During Tuesday’s episode of Jim Rome on Showtime, NFL kicker Jay Feely shared his thoughts on Eagles new QB Tim Tebow. Feely very much respects Tim's efforts in the community, but just thinks he's the worst quarterback he's ever seen...

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11thACR117 months
Why would Rome have Feely on his show ?
Or discuss a position player with him ?
Maybe Feely should compare TT broadcasting skills
to Romey !!
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Whiznot117 months
I guess Feely was liquored up for the interview.
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tensasparishtiger117 months
Ryan Leaf, Marinovich, Akili Smith are glad that Feely never saw them play.
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ShlikStyck117 months
Feely obviously hasn't watched lsu very much over the last 5 years
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ShlikStyck117 months
Feely obviously hasn't watched lsu very much over the last 5 years
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Martini117 months
Jim Rome still has a show? Is the Sports Babe still around?

Tim Tebow worst? Nah. Plenty of others that have washed up worse and not just a few in the black and gold uniform.
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Datbayoubengal117 months
I can't believe the level some will stoop to just to say Tebow wasn't completely terrible in the NFL. My God the fact that he started as many games as he did still baffles me. The Broncos whole game plan that one year was defense going above and beyond to limit the point total just low enough so Tebow could go all "Tebow Time" and pull out a win at the end.

Some of the greatest college players of all time have also been some of the biggest NFL busts of all time. It's ok guys, he's just another one.
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Drizzt117 months
Tebow is awful as an NFL QB. He would be a great NFL H-back or hybrid fullback/TE but the guy is too proud to change positions. Blessed are the realistic, for they shall inherit an NFL paycheck Timmy.
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CNB117 months
You guys are idiots. He said "in the nfl". Bringing up his college accomplishments is completely irrelevant.
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TNTigerman117 months
Sure, he doesn't have the mechanics to be a long-time NFL QB, but he's one of the greatest college football players of all time - in the Top 3. And that's coming from a Gator Hater.
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Tom Bronco117 months
Well Tebow still isn't in the NFL. He has to make the team first. And if he isn't the worst qb in the NFL, why isn't he playing somewhere?
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vuvuzela117 months
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atltiger6487117 months
just because Feely didn't win a Heisman he can't comment on Tebow??? Come on, we all respect Tebow and he was one of the greatest college players of all time, but the NFL is a different game, and Tebow is just a poor NFL QB. Don't rag on Feely for giving his opinion.
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UFMatt117 months
I hate to see one Heisman winner criticize another, Oh wait, you mean Feely didn't win a Heisman or 2 National Championships? What, he is just a washed up kicker? Who named him to a new position of QB talent evaluator? Opinions are like
a-holes I guess and people are all a-hole.
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Rebel Land Shark117 months
Also if you think Tebow is the "worst" QB in the NFL you're an idiot
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Rebel Land Shark117 months
Who the hell is Jay Feely?
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TigerNlc117 months
Another "idiot kicker".
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Akit1117 months
Well, uh, that's just like your, uh, opinion man
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