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Registered on:11/6/2019
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We got him signed up for a behavioral therapist and an occupational therapist.

I don't have any more answers. This is absolute madness with this child. He's got something wrong with him beyond what I can deal with.

Beating the will out of him isn't the answer. It won't budge him. He's function
We had a great day and a difficult night again. I have him signed up for baseball and I took him to the field to play. We played outside and he seemed to thrive with physical activity.

Tonight he didn't want me to get him dressed. He starter thrashing and hitting me. I told him that was unaccepta
As a Magic fan, its perplexing. We have no offense, sputtering at the guard spots but they won't give him a shot.

I refuse to believe he isn't better than our last guy on the bench.

We keep dragging Gary Harris around like an old duffle bag.
Thank you. I needed to hear that and I'll likely be living that same moment. Been there.
Yes, let me put in writing on the internet in explicit detail how I've attempted to discipline my son via beatings to gain approval from fellow dumbasses.

Some of you folks are morons.

To the others, thanks for the help.

The school system also has an Early Steps program to identify children with possible special needs.

We did that. Jeff Davis Parish worker said he was the highest scoring kid she had personally seen. His comprehension and vocabulary were advanced.

Still...we have issues.


He’s 45lbs! Are you serious? Pop that little boys arse a few times

I could swing him around and beat his butt, that has nothing to do with it. It's not modifying his behavior.

His mother can't control him, which means it becomes a major problem.

Beating the child into submis

You need counseling. Not just him, you and the mom too.

Probably. I'm "give out" at this point.

Controlling him is a challenge. I have tried every approach. Whipping him isn't the answer. He's too young and this isn't like a consciously bad kid.

This seems like something d
I have done that. It makes him go legit insane and act like an animal. Then its like a Mexican standoff.
We have small kids. We continue to struggle with our oldest who is 3. He doesn't listen and is outright defiant. He's way too big and its become a problem. He must be close to 4' tall about 45 lbs. He's a tank.

He can't be reasoned with at times and bedtime is always a complete disaster. I'm talk
As a former DC resident...

"Baby, I compare you to a kiss from a rose on the gray..."

Heck even I approached. Batted like .070 but I still swung.

re: Got shooked up at Walmart

Posted by DiamondDog on 2/14/25 at 2:17 pm
Eggland Best is $3.99/dozen
Deb is the worst part of the show. Vocabulary of a 14 year old teenage boy.
People don't understand Trump. The man's a professional street fighter. He goes straight for the throat.
Lower your expectations. This is a 78 year old gold digger that did nothing consequential in her career besides marry into wealth.

You're not going to get a spark of genius.
I'm "coaching" my kid in the 3-4 age group. It's herding cats with balls and bats. Everybody knows that.

But I like spending time with him.




Nerds, nerds, calm down!
Returning a WR coach when no WRs could catch the ball. Smart. Business is looking up already.