The Patriots traded backup QB Jimmy Garoppolo to the 49ers on Monday. Most are taking this as confidence that 40-year-old Tom Brady will play for years to come. So ESPN Magazine gives a look into what that might look like in the year 2022...
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Filed Under: NFL
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eddieray87 months
I wonder when his forehead got flogged
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BlackPot87 months
So he turns 65 in 5 years?
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Kt4487 months
Does he contract HIV between now and then?
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Kankles87 months
who's more likely to be retired in 2022? Tom Brady, ESPN, or the NFL?
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Volvagia87 months
Do they not realize that it is only 5 years away?
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MountainCat87 months
When did he start smoking?
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djangochained87 months
He fine
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PortHudsonPlaya87 months
This combined with the 'body' issue shows what ESPN has become.
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Chiefagain87 months
ESPN. Just end it already.
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diat15087 months
So he turns into Brett favre
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GeauxTGRZ87 months
Like fine wine.. Better with age.
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MSH87 months
This is fricking stupid.
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