Favorite team:Virginia 
Location:Milano’s Bar
Biography:Trump is a fat douche
Interests:Pastrami Sandwiches
Occupation:Financial Investor of Drake's Bar
Number of Posts:18805
Registered on:6/18/2012
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My dad is retired and enjoying life. He’s about to collect a nice stimulus check and spend it on something nice for the misses
28,000+ due to COVID
1 guy that someone on TD knows killed himself due to financial stress
But muh economy!!!
Hopefully that just torched the K+J=Saul theories

re: Living in Kansas

Posted by Spaulding Smails on 1/28/20 at 8:59 pm
Lawrence is one of the best college towns in America

re: Unpopular Opinions

Posted by Spaulding Smails on 1/24/20 at 2:34 pm
People who rewatch Friends and The Office every night are fricking morons
America is tired of military vets screaming that the US likes to underfund the VA, so they can’t get proper treatment for their PTSD and they flip out and beat their spouses or kill themselves

We're tired of your Veterans and Military Pride parades.

We are tired of your insistence that, yes,

Go frick yourself you estrogen filled pussy. That certainly wasn't my story or the majority that I served with.

Listen here, welfare queen. I’m tired of you and your buddies taking my tax payer dollars so you can go play dress up in the desert and then whine about your PTSD and trying

I mean trannies have what, a 30% suicide rate?
They are seriously mentally ill.

That’s a great point.

No one in the military has killed themselves! :USA:

With regards to trans gendered folks I dont see how gender dysphoria would effect someones combat ability but I guess you feel differently..curious as to why?

Because he ain’t letting his hard earned tax payer money go to some man to get his wiener cut off! His tax payer money is onl

t's not a jobs program.

It’s a welfare program that low educated MEN and WOMEN join to feel good about themselves and collect welfare checks forever. No transgenders allowed on the scheme!

People put in a lot of hours of research to find something that will trigger them.

Yup...just to try and get internet clout on a group think website

So those suffering with depression or PTSD or any other form of mental illness, in your opinion, dont belong in the military?

If it’s a man with barely a high school degree and a little depression or PTSD, then by god son, let him in the military!!

Mentally ill people don't belong in the our military or any allies

I agree! Let me tell you why...

Hold on, some former US Vet snapped and is shooting up the mall I am at right now.
Did you scour Twitter for this or was this the most upvoted post on IncelDumpster.com?

I have a time/print saving idea for Cali - just put a website up with the EXTREMELY SHORT list of things that the State of California does NOT consider a known carcinogen.

Must be 8 to 10 things on such a list, tops.

Bernie is probably one. Obama another.


Except that it is hemorrhaging tax paying residents due to these loony policies and state taxes.

California will continue to gain new tax payers every day. The state will be just fine without the moderate republicans leaving.

California **considers**declaring common pain killer carcinogen

Post the truth or don’t post it at all.

This means it’s going to be discussed. Hasn’t even happened yet.
Did you stumble upon that accidentally when you were looking for the chicks with dicks, subreddit? :confused:
I’ve been banned for almost 8 months and it’s good to see that the OT is still obsessed with what people do with their cocks and vaginas. Go take a cold shower, fellas :lol: