49ers Scouting Report Of Bo Jackson Was As Amazing As His MLB Scouting Report
Shanna Lockwood-USA TODAY Sports
The San Francisco 49ers scouting report of Bo Jackson has surfaced online...
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And now let's revisit his baseball scouting report from 1985...
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Wow. Won
Don't think they'll be another one like him.

(The Big Lead)
Filed Under: NFL
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AU196059 months
They don't buildem like Bo anymore.
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Fearless_and_True59 months
4.12. Wont ever be matched!
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Rex Feral59 months
Is that for real?
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imjustafatkid59 months
So much wasted potential.
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NYCAuburn59 months
This comment "With Bo, Roger, Joe in our backfield. Awesome." unstoppable
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JakeFromStateFarm59 months
Greatest pure athlete I’ve ever seen in my lifetime. There will never be another Bo Jackson
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Skinny59 months
I don't even know how the hell Boone caught that ball from Bo to get Reynolds sliding at home. I would have shat myself as a catcher watching that sphere coming at me from that great a distance with no bounce.
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prplhze200059 months
Inside the park home run
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Helicopter Richard59 months
Don’t think they’ll be another one like him......
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CDawson59 months
4.12 40 yet 4.1 to first base. Doesn’t compute. Guy was a 3.7 or 3.8 to first. One of the best runners to first on right side I’ve ever seen.
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CDawson59 months
4.12 40 yet 4.1 to first base. Doesn’t compute. Guy was a 3.7 or 3.8 to first. One of the best runners to first on right side I’ve ever seen.
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vodkacop59 months
Meh durability was way off
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Boatshoes59 months
Heck, anyone who played super tecmo bowl could have told you that.
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arcalades59 months
mental alertness. lol
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LSU$$$59 months
4.12??????? really??
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KingOfTheWorld59 months
Hand timed. Still probably mid 4.2s 6-1 220 pounds.
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TigerMan7959 months
It was electronic. Hand times for the same run were as low as 3.9. Bo said it himself in a recent interview.
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HTDawg59 months
No, but Bo Jackson and Auburn fans will milk it to death. I guarantee you he didn't run a 4.12. Usain Bolt who would blow Jackson's doors off only ran a 4.22 40 and they expect me to believe Bo was a full one tenth of a second faster? It's an old wives tale, nothing more.
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Captain Lafitte59 months

NOTE * (Will only run and throw when he has to - will not throw full out in pre-game)
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OceanMan59 months
Techmo Bowl was unfair with Bo
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blueboxer111959 months
Deion Sanders is a better athlete.
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CanebreakCajun59 months
You’re a crazy person
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BigBlueAU59 months
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BigBlueAU59 months
Why Bo is the best athlete. Straight from Deion himself. LINK
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Buckeye Jeaux59 months
4.12? Yeah. If they timed him with an old wind-up alarm clock
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Owns MLB record for most home runs with an artificial hip.
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ROPO59 months
It would have been incredible to see had he stayed healthy
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