Notre Dame unveiled new Yankees-inspired Shamrock Series for their game against Syracuse at Yankee Stadium...
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Filed Under: NCAA Football
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young man tiger78 months
Now two things that I hate come in one affordable package. Thanks Under Armour!
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CrimsonTideMD78 months
not fetch at all
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JohnnyRebel78 months
I disagree. These are so Fetch. The problem is, Gretchen keeps trying to make Fetch happen... and nobody else wants Fetch to happen.
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Doug Masters78 months
I like the Irish. Hate the Yankees. So conflicted...
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awestruck78 months
... so it's straight to baseball and skipping football altogether?
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kjntgr78 months
No, the ND FOOTBALL team will wear these monstrocities on NOV 17 in yankee stadium VS the Syracuse FOOTBALL team
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Drizzt78 months
Wow. That sucks.
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TouchdownTony78 months
Bama,usc, auburn and Texas are the only 4 schools now that wear the same uni for every game of the season.
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kjntgr78 months
I’ve seen Alabama wear a white and a red uniform
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pellietigersaint78 months
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Captain Lafitte78 months
:Bronx cheer:
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Eltegray78 months
Did I miss something? When did Yankees adopt ND? LSU is playing in Dallas, you don't see them putting stars on their helmets.
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SomeLSUguy78 months
Who said they were even worthy of doing such a thing...???
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Othello78 months
:yack: Notre Dame has one of the top 5 uniforms in CFB when they just use the classic look. Why they keep messing with it, I do not understand.
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CDawson78 months
Because today's 'look at me' player is not about classic or tradition. They are all about the guy in the mirror.
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DeafVallyBatnR78 months
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HarryBalzack78 months
Shame the things one has to do when he's irrelevant.
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WhoDatNC78 months
Almost as much of a train wreck as Brian Kelly.
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brett40878 months
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monkeybutt78 months
Of course you like them Larry, of course.
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JackieTreehorn78 months
Pure dreck
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widespreadpiggy78 months
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EyeTwentyNole78 months
So they're just abandoning their own colors and mascot for some gimmick. Why can't these teams just wear their damn uniforms instead of looking for any reason to dress up in a costume. This whole thing jumped the shark when Virginia Tech came out in those gooseshit helmets a few years ago.
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Fat Bastard78 months
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