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Registered on:4/20/2009
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[quote]Got an archived version of the original? Surely there's one somewhere. You certainly didn't share a link to it.[/quote] Axios just said that they never called Kamala the border czar when they openly said it. It’s all over Twitter and they’re not even bothering to deny. Just waiting for ano...
[quote]They damn sure did! And OML fell for it hook, line, and sinker[/quote] I fell for it when they edited it after getting shite all over for it? It seems like people like me shat all over them for defending pedophilia, and that’s why they changed it, you clown....
[quote]Someone is going to marry you? I hope at least her folks have done a deep dive on your online presence[/quote] [img]https://media.licdn.com/dms/image/C5612AQGYM-BIdJfzmA/article-cover_image-shrink_600_2000/0/1630994110718?e=2147483647&v=beta&t=2J2TGx2W1efvENC06zQhPoFasFqa2C9DjgWgI6gW65s[/i...
[quote]el Gaucho[/quote] [quote]Obama let you get married and you still hate him[/quote] :lol: Seriously, el Gaucho, never stop. You are one of the best posters on this site. :cheers:...
[quote]This reminds me of the "I'm not racist, I have a black friend" adage lol[/quote] My wife’s very best friend who we hang out with all the time? Good fricking luck trying to slander me here....
[quote]clearly the kid had help from the government. there is just way too many "coincidences" that happened on the 1 time someone tried to shoot trump from 120 yards away.[/quote] I do love how Cheatle defends having a 100 yard perimeter around Trump and then AOC fricking owns her saying that Osw...
It’s honestly gotten worse. It really thinks it knows what I want to say and is wrong half the time....
[quote]go outside, take a walk, have a beer, look at the clouds, make a friend.[/quote] I’m actually on a plane right now with some friends going to my bachelor party, and when we land in Tahoe (about 40 minutes from now), my phone is getting confiscated from my own request, so don’t worry, doing...
[quote]Normal gay and lesbian and bi people are generally wonderful.[/quote] The Maid of Honor at my wedding is a lesbian, and yeah she’s a wonderful person and a great catch when the right person comes along. Save for the fact that she drives a Subaru, you’d never guess she was gay....
[quote]if you arent in therapy, you should be[/quote] You’re really going to defend a magazine defending a pedophile sexually grooming a 13 year old boy?...
[img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GTPmykKWMAAf5pa?format=jpg&name=small[/img] You really don’t hate the media enough. He was grooming a 13 year old and sending sexually explicit texts and requests. Hunter S Thompson is rolling in his grave....
There’s such thing as a red eye, dude. We live in the Golden Age of Conspiracies, and there’s no need to bring dumb bullshite like this in there. You can get to Paris from Washington in like seven hours. Not all that bad of a flight....
He was talking about Epstein and Pedophile Island for years and I thought he was nuts over it… yeah, he was very spot on in that....
[quote]Why would they kill RFK? He doesn’t have a chance to win. Even though I wish he did.[/quote] A) He takes more votes from Kamala than Trump. B) He’s a likely member of Trump’s future cabinet and the single most dangerous person to the Deep State if he is. C) Exposing Fauci, Big Pharma...
[quote]Even Elise would be an improvement, if he didn't pick Tulsi. Rednecks in the hills and mountains don't KNOW JD. I think he is as fake as his pen name.[/quote] Elise would have absolutely been a better pick than Vance. New York is currently on the table for God’s sake, so I’d do everything ...
[quote]I think Vance should be pulled as VP. Put in Tulsi or Elise[/quote] It’s too late for that. Tulsi was the obvious choice for people who wanted to win....
[quote]I guarantee you they've already considered it.[/quote] They’ve been considering killing RFK for around four years at this point. He was the very first person the Biden White House went after and made him the leader of the Disinformation Dozen as they labeled them (all of which turned out t...
[embed]https://x.com/nickineily/status/1816498439217119569?s=46[/embed] You know of the single worst people in the United States, Randi Weingarten is near the top. She’s one of the few people I think that knows she’s evil, and she enjoys abusing children. She’s the biggest child abuser in the his...
[quote]Trump was suppose to be dead and Nikki and Pompeo were all set. They probably had a campaign web page on the middle burner ready to roll. (Just like Ryan and Pence did)[/quote] Personally I think Nikki would have chosen Burgum as his VP. Pompeo is far too suspicious to make VP after Trump’...