Vegas Couple Made A New Raiders Anthem Song/Video That Should Never Be Seen Again
Kirby Lee-USA TODAY Sports
This couple made the Las Vegas Raiders a new anthem song, along with a video, to welcome their team to the desert. Their hopes are for it to be the official song of the team, which it will obviously be. I mean, just see and hear for yourself...
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Filed Under: NFL
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Wolfhound4554 months
I thought I hated you Larry. I then I saw this post.
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FLTech54 months
Spice girls still going?
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SECdragonmaster54 months
I watched hoping she would take off her top but then decided it would be better if she left it on. After that I watched for 10 more seconds and turned it off at the 40 second mark.
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Lsu10120554 months
I mean its no worse than some of the content you regurgitate on here on a daily basis Larry.
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Boring54 months
About what I would expect from anyone using Line 6 products, honestly.
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WhoDatNC54 months
Just stop baby!
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SomeLSUguy54 months
What would be more entertaining would be to record everyone's face while they watch this terribleness... the cringe-worthiness is off the charts.
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Bald Messiah54 months
The only music that makes Antonio Brown look like a genius.
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NakaTrash54 months
Keith Richards is looking well
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TaderSalad54 months
Larry... go crawl into a hole and EAD.
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