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[quote]how do TX taxpayers feel about their money being spent on this political grandstanding?[/quote] The reason the border became a top 2 issue in the election and the only reason Biden and his MSM admitted the border was a disaster is because Abbott started shipping these aliens to Dem cities ...
Any white man that supports Kamala has either had a real dick or a rubber dick in their arse. It's that simple...

re: Where the hell is Joe?

Posted by Corso on 7/26/24 at 5:53 pm
[quote]Have they just given up and stopped pretending?[/quote] They'll never stop pretending. In fact they now know that they have advanced to a new level of being able to pretend absolutely anything and the state run media will tell everyone it's real...
[quote]It’s a bad idea, and the lesson for JD is not every idea you have needs to be said out loud.[/quote] Agreed. I know he's relatively young in politics but he's still a grown arse man, he keeps looking like a kid at Disney World on camera since he was picked and he seems a little naïve about...

re: CNN on Harris Dragging Biden Down

Posted by Corso on 7/26/24 at 5:36 pm
I remember this. I was just telling someone today that I remembered one of the MSM robots going in dry on Kamala and saying all the obvious things. Trump needs to use this video in an ad, hell he should read a transcript of it at a rally...
Look like his orthopedic non slip shoes give him an extra inch...
That'll definitely push away the black male and Rust Belt male vote...
[quote]Why did you stop? Explain why.[/quote] You have the same strategy your other buddies have on here, you have absolutely nothing to say so you just drop in and say oh I have no idea what you're talking about so spend your time typing out a post explaining it to me. Deflection is bad enough ...

re: Kamala says no to debate on Fox

Posted by Corso on 7/25/24 at 6:09 pm
And Trump will readily agree to the ABC debate while not pushing for a Fox debate at all. He has the biggest balls in political history but frick you don't have to swing em around every time you get challenged. If Kamala only wants her propaganda ministry running the debate then Trump needs to say ...

re: Liberal Twitter Poll Backfires

Posted by Corso on 7/25/24 at 5:44 pm
[quote]I just checked after voting for Trump. Now at 71.5%[/quote] I just voted, 73.7%...
[quote]Of course you'll vote for Trump, a lifelong DEMOCRAT that somehow shifted to the right in the twilight of his life[/quote] Are you saying he's a fake Republican or pretending to be? He and his family have been terrorized for 8 years and he just got shot in the face, but he's still pretend...
[quote]I'm pro-Kamala[/quote] Sincere question, can you explain why you're pro-Kamala now? What did you think of her in 2020? Was she your #1 pick after the debate to replace him?...
[quote]and the pussy that comes along with it[/quote] Are you fricking retarded? He's an NYC billionaire who's been slaying for decades and you think he just wanted to be President to get pussy? What is wrong with you?...
Sounds like she's flat out admitting they took out Joe because he's losing if his health has nothing to do with it, and if he was winning they would go right on with "Joe is Sharp!" Joe didn't drop out because of his health, he's sharp enough for a 2nd term, and they were insistent that he would ...

re: Dr. Jill has a message for you

Posted by Corso on 7/25/24 at 3:29 pm
[quote]She may be one of the most evil people in DC. What she did dragging that corpse across the country and propping him up as a legitimate president while knowing he had serious medical issues, just shows how much of a power hungary, narcissist she really is.[/quote] Remember a couple of years...

re: Carville = pure hate

Posted by Corso on 7/25/24 at 3:12 pm
I almost wonder if he's trolling all the LSU baws wearing the gear every single appearance. I know every college campus has its leftists but why the hell would he think LSU fans/alums would want his hideous arse representing them?...

re: Pine Barrens Episode- The Sopranos

Posted by Corso on 7/25/24 at 2:32 pm
The best part to me was that they skipped lunch, but by that night they were eating ketchup packets like they hadn't eaten in a week and were starving to death :lol:...
I know this is unpatriotic but I fricking hate America right now. And why are there no normal looking people in our government? Even Matt Gaetz looks like a mannequin ...
I immediately and clearly heard college. Anybody that heard colored is hoping that's what he said. That's why I hate social fricking media ...