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You have also seen him waltz with Hugo Chavez...

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Now, you can see him bring down the house with a stirring rendition of "Blueberry Hill"...

Filed Under: New Orleans Saints
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Nick Papa Georgio170 months
what a BOSS
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beauthelab170 months
The Fat Man

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WoodCrafter170 months
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Well now, he is right handed but left eye dominant.

Not so good.
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Camp Randall170 months

right handed but left eye dominant

so am I. Sucks for pool and shooting that's for sure.
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WoodCrafter170 months
Nephew has the same problem. I switched him to lefty and he is hell on critters it's funny when hot brass "invades" his personal space. :lol:
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Honkus170 months
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foshizzle170 months
I see nip on the first pic. IB4W.
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tigerwoods170 months
He really is the most interesting man in the world
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Placebeaux170 months
Flavio Briatore will give Putin a run for his money in the most interesting man in the world competion. :lol:
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RummelTiger170 months
Do you have a new crush?
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Placebeaux170 months
His new girlfriend is top notch

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TJRibMe170 months
dude owns the crowd with one hand in his pocket.
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The Sad Banana170 months
Am I the only one who thinks this dude is awesome?
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tigerwoods170 months
He's Putin on the Ritz
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SG_Geaux170 months

He's Putin on the Ritz

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RagingStiff170 months
why do white people always clap on the downbeats???
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coloradoBengal170 months

why do white people always clap on the downbeats???

Why do music nerds assume everyone knows what a "downbeat" is?
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RagingStiff170 months

Why do music nerds assume everyone knows what a "downbeat" is?

it's when the bass drum hits. you're supposed to clap on the 2 and 4, with the snare.
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colorchangintiger170 months
hilarious, this song means a lot to me.
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dirtyred170 months
He'd kick Obama's arse with one hand tied behind his back.
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LSUCanFAN170 months
uuuuh ex-Kgb vs. Community $ is on the Commie :lol:
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dirtyred170 months
If we have to have an emporer anyway, im for a trade.
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Tiger Ryno170 months

my $ is on the Commie

Which one?
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cheeriopiss170 months
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