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Women in Combat Arms: The Master Thread

Posted on 11/16/16 at 9:24 pm
Posted by MrCarton
Paradise Valley, MT
Member since Dec 2009
20231 posts
Posted on 11/16/16 at 9:24 pm
I think a lot of the vets have grown a little weary of saying the same things over and over about the topic of women in combat arms (henceforth WICA). I know I certainly have. This thread will contain a link to every thread I can find on the subject and a few choice nuggets that I think best describe the most convincing arguments. Give some credit to the guys who put the time in to argue for the good of the United States in these threads and know that this topic is very close to a lot of our hearts for all the right reasons. Unfortunately, after the standards have been reduced to worthlessness, an American woman will be killed conducting deliberate combat operations and a little part of America will instantly die with her. When that happens, I want this thread to remind people why we stood against it. If anyone else is down for it, I would like to add just a simple background for the vets so that readers can see what experience you are drawing from. That would actually be pretty cool.

I won't be able to find all of them, so if you posted something you think is good just paste it in here and get the credit you deserve. Or if you saw a particularly unconvincing argument that is also hilarious, that will work too.

Special credits to the following:

A real deal Holyfield Field Grade Officer, a man of good temperament and integrity, and above all else, a fellow Wolfhound: Wolfhound45

Everyone's favorite Marine, a man I wouldn't hesitate to go to war with under any circumstance, and a veteran of what will go down as one of the all time battles in American history: GT23

Should have been a Wolfhound owing to his consistent habit of winning, and a rare breed mustang officer, though a young colt he might have been: Ace Midnight

My favorite squid and hopefully a field grade officer with many years left of service: NT74

A field grade officer with the wisdom to match his position, a man who has kept me honest and shared much insight: Champagne

Our best flyboy and field grade officer, who might well have covered many of our asses in Afghanistan: JBird

Sentrius (I thought you were a vet, if not I can remove)
Shorty Rob
Darth Vader

...and many more.

For all of our differences, the only thing coming between the men on that list is a cold beer.

The Case Against Women in Combat arms GT23

USSOCOM: A Tale of Two Lying Cowards MrCarton

Will Trump Reverse Women in Combat roles? GT23

Female Marine drops out of infantry course theenemy

86% of women drop from combat training Darth Vadar

Draft Our Daughter Memes hawgfaninc

Women Unfit for Combat and Stress Situations CtotheVrzrbck

Frustrations with women in combat roles Wolfhound45

GEN John Kelly gives warning GT23

Why Dunford Hasn't spoken on Women in Combat? GT 23

Marine Corps Women in Combat Roles GT23

Women in Combat May Take Two Years GT23

Women on Submarines? Awesome Idea... MrCarton

Some golden Hits:

GT23 bringing the heat

So you're blaming the women on board vs. the asshat that videoed them? Well that's just dumb as dirt. No, and anyone that got that from his post is a fricking retard. It's the Navy's fault for putting women on board in the first place. Instead of the crew of that submarine doing its fricking job the captain and officers were dealing with shite. The ship was less combat effective and the country less safe because women were on the ship. End of story. quote: FYI - I'm a vet AND I currently work at USSOCOM; if a chick can do the job without a lowering of the standards, then let her do it. You're not a combat vet. You haven't been through any type of sof training. If you were you would know why you are wrong. People like you are the motherfucling problem. You'll never be in combat and you won't have to deal with the consequences of women in combat, but you give the notion of women in combat credence because you said the magic words "SOCOM." And you don't really feel that way deep down. Deep down you don't women women there but it makes you feel enlightened or some shite to say "Well, if the can meet the standards then they should he able to do the job." 1. They'll never meet the standards. It's literally impossible for women to meet the current standards. 2. It will destroy unit moral and unit cohesion and combat effectiveness. Which is more important than being physically strong but I can't explain that too you because you've seen a few movies with women playing soldier.


Question - IF the guy doesn't video the women, are we even discussing this? If there were no submarines we wouldn't be discussing this. If there were no Navy, or men, or women, or cameras, we could not have this discussion. They could get rid of showers or build a more private shower, and we wouldn't be having this discussion. IF the men were castrated before puberty we might not have this discussion. If the women were hideous we wouldn't be having this discussion. What is your point here my man? We NEED a navy, subs and men to run them. What we do not need is women on subs. We didn't need them before, we do not need them now. So now we get to deal with men/women problems, which are infinitely more complicated than man/man problems. So if we have no women on subs, are we having this discussion? Oh by the way, there were many DOZENS of men involved in this BTW, not just the guy who entered a guilty plea for filming.

This post was edited on 11/17/16 at 1:09 pm
Posted by MrCarton
Paradise Valley, MT
Member since Dec 2009
20231 posts
Posted on 11/16/16 at 9:24 pm to
Shorty Rob explains from a resource standpoint (what I find to be the strongest argument, considering this is a government institution)


Actually, it's stupid for the following reasons and these reasons are really irrefutable. 1)Training costs money. 2)There are limited training slots. 3)The rate of men who arrive at training with a shot of passing is not 100% but it is many multiples higher than the rate of women who have a shot. 3)Thus, every slot you give a woman is a slot you didn't give to someone with a SUBSTANTIALLY greater shot to not waste your money. Now, it would be one thing if like 80% of men could pass and 60% of women. But no. The numbers are a lot more like 90% of men can and about 10-15% of women can.(and that's probably a VERY optimistic take on it) From a resource use standpoint, it is more fricked up than a football bat.


Did anyone else hear Colonel Jessups voice while reading this? quote: People like you are the motherfucling problem. You'll never be in combat and you won't have to deal with the consequences of women in combat, but you give the notion of women in combat credence because you said the magic words "SOCOM." And you don't really feel that way deep down. Deep down you don't women women there but it makes you feel enlightened or some shite to say "Well, if the can meet the standards then they should he able to do the job."

ShortyRob Again

If a woman passes all the tests, and is without a doubt better in all areas needed for the military job than one of the men on the team, would you allow her to take the job? This is NOT a simple question and I'll illustrate why. There were 19 women given slots to try and pass Army Ranger Training(100% failed). When filling training slots, the Army(or any employer) does not have unlimited funds to let everyone "try". As such, NORMALLY, said employer tries to give people a shot with a high chance of success. With that in mind, remember that 19 men who put in applications for that same course were not given a shot. Ranger school has a historical 50% pass rate. So, the Army now has about 9-10 fewer rangers than it could have reasonably expected had it selected the 19 men they overlooked. There are typically 11 classes per year. Hence, in one year the Army would have 110 fewer rangers in its inventory than it should. Over the course of 10 years, this would amount to a loss of an entire Ranger battalion worth of personnel. And THAT is why the Army should not be in the business of just letting a bunch of women "try".......


Obviously As for the rest of your post I honestly couldn't follow what point you were trying to make. I didn't understand how the whole team died because two people were fricking. I put the blame for that on myself and not on you. The entire point I was trying to illustrate is that it's about unit cohesion. The dirty little PR secret of the Iraq and Afghan wars is that most mixed sex units were absolute clusterfricks as far as cohesion and effectiveness go largely because the people in them couldn't keep it in their pants. It will happen no matter what you do. That absolutely cannot happen in line units; the examples I gave were just a very few of many, many things like that that have happened/could happen. It destroys trust, cohesion, effectiveness, morale, on and on. I know of not a single soldier or Marine who's been in a combat unit - liberal, conservative, moderate, socialist, reactionary - who thinks putting women in combat units is a good idea. Not one


So we should open training pipelines, assign additional cadre, burn training slots, modify living quarters, and waste money, just in case one comes along? That makes sense to you?


Sounds like the army fricked up pretty badly when deciding who to train. It was the best females the Army has to offer. You didn't make the point you were going for.


Because gender is a protected class So the frick what. It's already been established that Constitutional rights go right out the window the minute you sign the dotted line. Do you think Russian sub crews or the IRGC are going to take it a little easier on a mixed sex unit because they aren't as effective? Drill this through your fricking skull: it's not about fairness. It's about what makes the most effective fighting force in the world. War isn't fair. Combat isn't fair.


I don't know why any citizen who is ready, willing and able to serve should be denied. The "able" part is important. How exactly do you think the Armed forces determines who to accept when they show up to recruiting stations? Do you think they take everyone? Do you think the training slots are an unlimited resource? Do you recognize that it costs more to accept recruits who you know are less likely to succeed at a given MOS?


So when people ask why women shouldn't be on subs or combat units or any military unit really, we've given numerous reasons as to why not. -Adverse effects to unit cohesion due to sexual tension and pregnancy -They are physically weaker, even the best the Army and Marines had to offer couldn't pass the muster. -Financially unsound. Spending money on women who want to try even though there is a zero percent success rate. Money spent of god awful "training" telling me it's wrong to rape people. No fricking shite. -Women are more susceptible to PTSD and other medical ailments than men. They're body breaks down quicker and they are more easily injured. And after all of that we ask them "Why should women be allowed to do these jobs?" and they answer "Why not?"


What happens when 11% of females can't deploy because they conveniently get knocked right before shipping out? What happens when even more of them get pregnant on deployment because they can't keep their pussy in their pants? DI'd you know that the Navy spent billions modifying it's ships just to have female birthing and heads and even OBGYNs on the ship? Why the frick did we do all that. We don't need women As a matter of fact they are hindrance to every ship and unit they are in



for the sake of full disclosure, remind us all again why you think women shouldn't vote? Cause they are emotional creatures who vote for large social programs. The right to vote makes them feel empowered but it's all an illusion. They've simply replaced the security that a strong husband provides with the security of a large government. They also vote for things "for the children" that don't actually do anything for the children but it sounds nice. That's the caregiver side of their brain coming out. But none of that has anything to do with this thread. This post was edited on 6/10 at 8:41 pm


Petronio's explanation is clear and straight-forward. The long-term wear and tear on the body while in the infantry is pretty bad. I've had my own relatively minor issues, but I've seen legions of otherwise healthy guys just totally frick their bodies up. I don't know of anyone who has been in the infantry more than fifteen years who hasn't had at least one surgery. That doesn't even begin to delve into the morale and effectiveness issues (by far the most important aspect and being totally ignored by all), but the physicality is important nonetheless.

This post was edited on 11/16/16 at 9:49 pm
Posted by GeauxxxTigers23
TeamBunt General Manager
Member since Apr 2013
62514 posts
Posted on 11/16/16 at 9:25 pm to
I'm GT23...And I approve this message.
Posted by ell_13
Member since Apr 2013
85529 posts
Posted on 11/16/16 at 9:26 pm to
Posted by MrCarton
Paradise Valley, MT
Member since Dec 2009
20231 posts
Posted on 11/16/16 at 9:26 pm to

But I expect nothing less from some of the good ole boy douchebag southerners.

--Wrong. More like everyone who has been there and done that. It's telling that the only people in favor of this have no military affiliation.


If this sub was all male, this never happens. At most, there is a fist fight, the issue is settled and the sub continues to plod along on its mission. Instead, the sub and its crew are out of commission, taxpayers have to pay for the trial, sentencing, and imprisonment of at least one individual and likely more. Then they have to pay for the replacement of all the guilty sailors and the female "officers" who are too cowardly to do their fricking job under what I would consider to only be moderately adverse conditions given the context of volunteering for Sub Duty. Then no doubt the taxpayer will cover down on sensitivity training that will become mandatory due to this incident. That includes calculating the cost of lost man hours and civilian salaries to "design and coordinate" a program to everyone to not film women in the shower. And some of you yahoos want women in the infantry and special operations?


The Marines have been attempting to raise the standards for women for several years. They want women to be able to do a minimum of 3 pullups. Currently women are required to do a flex arm hang on the physical fitness test. During tests at boot camp only 44% of women could do the minimum amount. Raising the standard to 3 pullups had been delayed twice already. Each delay 1 year long.


After a second attempt at the first phase of Ranger School, none of the eight female students will be moving forward to the mountain phase of the course, officials from Fort Benning, Georgia, said Friday. A total of 195 students from the class – all of them men – will move on to Dahlonega, Georgia, for the mountain phase. Three women – and two male students – were given the opportunity to start Ranger School all over, officials said. This is referred to as a Day One Recycle and is a normal course procedure that's used when students struggle with one aspect of the course and excel at others, officials said.

The Jessica Lynch Story


In the interview, Lynch also clears up conflicting stories about her actions during the March 23 ambush in which Lynch was taken prisoner. Initial reports portrayed the Army supply clerk, then 19, as a hero who was wounded by Iraqi gunfire but kept firing until her ammunition ran out, shooting several Iraqis.

But Lynch confirms that was not the case. She tells Sawyer she was just a soldier (no she was a girl wearing a uniform who just wanted to go to i college) in the wrong place at the wrong time, whose gun jammed during the chaos. "I'm not about to take credit for something I didn't do," she tells Sawyer in the interview, airing Tuesday, Nov. 11.

"I did not shoot, not a round, nothing," she tells Sawyer. "When we were told to lock and load, that's when my weapon jammed … I did not shoot a single round … I went down praying to my knees. And that's the last I remember."


Former POW Jessica Lynch, whose dramatic rescue offered Americans a glimmer of hope at one of the low points of the Iraq war, discloses in her upcoming biography that she suffered a brutal sexual assault during her captivity in Iraq.


Lynch says that when U.S. special forces burst into the hospital in search of her, her first reaction was panic. "I heard the Americans coming in, 'Get down, get down,' you know. And that's when I started to really panic … that's when I really, I felt like getting down on the ground and crawling under that bed because I didn't know what was about to happen," she said
This post was edited on 11/17/16 at 2:15 am
Posted by _Hurricane_
Member since Feb 2016
4721 posts
Posted on 11/16/16 at 9:28 pm to
Edited: Meant for my post to be a compliment, but it came off douchey. I appreciate your work
This post was edited on 11/16/16 at 9:31 pm
Posted by MrCarton
Paradise Valley, MT
Member since Dec 2009
20231 posts
Posted on 11/16/16 at 9:29 pm to
There is one thread that I cannot find where we talk extensively about graduation rates and manning (or womanning or what the frick ever). I'll keep looking for it, but there are some incredibly good posts in that one.
Posted by MrCarton
Paradise Valley, MT
Member since Dec 2009
20231 posts
Posted on 11/16/16 at 9:29 pm to

This post is like an encyclopedia; I'm probably never going to read it, but I appreciate its greatness.

You definitely should. There are some fricking heroes that made this thread possible.
Posted by Vols&Shaft83
Throbbing Member
Member since Dec 2012
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Posted on 11/16/16 at 9:29 pm to
I demand that I be allowed to give more than one upvote
Posted by DisplacedBuckeye
Member since Dec 2013
73988 posts
Posted on 11/16/16 at 9:30 pm to

I wonder how many RAs this thread will get.
Posted by cajunangelle
Member since Oct 2012
150558 posts
Posted on 11/16/16 at 9:30 pm to
you forgot straighthomey and I don't think Sentrius is or was AD. Smart fella and I applaud his insight but I don't think he is military.
Posted by GeauxxxTigers23
TeamBunt General Manager
Member since Apr 2013
62514 posts
Posted on 11/16/16 at 9:31 pm to

There is one thread that I cannot find where we talk extensively about graduation rates and manning (or womanning or what the frick ever). I'll keep looking for it, but there are some incredibly good posts in that one.

The case against women in combatThis it?
Posted by MrCarton
Paradise Valley, MT
Member since Dec 2009
20231 posts
Posted on 11/16/16 at 9:34 pm to
haha it's cool man. We hurt so many feelings on this subject I think most of us are pretty numb to it all.
Posted by GeauxxxTigers23
TeamBunt General Manager
Member since Apr 2013
62514 posts
Posted on 11/16/16 at 9:34 pm to

I wonder how many RAs this thread will get.

I RA'd for a sticky
Posted by MrCarton
Paradise Valley, MT
Member since Dec 2009
20231 posts
Posted on 11/16/16 at 9:35 pm to
Yes I think that is it. I hope this thread is epic.
Posted by MrCarton
Paradise Valley, MT
Member since Dec 2009
20231 posts
Posted on 11/16/16 at 9:35 pm to

I RA'd for a sticky

Posted by MrCarton
Paradise Valley, MT
Member since Dec 2009
20231 posts
Posted on 11/16/16 at 9:36 pm to

you forgot straighthomey and I don't think Sentrius is or was AD. Smart fella and I applaud his insight but I don't think he is military.

AHHHH ok. Thanks. If he isn't I will let him correct the record. I will give him the benefit of the doubt unless you are absolutely certain.
Posted by Wolfhound45
Hanging with Chicken in Lurkistan
Member since Nov 2009
120000 posts
Posted on 11/16/16 at 9:37 pm to

Posted by WhoDatGreenBeret
Member since Oct 2013
546 posts
Posted on 11/16/16 at 9:37 pm to
Nice. Well done compiling all this. Obviously a subject that is near and dear to some of our hearts. I remember reading some of this shite and thinking every argument to not have women in combat units is right here on the political talk board. Every argument ignored. We will see how he military moves forward with this topic.
Posted by FightinTigersDammit
Louisiana North
Member since Mar 2006
36465 posts
Posted on 11/16/16 at 9:38 pm to
Good work, MrCarton. My old Daddy, a Korea combat vet, would give you many upvotes.

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