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Number of Posts:210
Registered on:1/25/2018
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It's a start. Enjoy prison, bitch

He's about to get a very harsh lesson on real racism. Prison is ground zero for division on color lines.

If you look back at US history the taller candidate for President wins 90% of the time.

Interesting. In November 2007, it went to the candidate that looked like a Volkswagen Beetle with its doors open.

That boy couldn't do much of anything.

Isn't this Barry's line after leaving the bath houses of Chicago?

Is your avatar picture that dingbat professor from Fresno State? If so, she's made some improvements.

Yeah...I am not sure what "African American" computer algorithms look like versus honk....errr...Caucasian algorithms.

Those algorithms end like this: .motherfricker

We should use the military to seize some small island somewhere and hand it over to the Bush and Clinton families and tell them that's where they will go, and that's where they will stay.

I believe we have access to some housing in the Caribbean. May they all rot there in the newl

After seeing this, I'm beginning to believe that a reptilian race actually lives on Earth.

Is that Huma behind her?

That video hasn't been released yet.

re: Still true today

Posted by Bald Messiah on 3/1/18 at 11:08 am

Need to add a Hogg caricature!

It's already in there. Look at the bulge in the muslim's pants.
"I say this as a former Secretary of State, two-time Presidential silver medalist, and as an American".....
Schiff has the most punchable face in politics. Possibly the most punchable face on the planet.
Short answer is virtue signalling. Very similar to the Hillary voters on election night that posted pictures and videos of how sad they were.

re: Is it the guns or the person?

Posted by Bald Messiah on 2/15/18 at 7:08 pm

How about you address mine?

It's an endless argument that cannot be resolved. His point is that a person determined to inflict pain is going to inflict pain regardless of the controls in place.