The Miami Dolphins celebrated their undefeated 1972 team on Sunday by giving fans 1972 prices. This was pretty cool...
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(The Spun)
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SagginInRefelct23 months
The funny part us that they still turned a profit. Their cost on drink is about .40, on popcorn maybe $ .30, on a hotdogs, probably kess than 1.00
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HubbaBubba23 months
Was just at Formula 1 over the weekend. Domestic beers: $11 Margaritas: $21 hamburgers : $25. Oh, you want fries with that? +$20 Ridiculous!
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Mr Boyles23 months
Was trying to figure out why there were so many homeless people chilling in the stands. Was Pitt giving out free Steeler swag as well?
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3down1023 months
Inflation is merely an indication of how much value the elites/banks have stolen from the American people with fractional reserve banking. Newly created money gets all it's value from existing money. Wealth is not created with the printing of new money, it's stolen.
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cajunmud23 months
(sorry for the length but this needs to get out to those who are clueless)

Right! What most folks don't understand, because it's kept from them, is that our financial system is a giant Ponzi/Pyramid scheme created by the robber barons of the 1800' 1913. They bought a handful of senators and over the Christmas break when everyone had left DC, they passed the Federal Reserve Act that gave the criminal banksters the RIGHT to counterfeit money! Plain and simple. Our Constitution says that only Congress has the right to coin (create) money.

Now, a Ponzi scheme collapses when the promoter can't con any new folks into giving him their money so that he can keep paying those at the top that he's previously conned. Our government spending, our yearly budget (Defense, SSA, student loan forgiveness etc.) IS that new money coming in on the bottom in order to keep the scheme from total collapse.

So, if any lying politician tells you that they are gonna curb government spending, they're blowing smoke up your azz. Cause they know full well what's going on and no one wants to be the cause of the most horrific crash the world has ever seen. So they're gonna keep spending and YOU are gonna keep being enslaved and footing the bill (being the new money at the bottom!).

Our only hope, as I see it, is crypto and/or aliens landing and bitch slapping the banksters and freeing us. Both are somewhat long shots. But I'd buy me a lil crypto just in case.
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Tigerwm2323 months
If that were the prices now, those greedy assholes would still make money!
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TigerPaw723 months
These should be the prices now.
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goodgrin23 months
So all 13,000 fans are going to allow the concession stands to have leftover stock, right?
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Robber DeNiro23 months
They are like 6 dollars today
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Cwils222223 months
The losses they must have had to take when all 936 fans took advantage of this.
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ncinthenext323 months
...and they packed the house. Steelers fans that is.
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kkv7523 months
An entire organization, fan base and city living in the past.
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lsudave123 months
I wouldn’t say the city is. The organization can’t help that the majority of its city population cares way more about fútbol.
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HarryBalzack23 months
According to the inflation calculator, that hot dog cost $14.20 in today's money.
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TouchdownTony23 months
2 bucks for a hot dog in 72 was expensive. Just a couple years ago they were only like 5.
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Zzyzx23 months
Hot dogs cost more than $2 now?
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TFH23 months
Not at Sam’s Club
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cajunmud23 months
I'm thinking that that should be today's prices. I can't believe prices in general and stadium prices in particular.

Thanks Federal Reserve banksters and bought & paid for politicians!
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Bige1123 months
Understanding the federal reserve, and that there is nothing federal about it (it’s a private bank), is the beginning to understanding why our political system is what it is, and why the use identity politics to divide us…..
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GoRuckTiger23 months
And they still probably made a profit.
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DiamondDog23 months
$2.00 for a hot dog in 1972 is really expensive.
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DiamondDog23 months
Equal price today is $13 and its hard to believe anybody pays that for a hot dog.
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brewhan davey23 months
What about beer?
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