Favorite team:USA 
Biography:LSU Alumni (2004) UWM (2007), Born and raised in LA. Moved from a cushy public sector job in Education to a crazy, cutting-edge, job in a tech/education start-up.
Interests:Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, Sports (soccer player by nature), Movies, Arguing about random things, Useless Information
Occupation:Educational Technology
Number of Posts:37603
Registered on:2/14/2006
Online Status:Not Online

Recent Posts

[quote]I can talk about race swapping without going down that road and shitting on the whole thread.[/quote] 1000% this. It's a valid topic to discuss in modern entertainment. ...
[quote]Can we start giving people who do post political stuff a bunch of crap, like we used to? [/quote] Self policing. This is the way....
Ok, I'll say this then, in regards to the Acolyte show: Are we saying that when a creator comes out and says they are making the gayest Star Wars ever, is a thread about whether or not that is right or wrong, or what the goal of that is: A) A political discussion B) A M/TV Discussion C) Bo...
[quote]It’s not more division. It’s just a handful of posters. I don’t think any of your posts are in trouble, Freaux.[/quote] I mean I hope so, but this is a bit, vague then no? [quote]Keep politics off this board...thanks... [/quote]...
Guys, there are no politics anywhere. Ever. It's not real. Meanwhile at our Olympic entertainment: [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GTcNI5kXkAAtwgw?format=jpg&name=medium[/img] We're making it all up!...
And just like that, another schism. Rather than all coming together to police ourselves and try to push out the people doing what we don't like... Now it seems there's more division. Awesome....
[quote]I don’t understand the confusion in this thread. We all know the problem and it isn’t simply commentary about the actual movie. It’s how threads devolve once someone disagrees.[/quote] But that's not what the OP is banning? ...
[quote]So in a thread about the Wicked movie will comments about how actually villains are good and right and just strong women who were oppressed be considered “political” and have to happen on a board among threads about Dominion polling machines and illegal immigration?[/quote] Ding ding ding....
[quote]I can't remember a time where any of those threads turned into a political pissing match, so I highly doubt they'll be moved or anchored. Certain threads get completely out of hand and no longer are about movies and tv and are just political, those I'm sure will be moved over.[/quote] I me...
[quote]I can't speak for Chicken, and I'm not going to lie, the new rule is surprising, but I personally don't see this being a some strictly forced rule. I can't see a thread about Battleship Potemkin getting switch over because it's not a thread that's going to turn into a left vs right dick measu...
[quote]The politics of that time frame within the movie is fine. Bringing the politics of today into the discussion is the line. [/quote] So we can't talk about how some of the politics represented in All Quiet on the Western Front or Tora Tora Tora might be showing today? ...
[quote]The point of this rule is it doesn’t belong here in the first place. There’s another board for that. [/quote] Who decides that? Who decides if something is a political opinion? A moral one? A philosophical one? Etc. [quote]Hurt? How so? Go to the poli board. [/quote] Because you...
[quote]Come on. Do you honestly think they'd be able to contain themselves? Really? [/quote] We request Chicken to ban people for not adhering to the point of the thread. It takes a ban or two to set them straight....
[quote]They would continue to post w/or w/o anyone responding b/c there are enough of them to have a constant feedback loop w/each other. Meanwhile they are actively killing everyone else's engagement on MTV b/c of how exhausting it is to deal w/them.[/quote] SO can we talk about to Chicken about...
[quote]so i should avoid the episode thread for a show i'm watching if someone that admittedly doesn't watch/hasn't watched the show goes in the thread and makes it political?[/quote] How about - much like GoT with Book readers and Non-Book Readers, we have two threads for shows? Those interested...
[quote]How is that wrong? [/quote] It's wrong because the themes of the show are wrapped into Political and Social commentary. Many many entertainment pieces are. And they are relevant areas for discussion. [quote]Why not just eliminate the problem[/quote] Because - You can't REALLY elimin...
[quote]How is that even possible when the same few people on this board make EVERYTHING about politics? [/quote] A few people on the board made almost 40% of Page 1 Game of Thrones at the time, and we didn't need Chicken to change that practice. I remember doing the math to prove my point at the...
[quote] The issue is that it devolves into ad hominem attacks and pissing matches. [/quote] So we should all agree to hop out and let the thread die. [quote]Look The Acolyte creator and Amandla made it political. But the discussion should be on the merits or the show. [/quote] Wrong. ...
[quote]so i should avoid the episode thread for a show i'm watching if someone that admittedly doesn't watch/hasn't watched the show goes in the thread and makes it political? It's the political folks invading the show watcher threads, not the show watchers going into political threads and trying...
[quote]Thats just a reallllly stupid policy for a message board. The political board shouldn’t be filled with threads about fricking Star Wars or LoTR. Look i agree that i wish the majority of M/TV today wasn’t heavy handed political messaging. But it’s down stream of politics. That board shoul...