face! While the umbilical cord is still attached and shite!
The smell was unmistakeable, this baby had just been deemster'd.

He must have pulled the hit from a bong, b/c it was monstrous. The surrounding crowd dropped their jaws, and someone tackled the kid as he starts to run away. He didn't make it more than 10ft and the he was probably blasting off about now.

The mom is clutching the dirty baby and trying to calm it. Though, strangely, the baby was not crying (tripping balls i guess?). And while the dude is getting screamed at, the dad suddenly pounces into action. He jumps on the dude, and starts smashing said bisco kid's face with the crushed up beer can, of which he seemingly just can't let go. The bisco kid is kicking and trying to roll out of it and the wook-dad grabs the kid's hair w/ one hand. he finally let the can go and shoves his other hand half way inside the guys mouth. He is pulling his mouth open and RIPS HIS CHEEK OPEN!

repeat: rips his fricking CHEEK OPEN!
there is blood everywhere and the dude lets out this braveheart-like scream as he gets pulled off by the folks around him. Blood all over bisco kid's face, shirt and formerly fresh flat breezy. The cops/medics arrived about that time and took over the situation.
shite was crazy as hell.
Posted by lsu2006
Member since Feb 2004
39990 posts
Posted on 3/16/17 at 1:45 pm to
RIP in peace J_W and M&W
Posted by Spaulding Smails
Milano’s Bar
Member since Jun 2012
18805 posts
Posted on 3/16/17 at 2:14 pm to
Number 2 is LSUballsack
Posted by link
Member since Feb 2009
19867 posts
Posted on 3/16/17 at 2:27 pm to
It was a Monday. Monday November 21, 2016. I was in the CICU at Grandview Hospital just south of Birmingham. I'd been there since the 7th and was recovering from open-heart surgery done exactly one week before on the 14th.

I was in good spirits to start the day. My wife had gone home the night before for the first time since I'd been admitted. She was preparing the house for us to come home, buying groceries, supplies we'd need for me, things like that. You see, I was doing so well that they'd scheduled me to go him the next day.

I didn't know it at the time, but when my wife arrived back at the hospital that morning she and my nurse both noticed something had gone wrong. What they noticed was my color, it had left me. They described me as looking "gray".

As the day went on, I started noting I was having breathing trouble. I had no idea why though. Luckily my nurse, who had noticed something was wrong, though what that might be they had not figured out yet. She started by ordering things like blood work, x-rays, things like that to try and figure out what was going on. She even called in doctors to check me out as the day progressed.

AS the day wore on breathing kept getting harder and harder. I didn't know it yet, in fact neither did the hospital staff, that I was slowly bleeding to death internally.

What had happened was the dosage of my blood thinner was too high. My blood had become too thin and was leaking out of my heart through my still healing sutures. This blood was filling up both my chest cavity, squeezing my lungs and thus making it more and more difficult to breath, and the membrane that surrounds my heart, thus slowly squeezing my heart.

By early evening I knew something had gone bad wrong. I simply could not hardly breath. I felt like I was being slowly strangled to death. Around 6 PM I was begging the nurses to help me breath. That's the last thing I remember from the day.

According to my wife, who had been by my side all day while this was going on, they got me in my bed and started working on me more. She said I was awake until about 9:00 PM or so when she said I said "I'm sorry", my eyes rolled back in my head and everything just flat-lined. No breathing, no heartbeat, nothing.

They started rescue procedures while they rushed her out and into the waiting room. They got my heart started and rushed me to surgery. They cracked my chest back open and that's when they found the bleeding from my heart. What had made my heart stop was the membrane around it had filled up with blood to the point my heart could no longer beat. They opened up the membrane and installed more drain tubes coming out of my abdomen.

The next thing I knew I was waking up with a breathing tube down my throat. It was about 1:00 AM or so in the morning and I could hear my wife and brother talking over to one side. Seems like they were talking to a nurse.

That's pretty much it. I still had a whole long road of tough recovery to go through, mostly due to massive loss of blood and still massive amounts of fluid in my chest cavity around my lungs. But going on four months since that day, I'm doing a lot better and am almost back to normal.

The End
Posted by rutiger
Member since Jun 2007
21149 posts
Posted on 3/16/17 at 2:31 pm to


That last story had me rollin trying to imagine it going down.
Posted by Funky Tide 8
Tittleman's Crest
Member since Feb 2009
52899 posts
Posted on 3/16/17 at 2:58 pm to

Twiddle, a Vermont-based quartet, spins tall-tales over an intricate soundscape of hi-def shred. They have started a frenzy on both coasts, composing complex arrangements that conjure up Coltrane, Ranglin, and Zappa. Obliterating the laws of improvisation, Twiddle delivers spectacular climaxes, defiantly weaves through genres, and never fails to leave a crowd lusting for more. It is three-dimensional music. You can see it from all sides, and even serve it to your guests. It's Twiddle. Tasty.
Posted by danman6336
Member since Jan 2005
19440 posts
Posted on 3/16/17 at 3:36 pm to
something something had that little girl look something something courage to kill yourself
Posted by danman6336
Member since Jan 2005
19440 posts
Posted on 3/16/17 at 3:44 pm to

The disco biscuits are very juvenile. Their music is all surface, and no substance. They use alot of "pretty" sounds, and employ some clever gimmicks that work well on a superficial level. Especially if you are on drugs. The fast tempo, strobing lights, and synth sounds really get those tweaked out receptors firing.

But beneath all of that; it's soul-less. Empty. You just keep that bass drum thumping on all four beats, keep the tempo around 125-130, repeat a very simplistic five note riff ad-naseum, and then speed up and get loud when you want it to "peak."

All of the poor souls who think they are hearing something interesting talk about how great they are at the segue ... refusing to admit how ridiculously similar all of their songs are. It's not much of a segue if you stay at the exact same tempo (and often times the same key) while switching to another song that has no words, and is the same style and feel as the last song you just "segued" out of.

No one in the band really has much talent as a musician - and the stuff they play doesn't require them to. They stick to a very cliché formula. Their original compositions are laughable. The last time I was forced to listen to some "nasty new bisco," somebody put on "MEMPHIS" and I was just shocked at how stupid it was: structurally, lyrically, and vocally - so childish and boring on all fronts. And this isn't even one of their "untz" songs. The "jam" tagged on to the end of it was one chord, the entire time. And this isn't even one of their "untz" songs.

About ten minutes in, the bisco fans in the room got very excited when the jam "took off".

In reality, all that happened was the keyboard player switched from piano to a synth sound, the guitar player started doubling the bass-line, and the drummer gradually sped up. Eventually the keyboard player switched to the "bird-noises" patch, and this really sent everyone into an uproar.

Eventually the "jam" reached full UNTZ mode, and became the standard biscuits jam. But nothing interesting ever happened ... and nothing ever does.

Posted by CaptainPanic
Member since Sep 2011
25582 posts
Posted on 3/16/17 at 4:46 pm to

I can see it know. Redneck panic gump flying down the mountain with his super fly Scott goggles and northface/Colombia gayper jacket he just pulled off the rack at academy. BUT frick IT, this is LSU ski trip and he came to get fricked up with the bros. they probably smoked hellllla dank weed that the bought from some hippie for $60 an eighth. Hella cheap prices after captain panic told him he was in the spreadhead family of Louisiana. Sodank. Then probably drank super rare hoppy rado beers until 6AM IN THE MORNING. Then went Snoeboarding on a his ultra faded burton rental the next morning and killed even more brewskis. So fricking rad brah.
Posted by danman6336
Member since Jan 2005
19440 posts
Posted on 3/16/17 at 4:48 pm to

they probably smoked hellllla dank weed that the bought from some hippie for $60 an eighth
My boy squirrels hooked them up
Posted by PowerTool
The dark side of the road
Member since Dec 2009
21261 posts
Posted on 3/17/17 at 3:59 am to
I remember how much time I wasted reading the original copypasta thread. the phish phorum rants about dancing space were the best.
Posted by Cdawg
TigerFred's Living Room
Member since Sep 2003
59646 posts
Posted on 3/17/17 at 6:15 am to

The End

No it wasn't. He was resurrected.
Posted by link
Member since Feb 2009
19867 posts
Posted on 3/17/17 at 9:17 am to
I have gone through phases where each one of these has been my favorite. I think each one of these is a masterpiece. I think And Justice is the most consistent and solid all the way through. That album is just relentless with the way it grooves and constantly hammers you. The songwriting was top notch and they were hitting on all cylinders. If I have a road trip somewhere, Justice is my go to Metallica album. My dog loves that shite too, I roll down the window and he sticks his head out the door and I swear I think Justice and the thrash on that one gives him a boner from pure excitement. I know a lot of people complain about the sound and mix of Justice and that the bass was swallowed up (turned down) in the mix and James' layered guitar tracks basically owned the low end on the album. I do somewhat agree with this, but I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing. The guitar sound is absolutely massive. I think it's mixed a tad dry and needs slightly more mid frequencies, but man does it fricking thump and hit you in the chest. Ive listened to this album through a $30K record system before on vinyl and it is SOOOO heavy and satisfying. I think Kirk played the best he ever has on this album too. I think Justice is the closest thing Metallica got to a "concept" album as every song really flows nicely into the next. "Blackened" is one of the best songs Metallica has ever written and I think is their best album opener of any album.

Lightning - I think has the highest points of any Metallica album. Fade to Black, Creeping Death (what a badass fricking opening riff!), and For Whom the Bell Tolls are top 10 Metallica songs. Call of the Ktulu is also an incredible piece of songwriting. I think the overall sound of this album wasn't nearly as heavy or big (purely talking mix, the riffs were obviously on point) as Master or Justice. I think this was the last album they still used Marshall amps on and transitioned over to the Boogies on Master which could be a big reason they got such a dif sounds on the later albums. Fade to Black, for me, is one of the greatest rock/metal songs ever written. Love the journey that it takes you on going back and forth between light acoustic melody in Am and then the heavy arse rhythm during the chorus. Also one of the greatest of all time riffs during the breakdown in that song. Epic guitar solo to finish off the end.

Master - I think Orion is the best song on this album. Brilliant the way the distorted bass leads off with the drums slowly fading in then into this monster chugging riff that makes your speakers woof out. Battery, Disposable, Sanitarium, and obviously Master. Just a loaded album all the way through. I think it may be the best mixed Metallica album as far as overall sound. It's not as scooped or dry as Justice making it slightly less heavy sounding, but it's more pleasing because it's more balanced to me. I think a song like Master is what separates Metallica of that era from other all time metal greats. Incredible thrash riff to open the song, incredible grind to the verse rhythm, awesome catchy chorus riff, then the breakdown melody and lead guitar work over the top of it puts it on another level that other bands cant touch. Also, perfect example of James' songwriting (he's never been much of a poet, but has his moments) excelling and writing something with thought behind it.

IMO, this 3 album stretch is the pinnacle of songwriting in the metal genre. I don't think anyone can or ever will string something like this together again.
Posted by Burt Reynolds
Monterey, CA
Member since Jul 2008
22443 posts
Posted on 3/17/17 at 9:28 am to
Posted by Spaulding Smails
Milano’s Bar
Member since Jun 2012
18805 posts
Posted on 3/17/17 at 11:09 am to
Original Copypasta thread
For your reading pleasure
Posted by Burt Reynolds
Monterey, CA
Member since Jul 2008
22443 posts
Posted on 3/17/17 at 12:11 pm to

frickin' Christ on a cracker, you frickin' idiots have just puked and liquid shat all over the board today. Get a life, dickmouth. fricking shite you pricks need to get laid. Disco biscuits suck and their fan base is full of ball lickers. Why is that so hard to comprehend? Are you frickin retarded, retard?

Candidate for the doc award IMO^
Posted by theanswer69
Member since Mar 2017
66 posts
Posted on 3/18/17 at 2:01 am to
Yeah f that dude oh and the biscuits are fire af for any of u playa hatas especially honest tune's scrub arse
Posted by Burt Reynolds
Monterey, CA
Member since Jul 2008
22443 posts
Posted on 3/19/17 at 6:48 pm to

damn you're insufferable. Why don't we just cut to the chase and you tell us who your favorite: -band -guitarist -drummer -album are so we can go ahead and make fun of you

Melt of the day IMO
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