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re: In case you missed it (like I did), archaeologists discovered ancient city of Sodom

Posted on 9/10/23 at 11:23 am to
Posted by Azkiger
Member since Nov 2016
21833 posts
Posted on 9/10/23 at 11:23 am to

Seek Redemption immediately.

If I do, will I hear voices like you do?
Posted by Zarkinletch416
Deep in the Heart of Texas
Member since Jan 2020
8422 posts
Posted on 9/10/23 at 12:01 pm to

If I do, will I hear voices like you do?

You won't hear voices, but you will receive instruction on 'The Truth' as proclaimed through the Word of God. Included in that 'Truth' will be specific suggestion to avoid certain lifestyles. Lifestyles that are damaging not only to the individual but to society as well. We call distructive actions associated with those lifestyles - evil. Evil actions such as sodomy. I mean this whole process of archeological excavation of this site is to discover and confirm the existence of the ancient cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. Cities destroyed in one cataclysmic event millennia ago. The description of the destruction of those two cities is detailed in the Bible (Genesis 18). You should read the Bible.

We all hear voices actually, maybe not acoustical voices, more like thoughts. And those thoughts find their origin and expression in our formative process beginning in early childhood through adulthood. For example, if you experienced a sexually abusive childhood then the chances increase you will eventually become a sexually abusive adult yourself, and your thought process will sustain that perversity. Now unless there is something (or someone) to break that evil lifestyle then the individual will continue to descend to his/her destruction. Does that make sense? Read the account of the woman caught in adultery as found in the Gospel of John 8:1-11. I promise -the words won't hurt you.

But I need to warn you, embrace 'The Truth' and you too will find yourself attacked just like Jesus Christ (that be the Jesus Christ we Christians worship as the human manifestation of God) for claiming to 'speak' in the name of Yahweh (aka God).

Clear enough?

This post was edited on 9/11/23 at 3:09 pm
Posted by Squirrelmeister
Member since Nov 2021
1879 posts
Posted on 9/10/23 at 12:37 pm to

Let me get this straight. Do you, by some miracle, profess to have the gift of reading minds, including the intentions of Lot's son-in-laws who lived millenia ago.

It’s common sense. If your father in law offers your wife up to strangers to be gang raped, you won’t very much like nor trust your father in law. And you damn sure won’t think he is just and righteous, but rather evil.


Always keeping in mind that God wants our conversion, our turning away from sin

What “God” wants (talking about Yahweh here) is for you to adore and glorify him and suck his arse for all eternity so that the other gods in heaven will know how badass he is.

Isaiah 43:7

everyone who is called by my name, whom I created for my glory, whom I formed and made.”

Ephesians 3:10

so that through the church the manifold wisdom of God might now be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly places.


God of Abraham is all-knowing

Nope. For example, he created an evil race of giants called the Nephilim (genesis 6) which corrupted mankind. God experienced regret that he had made man and killed then all except one family. Then he experienced regret once more and vowed never to kill all mankind in a flood ever again.


God of Abraham is all-powerful

Have you ever read the story of how God was defeated by the Canaanites, specifically because they had iron chariots (presumably the Israelites were still in Bronze Age)? Did you miss the story of Yahweh and his prophet Elijah traveled with the armies of Israel, Judah, and Edom with a promise/prophecy of defeating the Moabites? It’s the one where king Mesha of Moab sacrificed his firstborn son on the city wall to his god Chemosh, and divine wrath from heaven (Chemosh) smote the shite out of the Israelite coalition? See Judges 1, 2Kings 3 respectively.


God of Abraham is merciful, and compassionate

Is that like the times he ordered the genocide of Canaanites and killed the Egyptian firstborns, and consumed the Midianite virgin girls (Numbers 31), and ordered the destruction of every man woman child infant and sheep and donkey so many times? Was he merciful on those innocent babies?

I’ll hang up and listen.
Posted by Zarkinletch416
Deep in the Heart of Texas
Member since Jan 2020
8422 posts
Posted on 9/10/23 at 1:36 pm to
That the Bible appears to be contradictory is true. Across millenia there are seemingly confusing accounts of odd rules of behavior. What can be more confusing than Sarah lending her maid servant (Hagar) to her husband Abraham for the purpose of producing a male heir. A male heir she herself could not provide. Is that technically adultery? Then Sarah, in a jealousy induced rage, demands Abraham expell Hagar and her child (Ishmael) in the desert? Dang, imagine Abraham trying to separate two women right in the middle of a cat fight!

End of story, right? So what does God do? He's goes looking for Hagar and her baby in the desert, and saves them. Researching the customs, norms, and structure of the time, we learn that culturally, and from a hierarchical perspective a male heir was very important. But it's still confusing. Like did Hagar allow Sarah to change Ishmael's diaper occassionally? God writes straight with crooked lines. He's God, He can do that.

So we're left to scratch our heads reflecting on God's seemingly contradictory action. But when you reflect on the Words of God as pronounced through the mouth of his Son Jesus Christ it all makes sense, does it? God loves - that's it. He loves Muslims, Christians, Jews, heretics, schismatics, children of single Moms, fatherless children, everyone. He loved us enough to give us clear laws governing rules of behavior. I mean it makes sense that the God who created us, would understand what makes us supremely happy, right? The point of my argument here. God's laws are not designed to burden us, constrain us, or limit us, but to free us. And get this He wrote His laws with His own hand on the side of a mountain on two tablets of stone. Tablets of Stone the Hebrews carried around in a gold box in the desert for forty years. But I digress.

Search through the pages of Biblical history (yes, the Bible is a historical book), or look through the ruins of Sodom & Gomorrah (I presume that's still going on) to ascertain the penalty for willful neglect and outright rejection of his laws and you will learn we worship a God of Mercy, and Justice. Actions have consequences, and really bad actions have catastrophic consequences. A word of caution to those who attempt to paint God as an indulgent Father who sets no boundries.

God (Jesus) died for all mankind. His death on the Cross came about because of the betrayal of a few in the Sanhedrin and the betrayal of one Apostle. That He died for all men (Jew and Gentile) was the cause of considerable friction between the Apostle Peter and Saul of Tarsus (Paul) in the early Church.

I mean why didn't God just make legions of Angels appear in that Garden when they came to arrest Him? When the Temple Guards appeared in the dark to arrest Jesus they said,"We seek Jesus of Nazareth". Jesus answered,"I AM". In that Jesus answered with that he repeated the answer Yahweh gave Moses when he asked God,"Who shall I tell them sent me?" God answers,"I AM THAT I AM send you". He didn't tell Moses - wait up, let'me grab my smartphone and I'll accompany you down this mountain, eh?

God is Mercy. God is Compassion. God is Love. God is Justice.

This post was edited on 9/10/23 at 9:37 pm
Posted by LRB1967
Member since Dec 2020
15978 posts
Posted on 9/10/23 at 3:57 pm to
Sodom and Gomorrah were the original progressive cities. Notice what happened to them.
Posted by Squirrelmeister
Member since Nov 2021
1879 posts
Posted on 9/10/23 at 7:18 pm to
You didn’t address any of my points. I’ll assume you’re willfully ignorant or a brain-dead retard.
Posted by Zarkinletch416
Deep in the Heart of Texas
Member since Jan 2020
8422 posts
Posted on 9/10/23 at 8:32 pm to

I’ll assume you’re willfully ignorant or a brain-dead retard.

Is it a case of willful ignorance/brain dead retard, or a refusal to get sucked/trapped into a ridiculous argument? As in an opened ended pointless argument? I mean if you're really a Bible-believing individual it would seem to me you would jump at the chance to discuss the fascinating interaction of God and his creation, instead of playing "Gotcha Scripture".

Regardless, I'm satisfied with the opportunity to express my fascination with God's interaction with man throughout salvation history. There are fascinating stories hidden throughout the Bible (Old Testament). There is the story of the destruction of Sodom & Gomorrah (Genesis 18 -The Three Visitors) - a really disturbing event. But then there are uplifting stories of God and His people roaming through the desert, totally on faith and living solely on something called Manna - a sort of bread-like residue the Hebrews gathered every morning after the dew lifted. [Yep, there was dew in the desert] Get this - God could make that Manna taste like anything - even the choicest cut of lamb or mutton. I like a nice grilled lamb chop.

Go ahead, take a chance - read the account yourself in the Book of Exodus. See God do all kinds of amazing gyrations in an attempt to meet the perceived needs of the chronic complainers in that wandering bunch of Hebrews in the desert.

Come to think about it, I believe tomorrow I will begin rereading (and reflecting on) the Book of Exodus. Hey, maybe we could discuss the passage (in Exodus) that attracted you the most. Fair enough?

Bottom line, I really don't feel like playing "Gotcha Scripture" do you?
This post was edited on 9/11/23 at 1:13 pm
Posted by DannyStrickland985
Member since Aug 2017
26 posts
Posted on 9/10/23 at 9:44 pm to
Until you provide the actual video for review, I’m not buying what you’re selling. I’ve read the manuscripts you’re speaking of and I can tell you it’s way clearer than you’re making it out to be. It probably seems unclear to you because you don’t read Greek and you aren’t accustomed to scripto continuum.
Posted by imjustafatkid
Member since Dec 2011
50982 posts
Posted on 9/10/23 at 10:20 pm to
As we get closer to the end, more proof of the Bible will come to light.

People will no longer be able to say "there's no evidence," but will reject Christ anyway.
Posted by LSUconvert
Hattiesburg, MS
Member since Aug 2007
6229 posts
Posted on 9/10/23 at 11:19 pm to

As we get closer to the end

Haven't we been getting constantly closer to the end since the beginning of existence? When this stuff gonna start?
Posted by Shamoan
Member since Feb 2019
9350 posts
Posted on 9/11/23 at 12:01 am to
EVERY knee shall bow and EVERY tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.

That’s going to be quite the day considering the sea of scoffers and unbelievers that consider themselves more intelligent and enlightened compared to us knuckle draggers.

Ultimate day of crow eating is coming, but their souls will be forfeit, sadly.

A masterpiece of man’s pride is man’s explanation of himself.

Posted by Squirrelmeister
Member since Nov 2021
1879 posts
Posted on 9/11/23 at 12:16 am to

As we get closer to the end,

Jesus Christ! the world should’ve ended nearly 2000 years ago according to Paul and the gospels. Wake up.

Matthew 24, just for one of many examples:


“Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. 30Then will appear in heaven the sign of the Son of Man, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. 31And he will send out his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. 32“From the fig tree learn its lesson: as soon as its branch becomes tender and puts out its leaves, you know that summer is near. 33So also, when you see all these things, you know that he is near, at the very gates. 34Truly, I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place. 35Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away. 36“But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only.

There’s a lot of juicy tidbits in that one. The sun will go dark (not possible obviously). The moon won’t give its light (it doesn’t produce light to begin with). The stars will fall out of the sky (they thought the stars were little tiny lights under the firmament - the glass dome that sat on the flat earth to keep the heavenly waters from crashing to earth). Heaven has “ends” - of course because heaven is above the dome on the flat earth. The world is going to end while the generation of the people living in 30CE are still alive. And the son doesn’t know when exactly the world will end - only the father knows - that kind of shoots down that idea that the son and the father are the same divine being.

Ok one more: 1 Thessalonians 4:

13But we do not want you to be uninformed, brothers, about those who are asleep, that you may not grieve as others do who have no hope. 14For since we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so, through Jesus, God will bring with him those who have fallen asleep. 15For this we declare to you by a word from the Lord, that we who are alive, who are left until the coming of the Lord, will not precede those who have fallen asleep. 16For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command, with the voice of an archangel, and with the sound of the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. 17Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord.

Think about who Paul was writing to. They believed that they would be alive… circa maybe 50CE… when Jesus returns.

Quit with all the “world is ending”nonsense, and pick up the Bible and read it so you can understand what it actually says.
Posted by DavidTheGnome
Member since Apr 2015
29265 posts
Posted on 9/11/23 at 2:23 am to
Google isn’t turning up anything other than a couple links to bible sites
Posted by ole man
Baton Rouge
Member since Nov 2007
11841 posts
Posted on 9/11/23 at 6:10 am to
Yeh you will hear voices but not the kind you want
Posted by ThinePreparedAni
In a sea of cognitive dissonance
Member since Mar 2013
11091 posts
Posted on 9/30/23 at 10:12 pm to
(no message)
Posted by ThinePreparedAni
In a sea of cognitive dissonance
Member since Mar 2013
11091 posts
Posted on 9/30/23 at 10:13 pm to


Biblical sin city Sodom destroyed by asteroid stronger than nuke - expert By WALLA! Published: SEPTEMBER 27, 2023 11:24 Updated: SEPTEMBER 27, 2023 11:26


An ancient city that met a fiery end in what could be described as an asteroid impact more powerful than an "atomic explosion" has been identified as the biblical city of Sodom, according to a biblical studies expert. Dr. John Bergsma, a prominent theologian, contends that excavations in Jordan provide substantial proof that one of the Bible's most dramatic and improbable narratives may indeed be factual. Bergsma asserts that archaeological findings in Jordan corroborate the existence of the biblical city of Sodom. Prior research had already indicated that the ancient city of Tell el-Hammam, located in the southern Jordan Valley, suffered a catastrophic fate—a revelation that Dr. John Bergsma, a theology professor at Ohio's Franciscan University, believes aligns with the biblical account.


Remarkably, this cataclysmic event also appears to have produced substantial quantities of salt, as noted by James Kent, an associate professor of earth sciences at the University of California – a detail that may remind some of the story of Lot's wife, who turned into a pillar of salt following the destruction of Sodom. While Collins is confident in his conclusions, some archaeologists have accused him of prematurely drawing conclusions without sufficient field evidence.

This post was edited on 9/30/23 at 10:17 pm
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