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Registered on:11/7/2021
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[quote]No reason to punish people that don't have kids.[/quote] Do you not have kids or ever filled out a tax return? People without kids pay more in taxes already. WTF are you even whining about?...
What a dumb cackling bitch. :rotflmao:...
Women should not be first responders, firefighters, police, in military combat, and they damn sure shouldn’t be president. I love women and they’re extremely valuable but there’s some functions they aren’t suited for and it’s due to biology. Honestly one could argue we should end women’s suffrag...
[quote]Beaver County ESU member counts five casings. [/quote] That confirms the hypothesis and corroborates the audio and video evidence....
[quote]God is omniscient.... 1 John 3:20 For whenever our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart, and he knows everything [/quote] Oh hell we are using second-century CE writings to interpret Genesis? :lol: Well, “John” says no one has ever seen God. (John 1:18). Who the hell is A...
[quote]God already knew what was going to happen[/quote] Sorry bud. Go back and read Genesis 18. [quote]20Then the LORD said, “Because the outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is great and their sin is very grave, 21[b]I will go down [u]to see whether[/u] they have done altogether according to the...
Hey where’s the photo of the dead guy on the roof. It was a close up shot on here. I can’t find on the rest of the internet....
[quote]That bc doesn’t mean shite[/quote] He said he [b]knows[/b] the shooter fired 8 shots [b]because[/b] they found 8 cartridges on the roof. If he found 8 in-shot cartridges on the roof, would that be evidence a round was fired? No. It would have to be spent cartridges as the evidence found th...
[quote]Again, when Wray was asked about CROOKS which he knows we are thinking roof subject, he spins it by saying we found 8 cartridges on roof. That doesn’t mean by crooks. They are evil.[/quote] Yes he’s a liar. A professional liar. I don’t think he’s as good as you think he is at lying though....
You might be right about all the shite about the water tower. Great. I’m learning from some of the stuff you are posting and thank you. However, a spent cartridge is still a cartridge. I’m sure Chris is being intentionally deceptive. Cartridges are not un-shot bullets. The un-shot cartridge...
[quote]8 spent brass is going to be by the shooter in the room.[/quote] You aren’t making any sense. [quote]I see Wray says 8 cartridges on roof were found. A cartridge is a full bullet. He’s evading the proper answer to question which would shed light on the truth very deliberately.[/quote] ...
[quote]Man read my posts. You are wrong and misinterpreting things said.[/quote] Bro… I watched Chris Wray say they found 8 spent brass. He might be lying, but that’s what he said. He also said the local smokies shot. SS said they have their guy who shot. If you watch and listen to multi...
[quote]Most reports I have seen said 9[/quote] Chris Wray today said the shooter shot 8 shots, and they found 8 spent brass on the roof, and that the other two shots were one local police and one SS sniper. 10 total. But don’t believe me just because I’ve told you. Go listen to the multiple au...
[quote]When God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah , He was going to spare the city if Abraham could find just 50 righteous people[/quote] It’s funny that God who knows everything had to send two angels to go figure something out for him. And the only person who was righteous that he saved subsequently ...

re: Crooks’ rifle photo

Posted by Squirrelmeister on 7/24/24 at 4:33 pm
You can see the pistol grip facing away from the taker of the photo… the butt stock to the left, barrel to the right. Towards the photographer in the center of the gun is the rear sight and at the front of the barrel (right side of photo) there’s the front flip up sight. Sure looks like a set of f...

Crooks’ rifle photo

Posted by Squirrelmeister on 7/24/24 at 3:59 pm
I took this screenshot from a YouTube video posted within the last couple of hours. It kind of looks like just a set of flip up iron sights. Thoughts? [img]https://i.ibb.co/pbVv48K/IMG-3076.jpg[/img]...
[quote]So, TEN shots, total?[/quote] Dude we’ve known for over a week it was exactly 10 total shots. It’s only been a matter of using evidence to decide which parties took those 10 shots....
[quote]But the idea there were all these multiple shooters is a bridge too far simply because Trump is alive. I can totally buy that crooks was allowed into position to take a shot they were confident he could make[/quote] Sorry man but it’s obvious you haven’t done one bit of research on the subj...
[quote]Make no mistake, if they win this election and 2 of our aging conservatives justices retire you can bet we'll all become overnight instafelons when they ram through the ban.[/quote] We need about 9 Clarence Thomases....
[quote]Can you summarize this evidence that shows this?[/quote] First volley of three shots was not from the same weapon as the second volley of 5 shots. Confirmed by multiple microphones by amplitude and frequency of the sound, and lack of echoes on first volley but many echoes on second volley. ...