According to the report, NFL 11 teams do not offer free, on-site daycare. Seven teams don't provide
© James Lang-USA TODAY Sports
According to the report, NFL 11 teams do not offer free, on-site daycare. Seven teams don't provide daycare at all. Per The Spun...

The Los Angeles Chargers and Tampa Bay Buccaneers provide daycare at a cost to the players.

The Chargers require players to pay $75 for the first child and $50 for each additional kid. Players complained that the off-site service is inconvenient to use.

While the Tampa Bay Buccaneers at least provide on-site daycare, they charge $90 per child for daycare on gameday.

As a result, the Chargers and Buccaneers each received an F grade for their treatment of player families. None of the four teams with an F- grade (Pittsburgh Steelers, New England Patriots, Cincinnati Bengals, and Washington Commanders) offer any daycare.
Filed Under: NFL
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Nomadic Bengal11 months
Do these assholes understand how much a normal person has to pay for this service? Get frickt. If your company gives you this for free, then great! Stop feeling entitled to everything.
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BK78511 months
If you don't want to pay for them.........don't have them.
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lsusteve111 months
As they should
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WhiteMandingo11 months
Wow a guy earning a min of 450k is complaining about 8x$90 worth of day care? What happened to the mother?
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jjv000411 months
Cry me a river. How will they ever survive paying all that money with those small salaries.
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TheWalrus11 months
Is it a company’s responsibility to provide daycare?
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Mickey Goldmill11 months
No it isn't. They also didn't say it was. A lot of teams do provide daycare though so they are comparing it to what the rest of the industry does.
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saints502111 months
Does that service extend to bastards?
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jbird711 months
Athletes are getting to be as bad as celebrities. Maybe prioritize your expenses better. Not everyone you grew up with needs a new house and an Escalade.
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SoFla Tideroller11 months
Athletes have to pay for the same services an Everyday Joe does? The horror.
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baytiger1111 months
Why can’t the instahoe baby mamas stay home and teach them how to write their name and color between the lines?
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jp4lsu11 months
What about Team Staff or people working for the team on game day? I'd care more about the people not making $500k/year getting daycare than coddled players.
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