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Registered on:3/12/2006
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Oh. That’s not their fate. It’s being crushed in their homes by the weight of all the ash and pumice settling on their roof. ...
[quote] I wonder whatever happened to him.[/quote] Transitioned to jobs behind the camera. ...
[quote]If it erupts, the people there would be dead so fast they wouldn’t even know it. No use in warning them[/quote] Would also kill literally everyone as far out as Denver within hours. ...
[quote]So you are ok with a few businessmen over riding your vote? I guess the world needs worker bees too.[/quote] That has been the case for literally at least 20 years, arguably longer, and has little difference with what happened yesterday, Mr Parrot. I wasn’t going to vote in the democra...
[quote]Bio says you joined 19 years ago.. so which is it ?[/quote] See above, regarding identifying parrots who don’t think. ...
[quote]Then why have primaries?[/quote] Because they chose to. The point is the democratic process hasn’t started yet. You realize candidates are on every single ballot without going through a primary? So to call changing the candidate “undemocratic” when the candidate still has to go thr...
[quote]They are going to run a candidate that nobody has cast a single vote for. They claim they circumventing democracy in order to save democracy. [/quote] This is a bullshite talking point that is a good usage to identify the parrots that don’t think. There is nothing in the electoral ...
Why are we equating “colonizing” with exploration and research? Even if there is a long term manned station there it’s not colonization. And the moon is the stepping stone, not Mars. It’s why the big project to put a refueling space station in lunar orbit is called “Gateway”...
The marching orders are starting to filter out. #leftcantmeme They seem to be seemingly simultaneously saying he was so great and capable, but he needs to pull out for the sake of the country because he is incapable of winning against Trump as a candidate. [img]https://i.imgur.com/RqDvi...
I wonder if someone has told Joe yet...

re: Crackpot ASOIAF Theories SPOILERS

Posted by Volvagia on 7/21/24 at 12:49 pm
[quote]13 years since A Dance with Dragons released [/quote] This isn’t half as damning as it being 8 years after the release of season 6, which he said he was trying very hard to get WoW out before and that he was close. ...
It’s a movie I’m going to see, so I deliberately avoid trailers for sake of spoilers. So it massively pissed me off that some organizations put it in their headlines so it appeared on my phones standard feed. Not even as an app notification. ...
Yeah if you watch the UK shows you see that he can kick arse in back of house, but the GR quirks that are well known is very much a developed and projected persona. ...

re: ER theme song

Posted by Volvagia on 7/18/24 at 1:02 am
That whole bit starting with Benton sprinting across the hall, accidentally hitting a cop as he is trying to put on gloves, and Connie trying to soothe the cop that started to pursue so Benton isn’t delayed all the way till the end was top tier television. ...
[quote]Our grandparents/great grandparents lived their lives with the ability to shrug their shoulders and move on at things that didn’t affect them.[/quote] You are wayyyyyyy romanticizing the group. Just shrugged their shoulders and moved on about desegregation did they? Evils of Rock ...
Don’t worry, nothing happened in the movies so far really. The biggest thing was Kang’s set up but Disney walked away from Majors. ...
[quote]I'm working on an actual database for physical and digital.[/quote] I have a ÑAS attached to a PLEX server with all kinds of movies/shows ripped on it. Netflix RIP...

re: ER theme song

Posted by Volvagia on 7/15/24 at 6:03 pm
Green’s death would have been a natural narrative to o close the series on. And while it’s not quite as consistently good I think it’s still worthwhile TV till around where Carter leaves as a regular. Him passing down the advice he was given in the pilot (“Set the tone.”) to a clueless Morris wh...

re: My 2nd shooter hypothetical.

Posted by Volvagia on 7/15/24 at 8:35 am
[quote]Find the holes in this hypothetical [/quote] Well for one, [quote]When he took his ONE shot that nipped Trump's ear, crooks then began his shots.[/quote] Bullet actually never touched Trump. The blood was from a flying piece of glass from the teleprompter ...