Local artist Rico Lavelle took a knee after singing the National Anthem prior to the Lions vs. Flacons game...
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Spookz84 months
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DoubleDown84 months
NFL Players take knee: Some Fans are all butthurt President tweets about NFL Players: Those same fans think it's cool. This country is soft and it's from both sides. Let the down votes ensue, snowflakes.
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Azkiger84 months
The difference in outlook on each probably falls the way it does because of the way the media decides to report on each. It's hard to hear a national voice oppose these players kneeling. No telling how many people with a national voice are supporting these players kneeling. Hollywood, Silicon Valley, the Music Industry, the Mainstream Media, etc. None of them are a voice for fly over country, all they do is spout the political ideologies prevalent in big cities. I think people are just happy that someone is voicing the opinion of rural areas, because you rarely get to hear their thoughts on an issue.
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UFMatt84 months
I have stopped watching any NFL game until this childish, unpatriotic bullshite stops. These multimillionaires acting like they are oppressed just to get some street cred. Give me a break. Stand up for 2 minutes and show respect for the men and women who died to give them the chance play a game for millions of dollars.
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AustinKnight84 months
Bet that's his last song
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the808bass84 months
No one cares.
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alajones84 months
As much as I disagree with his protestations, I will defend to the death his right to protest.
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loweralabamatrojan84 months
Chances are you have done. Most of us who served feel this way. Dumbasses gonna dumbass, but we secured that right for them.
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Bige1184 months
No one is saying you should arrest these dudes. What people are saying is if you are going to disrespect this country, this flag, and our game of football by refusing to stand then we will exercise our right not to support you. Get it? People act like the only freedom of expression comes from these whiny multimillionaires. People are just sick of it.
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Broadside Bob84 months
The only NFL I generally watch is the Super Bowl. Will make a deliberate choice not to even do that this year.
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Godfather184 months
Do what I do...go to a movie. You have the theater pretty much to yourself and there's no line for popcorn.
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GuiceTheGreat84 months
This shite is getting ridiculous. They are protesting for nothing. There is no social injustice and there is no institutional discrimination towards blacks in this nation. Just plain stupid.
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Insideradvantage84 months
Lions vs. Falcons? Is that a sport of some kind.
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NorthGwinnettTiger84 months
Trump Humpers being just as big of snowflakes as the bernie supporters. Dumbasses and trump are giving the kneelers the press they want. Everyone has to be offended by something. Shut the frick up and enjoy your life.
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Azkiger84 months
The press is giving these twats all the press they want.
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JustinT3784 months
Hillary Clinton and the Democrat media have been bitching for 8 months; "what happened" and "the resistance." Or did you conveniently forget? We are here to stay so shut the frick up.
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CajunSoldier22584 months
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ole man84 months
screw him, and all the rest just like, him with his black power shite
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LuzianaFootball84 months
ole man you're living in old days that kept a lot of the shite going that these guys a protesting. Time to actually speak to people who've been in these situations that they're protesting and maybe you'll understand "black power shite". Your comment was spoken like a true supremacist.
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TJGator121584 months
I never knew fighting for equality and equal treatment under the law was "black power shite". I thought it was called accountability and justice.
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Azkiger84 months
TJ, what inequality is being fought? Please don't say police brutality... Men are shot 95% of the time by police as well, I guess the police is super sexist against men? Nah society rightfully realizes that men, on average, commit the vast majority of violent crime. Now apply that same filter to race...
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JayJay284 months
Wonderful job.
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Preauxpofol84 months
MOre impressive would be if any of these morons could actually articulate what it is they're "protesting" against. The nonstop black violent crime?
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LuzianaFootball84 months
I protest both. Why do some idiots think that because someone protests one thing it means they accept another? Basically, it's not ok to protest police brutality from overzealous cops because blacks kill other blacks? Got it. It's ok for cops to kill unarmed people or rough people up to "show who's boss". I've experienced it as a kid and into adulthood. Thrown on the hood of a hot arse police car because because a my taillights went out due to a blown fuse on my way home. Several unwarranted incidents like this throughout my life. Luckily, I'm still here. Some cops are pieces of shite just like any other citizen who takes another person's life for no reason, especially in my community. At least threads are being started and admins are posting it on a sports forum like this to keep the exposure going.
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SECdragonmaster84 months
Luziana - might want to look at statistics of cops violence vs whites/blacks. Blacks are LESS likely to be killed. But continue with racist fervor.
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Bige1184 months
Several of the cops that started the whole round of protests were black. Just saying. Police brutality should be addressed on a case by case basis, and the officers should be punished accordingly. However, there shouldn't be a national crisis every time a thug is shot by a cop trying to protect the community.
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AtlantaLSUfan84 months
Please don't give this video more views.
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Doug Masters84 months
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Blind Zebras84 months
Btw - This singer is a full retard. You can't sing and protest the anthem simultaneously. Or did Obama say he could?
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atltiger648784 months
Goddell has really let this get out of hand. I, for one, refuse to watch a single second of NFL games. It's all college games for me.
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Blind Zebras84 months
Ratings will continue to drop as people boycott the NFL over this bs
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RichJ84 months
Seems to me, appropriate protest would be to refuse to sing our National Anthem...
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mtemplet84 months
Gotta get that paper first before he stands up for what he "believes" in. #C.R.E.A.M
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