Kirby Lee-USA TODAY Sports
Former NFL coach and Notre Dame head coach Charlie Weis has had enough of Tony Romo...

"I listened to the end of the game and listened to Tony Romo ruin the moment. Just shut up and let us savor the moment. Just be quiet. Nantz had already said, ‘Jackpot.’ That should have been the end of the (conversation)," Weis said, via OutKick.
(The Spun)
Filed Under: NFL
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75503Tiger11 months
He will never be Aikman, on the field or in the booth Troy was and is better
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Violent Hip Swivel12 months
Anyone with a basic understanding of sports broadcasting knows that the color commentator is supposed to shut the frick up during big moments in the game and let the play by play guy direct and wait for the play by play guy's cue to begin talking again.

Romo fricked up the ending of the Super Bowl and made the moment less iconic because he's too dense to know when to shut the frick up.
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Mr Happy12 months
I don't value the opinion of fatties.
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tee312 months
All this forced Romo hate lately, he's not even near as bad as people like to pretend he is.
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A. Dixon Your Face12 months
The pendulum has swung too far to the hate side. That said, he was never as good as he was originally hyped up to be.
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evangelfan12 months
No one cares what Fat Charlie has to say. Just shut up and keep to being a bad former coach unless you can you can outperform Romo in the booth, and you can’t!
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lsutigersFTW12 months
This won’t be a first down Jeeem

Ref: First down
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CajunBullet12 months
Romo is horrible!
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Corso12 months
Relative to what he's getting paid he's the most overrated announcer in the history of sports. He's like RGIII in that he tries to make the entire broadcast about himself
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Xhero12 months
Tony is back in Mayberry for a break.
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Water Mocassin12 months
Romo has diarrhea of the mouth. He is captain obvious with his non stop talking. Just go away you sanctimonious jerk.
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entmd200212 months
What’s really funny is if you listen to Tony during his TV analysis, hear how he projects so much pressure on the players/team, that this play means everything. It’s a do or die situation . It’s obvious that high pressure situations affected him to where he couldn’t succeed during high-pressure situations. Hence the true reason why true Dallas Cowboy fans can’t stand Romo.
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BobABooey12 months
Shake it off, Tony!
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Morpheus12 months
Some people that are gifted at announcing can read a room and let a great play speak for itself without telling people how they should feel about it.
Romo should remember it’s the play that makes the memory, not what always what he feels he needs to add to it.
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brewdrees12 months
Nobody heard Romo, everybody was making noise. Stop it!!!
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Clark1412 months
I couldn’t hear the tv over my grandson’s yelling. Some folks just like to bitch.
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Not sure thats worth shittn britches over Chuck
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SoFla Tideroller12 months
He's right
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