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Top 200 Movies We Agree Don't Suck: 2013 Edition

Posted on 11/4/13 at 9:49 am
Posted by Freauxzen
Member since Feb 2006
37472 posts
Posted on 11/4/13 at 9:49 am
It exists! True story is, I lost the first run of this somewhere in the ether. For two reasons: I usually do this on Google Docs, and for some reason, their tracking actually sucks. And second, I did this on Excel, which doesn't run on both computers I own. Bad choice by me. So it was on both and neither, and I couldn't find the final count.

So the quest to find this again involved corrupted files, hobbits, new hard drives, a new warp drive, The Force, The Schwartz, a room with an older version of myself spilling coffee, an insane asylum, a German doctor who recently learned to walk, dinosaurs and a briefcase. And yes I'm selling the movie rights. And yes, I had to completely redo the count that originally took me about 2 weeks. It didn't take the 6 months that has passed, but to find time to redo each step was rough. Which is awesome because it's always about the responses, and I'm glad there are so many of them.

It's about what we feel, as a board never in consensus, which movies have the LEAST chance of sucking. We all know there are tons of films out there that we love, that we champion. There are also films that we can't stand, so it's good to dig in the muck of our own film criticism to find some sense of consensus.

And with that said, I simply present, the list.

Ballots were posted in March-April. They included longer lists of 30, with 1 being the highest, 2 next and so forth. Votes were tallied and scored according to a slightly changed formula from before. A movie needed 3 Votes to make the list in full, and the last 30 movies are so were selected from the top 2-3 Vote getting films by me.

All films released throughout enternity, were accepted for this list.

There are 200 films this time, so this will literally take, all day long.

57 Voter Ballots
560 Movies 10 Original Films per ballot (Roughly)
Time to compute: 199 Days

This post was edited on 11/5/13 at 10:41 pm
Posted by Freauxzen
Member since Feb 2006
37472 posts
Posted on 11/4/13 at 9:50 am to
Posted by Freauxzen
Member since Feb 2006
37472 posts
Posted on 11/4/13 at 9:50 am to
1. Godfather I & II
Dir. Francis Ford Coppola

“…don’t ever take sides with anyone against the Family, again. Ever.”

Francis Ford Coppola said he always wanted to tell the story of a father and son at the same age when making the Godfather Part II, but it’s really spread over the 2 movies, with Michael’s story in the Godfather more like Vito’s in Part II. In the Godfather we see Michael’s transformation from “nice college boy, who didn’t want to get mixed up in the family business” to ruthless mafia Don. In part II we see the story of Vito’s rise from hard working immigrant to ruthless mafia Don.

With Michael get the sense that Michael was always destined and really wanted to take over for his father. His joining the army and not wanting to be part of the “family” seems more like youthful rebellion. When he does decide to join the “family” he’s a natural. His first act, to kill Solozzo and McCluskey is initially met with laughter and eye rolling, but after explaining it’s business, not personal, they all see he is right. The mentality that it’s business not personal perfectly defines Michael and is ultimately his undoing.

Vito’s path to crime is quite different. He is pushed into it by circumstances around him. As a poor boy in Sicily, the local Don murders his entire family. His mother is shot in front of him as she pleads with the Don spare the boy. The Don refuses, fearing the boy with grow up and seek revenge for his father and brother, which of course he does. After his family is murdered, he flees to America, where he grows up to be just a hard working immigrant, but he can’t escape the reach of the mafia. He loses his job at grocer after the local Don forces the grocer to fire Vito and hire his nephew. He later gets roped into crime after helping a stranger across the alley hide a package. With no job, Vito along with his new friends Clemenza and Tessio begins a successful career in crime. After Don Fanucci, who got him fired, demands a “taste” from Vito and his friends, Vito decides to take his destiny in his own hands. He tells his associates he will offer Fanucci a fraction of what he demanded. At first they reject his plan, just as they do to Michael in Part I. Vito convinces them his plan will work and he sets out to kill Fanucci.

The scene where Vito kills Fanucci is my favorite movie scene. After meeting in a café, where Vito gives Fanucci much less then he demanded. The scene takes places during a holiday, with a parade and street festival going on. Fanucci leave’s the café he walks through the massive crowds who all know and fear him as the master or the neighborhood. Vito follows along the roof top’s, stalking him. After he kills Fanucci, Vito walk’s through the same crowds as they celebrate and shoot off fireworks for the holiday, not knowing the Black hand is dead, but the implication is clear. Vito gets home to his family sitting on the stoop and holds his infant son Michael and tells him he loves him. For Vito, “the family” is just a means to provide for and protect his family. For Michael, the “family” becomes everything and he destroys the real family in the process.

H-Town Tiger
This post was edited on 11/5/13 at 10:43 pm
Posted by Freauxzen
Member since Feb 2006
37472 posts
Posted on 11/4/13 at 9:50 am to
2. Seven Samurai
Dir. Akira Kurosawa

This post was edited on 11/5/13 at 10:39 pm
Posted by Freauxzen
Member since Feb 2006
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Posted on 11/4/13 at 9:50 am to
3. Vertigo
Dir. Alfred Hitchcock

This post was edited on 11/5/13 at 8:09 pm
Posted by Freauxzen
Member since Feb 2006
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Posted on 11/4/13 at 9:50 am to
4. Goodfellas
Dir. Martin Scorcese

This post was edited on 11/5/13 at 7:23 pm
Posted by Freauxzen
Member since Feb 2006
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Posted on 11/4/13 at 9:50 am to
5. Casablanca
Dir. Michael Curtis

This post was edited on 11/5/13 at 6:24 pm
Posted by Freauxzen
Member since Feb 2006
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Posted on 11/4/13 at 9:50 am to
6. Lawrence of Arabia
Dir. David Lean

7. Schindler's List
Steven Spielberg

8. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Dir. Milos Forman

9. Star Wars: A New Hope
Dir. George Lucas

10. Once Upon a Time in the West
Dir. Sergio Leone

This post was edited on 11/5/13 at 5:41 pm
Posted by Freauxzen
Member since Feb 2006
37472 posts
Posted on 11/4/13 at 9:50 am to
11. Jaws
Dir. Steven Spielberg

“You’re gonna need a bigger boat”

Jaws was the first summer blockbuster and made Steven Spielberg a superstar. But unlike many of the summer blockbusters that followed, include a couple of Spielberg’s own * cough Jurassic Park cough * Jaws takes the time to build the characters and suspense and doesn’t rely on special effects and that’s what makes it such a great movie

The story is about a shark terrorizing a sleepy island community around the 4th of July, the peak of the tourist season the local economy depends on, but we don’t see the shark until the 3rd act. That may have been as much because of the limitations of technology at the time as by design, the mechanical shark notoriously had problems, but it works. John Williams haunting score helps build the tension and keeps us on the edge of our seat throughout the movie as we get glimpses of the shark.

What drives the movie are the 3 main characters. Police Chief Brody, Roy Scheider, a former NYC cop, who is afraid of the water, but takes the job as chief on an island “It’s only an island if you look at if from the water”. Matt Hooper, Richard Dryefuss, a trust fund baby and academic shark expert. But the best character is Captain Quint (Robert Shaw) the grizzled local fisherman who has a Captain Ahab like need to hunt the shark.

The movie’s best scene and one of my all time favorites is on Quint’s boat, after the 3 head out to kill the shark. At the end of the first day, sitting around getting drunk, Hooper and Quint start swapping stories about how they got various scars. After a couple of rounds Brody innocently asks Quint about one on his arm. He says it was a tattoo. A drunken Hooper says jokingly says “ let me guess, Mother?” and laughs. But he turns somber when Quint says it was the USS Indianapolis. Brody asks what happened and Quint tells the chilling story of the ship that delivered the Hiroshima bomb but was sunk by a Japanese torpedo, leaving the crew in shark-infested waters for days. “1100 men went into the water, 316 men came out, the sharks took the rest June 29, 1945. Anyway, we delivered the bomb.”

-H-Town Tiger

12. The Shawshank Redemption
Dir. Frank Darabont

13. The Empire Strikes Back
Dir. Irvin Kirschner

14. The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Dir. Sergio Leone

15. Citizen Kane
Dir. Orson Welles

16. The Silence of the Lambs
Dir. Jonathan Demme

17. City of God
Dir. Fernando Meirelles, Kátia Lund

18. Pan's Labyrinth
Dir. Guillermo Del Toro

19. Cool Hand Luke
Dir. Stuart Rosenberg

20. Departed, The
Dir. Martin Scorcese

This post was edited on 11/5/13 at 10:44 pm
Posted by Freauxzen
Member since Feb 2006
37472 posts
Posted on 11/4/13 at 9:51 am to
21. Braveheart (1995)
22. Pulp Fiction (1994)
23. Fight Club (1999)
24. The Graduate (1967)
25. Dr. Strangelove (1964)
26. The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (2001)
27. Apocalypse Now (1979)
28. The Searchers (1956)
29. Raiders of the Lost Ark / Indiana Jones (1981)
29. Jurassic Park (1993)
30. Good Will Hunting (1997)
31. Terminator 2 (1992)
32. It's a Wonderful Life (1946)
33. Die Hard (1988)
34. Saving Private Ryan (1998)
35. Gone With the Wind (1939)
36. Chinatown (1974)
37. 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
38. Raging Bull (1980)
40. The Dark Knight (2008)

41. Forrest Gump (1994)
42. The Prestige (2006)
43. A Clockwork Orange (1971)
44. On the Waterfront (1954)
45. Caddyshack (1980)
46. Aguirre: Wrath of God (1974)
47. To Kill A Mockingbird (1962)
48. Brazil (1985)
49. Reservoir Dogs (1991)
50. Inglorious Bastards (2009)
51. The Quiet Man (1952)
52. Casino (1995)
53. The Outlaw Josey Wales (1976)
54. Psycho (1960)
55. Almost Famous (2000)
56. Fargo (1996)
57. Blade Runner (1982)
58. Back to the Future (1985)
59. Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975)
60. Titanic (1996)

61. No Country for Old Men (2007)
62. Groundhog Day (1993)
63. Bridge On the River Kwai (1957)
64. A Fish Called Wanda (1988)
65. The Big Lebowski (1998)
66. The Count of Monte Cristo (2002)
67. Animal House (1978)
68. The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962)
69. Inception (2010)
70. The Princess Bride (1987)
71. Memento (1999)
72. Miller's Crossing (1990)
73. The Maltese Falcon (1941)
74. Taxi Driver (1972)
75. Throne of Blood (1957)
76. The 400 Blows (1959)
77. Blazing Saddles (1974)
78. Platoon (1986)
79. There Will Be Blood (2007)
80. Unforgiven (1992)

81. Apollo 13 (1995)
82. Cinema Paradiso (1988)
83. Se7en (1997)
84. Ben-Hur (1959)
85. Wizard of Oz (1939)
86. Hidden Fortress (1956)
87. Snatch (2000)
88. Sting, The (1973)
89. The Fifth Element (1997)
90. Once Upon a Time in America (1981)
91. Raising Arizona (1987)
92. Rear Window (1954)
93. North by Northwest (1959)
94. Boogie Nights (1997)
95. E.T. (1982)
96. Wall-E (2007)
97. The Breakfast Club (1985)
98. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)
99. Full Metal Jacket (1987)
100. Donnie Darko (2001)
This post was edited on 11/8/13 at 4:07 pm
Posted by Freauxzen
Member since Feb 2006
37472 posts
Posted on 11/4/13 at 9:51 am to
101. Blue Velvet (1986)
102. The Thing (1982)
103. Oldboy (2005)
104. Spirited Away (2001)
105. Princess Mononoke (1999)
106. The Usual Suspects (1995)
107. Rashomon (1950)
108. Stalker (1976)
109. The Lion King (1994)
110. O Brother, Where Art Thou? (2000)
111. Barton Fink (1995)
112. Last of the Mohicans (1992)
113. National Lampoon's Vacation (1978)
114. Toy Story 3 (2010)
115. Gladiator (2000)
116. The Hustler (1961)
117. Rocky (1976)
118. Aliens (1984)
119. A Few Good Men (1992)
120. Das Boot (1982)

121. Touch of Evil (1950)
122. Scarface (1983)
123. Rushmore (1998)
124. Kill Bill (2003)
125. Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977)
126. Hoosiers (1986)
127. The Royal Tennenbaums (2001)
128. Metropolis (1929)
129. Trainspotting (1996)
130. Breaking Away (1983)
131. Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986)
132. Duck Soup (1933)
133. Batman Begins (2005)
134. Dog Day Afternoon (1975)
135. Enter the Dragon (1972)
136. The Terminator (1981)
137. Dumb and Dumber (1994)
138. Network (1976)
139. The Wild Bunch (1969)
140. L.A. Confidential (1997)

141. Rambo: First Blood (1983)
142. Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939)
143. Magnolia (1999)
144. In Bruges (2008)
145. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969)
146. Paths of Glory (1957)
147. Lost in Translation (2004)
148. Halloween (1978)
149. The Assassination of Jesse James BTCRF (2007)
150. American Beauty (1999)
151. Toy Story (1995)
152. Annie Hall (1977)
153. Up (2009)
154. Dial M for Murder (1954)
155. The Social Network (2011)
156. The Lives of Others (2006)
157. Airplane! (1980)
158. Young Frankenstein (1974)
159. Matrix, The (1999)
160. Double Indemnity (1944)

161. The Exorcist (1973)
162. Children of Men (2006)
163. Amelie (2001)
164. Alien (1979)
165. Trois Coleurs: Blue, White and Red (1993)
166. The Magnificent Ambersons
167. The African Queen (1951)
168. Dawn of the Dead (1978)
169. The Treasure of Sierra Madre, The (1948)
170. City Lights (1931)
171. Ghostbusters (1984)
172. 12 Angry Men (1957)
173. Amadeus (1984)
174. Evil Dead 2 (1981)
175. Dr. Zhivago
176. La Dolce Vita (1960)
177. Solaris (1971)
178. Predator (1987)
179. Barry Lyndon (1980)
180. Starship Troopers (1998)

181. Deer Hunter (1979)
182. Donnie Brasco (1995)
183. Night of the Living Dead (1968)
184. Grand Illusion
185. Days of Heaven
186. Paris, TX
187. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (1971)
188. The Truman Show (1999)
189. Kagemusha (1980)
190. Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan 30 (1982)
191. The Passion of Joan of Arc
192. Leon: The Professional (1994)
193. Singin' In the Rain (1952)
194. Big Trouble in Little China
195. Witness for the Prosecution (1957)
196. Nosferatu
197. 28 Days Later (2002)
198. Goldfinger
199. Videodrome (1983)
200. Ran (1985)
This post was edited on 11/4/13 at 3:18 pm
Posted by Freauxzen
Member since Feb 2006
37472 posts
Posted on 11/4/13 at 9:59 am to
First 20 released. The majority of this list are films that received 2 votes and were selected to fill in the last few positions on the list. This gave us a nice even 200 films and I tried to represent both the wide range of film tastes and votes.

181. Deer Hunter (1979)
182. Donnie Brasco (1995)
183. Night of the Living Dead (1968)
184. Grand Illusion
185. Days of Heaven
186. Paris, TX
187. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (1971)
188. The Truman Show (1999)
189. Kagemusha (1980)
190. Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan 30 (1982)
191. The Passion of Joan of Arc
192. Leon: The Professional (1994)
193. Singin' In the Rain (1952)
194. Big Trouble in Little China
195. Witness for the Prosecution (1957)
196. Nosferatu
197. 28 Days Later (2002)
198. Goldfinger
199. Videodrome (1983)
200. Ran (1985)

Films that just missed were:

United 93
Pierrot Le Fou
Risky Business
Seventh Seal, The
12 Monkeys
Fanny and Alexander
Coming to America
Atlantic City
On Dangerous Ground
Local Hero
Ace in the Hole
Andrei Rublev
Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, The
Midnight in Paris
This post was edited on 11/4/13 at 10:44 am
Posted by OMLandshark
Member since Apr 2009
109632 posts
Posted on 11/4/13 at 10:07 am to
Awesome. Finally getting to see this. Only one of mine has shown up so far, so
Posted by WG_Dawg
Member since Jun 2004
86585 posts
Posted on 11/4/13 at 10:18 am to
Thanks for doing this freaux.
Posted by Freauxzen
Member since Feb 2006
37472 posts
Posted on 11/4/13 at 10:23 am to

Thanks for doing this freaux.

No thanks this time. I balked (for like the second time). I failed the board for a long time there
Posted by CocomoLSU
Inside your dome.
Member since Feb 2004
150965 posts
Posted on 11/4/13 at 10:29 am to

I failed the board for a long time there

Dare we say almost "OML-Home Alone review" proportions?
Posted by OMLandshark
Member since Apr 2009
109632 posts
Posted on 11/4/13 at 10:30 am to

Dare we say almost "OML-Home Alone review" proportions?

I'm still meaning to get around to that. I have Thanksgiving week off and then 2 weeks for Christmas, so I'll have time later.
Posted by constant cough
Member since Jun 2007
44788 posts
Posted on 11/4/13 at 10:31 am to
Don't remember what was on my ballot but that's fine, the list looks good so far!

Posted by Baloo
Formerly MDGeaux
Member since Sep 2003
49645 posts
Posted on 11/4/13 at 10:34 am to

194. Big Trouble in Little China


Though Leon is criminally low.
Posted by Peazey
Member since Apr 2012
25418 posts
Posted on 11/4/13 at 10:35 am to

I'm still meaning to get around to that. I have Thanksgiving week off and then 2 weeks for Christmas, so I'll have time later.


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