Is This This NCAA Sending A Warning To The ACC, BIG 12 & SEC?
© Kirby Lee-USA TODAY Sports
NCAA medical advisors met with the media on Thursday morning and appeared to send a cautious warning to those conferences currently scheduled to play: ACC, BIG 12 and SEC...
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(The Spun)
Filed Under: NCAA Football
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YardEngr1153 months
So one case of anything and the world comes to an end. Horse shite, put your big girl panties on. There are all kinds of potential injuries, diseases, etc. out there. Are we going to hide from all of them and not get out of the house? OMG
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Laffy Taffy Tiger53 months
she says not avoiding crowds was a main reason for where we are. no shite he riot and protest were the main factor for the spikes
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Drizzt53 months
Are these the same medical experts that say men who feel like women have no competitive advantage competing against female athletes? The NCAA has no credibility.
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Ric Flair53 months
Anyone else read “Brian Hainline” as Brian Hartline, Ohio State receiver? (Poor man’s Brandon Stokley back in the day)
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1953 months
In the '07 look-alike thread, he was Towmater.
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Pecker53 months
"Dr. Colleen Kraft said, 'I think one case of myocarditis in an athlete is too many.'" Does she feel this way about other conditions or just this one? I'd love to hear her thoughts on what segments of our economy and society we should shut down due to the pervasiveness of morbid obesity. Dr. Jonathan Kim, the chief of sports cardiology at Emory University, took a wet shite on her today in the Atlanta Journal Constitution. “The severity of myocarditis, per Kim, can vary greatly. It can be subclinical, with people not even knowing they have it, to severe. 'I think this is a very individualized decision, as it relates to the athlete and the athlete’s family,' Kim said."
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Kentucker53 months
“On same call, Brian Hainline, NCAA's chief medical officer, says they're aware of 12 cases of myocarditis (a rare inflammation of the heart) in athletes.” If they know which athletes have myocarditis, why aren’t they urging them not to play this year instead of wanting to shite all of college football down? Oh, wait, I know the answer.
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TerryDawg0353 months
One season to flatten the curve.
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Strannix53 months
One concussion is too many, ban football
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Vestigial Morgan53 months
Well...i last week I paid a very well qualifies pediatrician $ 230 to tell me my daughter has a UTI and then paid for the prescription. I got a call from her office two days later telling me oops it wasnt a UTI ...300+ for the visit and med for a useless medical opinion but in Dr Del Rio we trust
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Akit153 months
Rooting for you SEC but there’s no way they’ll be able to withstand the firestorm coming there way by every reporter.
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Trumansfangs53 months
The SEC is considering a deal to play all league games in Portland Oregon, doubleheaders.. Monday through Saturdays. Apparently some Portlanders would welcome an influx of non-Antifa looters . This is true, I heard it at Floyd's Barber Shop.
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B00M53 months
Sure thing Doc, crossing the street and getting hit by a car can kill you too so lets not cross the street. Now, F-off and lets play ball. Hope that was PC enough.
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Dubaitiger53 months
SEC, ACC and Big 12 need to get their own medical experts to refute that and say bullshite, play ball! Has this heart disease just started since 2020 when Covid started? No.. Its been here for a long time and even the common flu can cause this. Flu is so common and we did not do anything to stop college sports before 2020, so play ball. Good point below about sickle cell has caused 11 deaths since 2000, and if one is too many, why we did not shut down college sports in 2000? bullshite again, play ball
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Vacherie Saint53 months
These people are insane. We are already rolling with NBA, MLB, and MLS. Who do they think they are fooling?
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AlbinoGator53 months
Dr. Carlos Del Rio, Infectious Diseases Society of America, and just a high School senior. Mullen doing work smart move recruiting a QB that is also a DR.
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EulerRules53 months
Except he's gonna opt, not so smart move, Dan
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blueboxer111953 months
Let's not turn into soft babyback bitches. Let them play.
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RockyMtnTigerWDE53 months
If one is too many why do they let football continue all these years when they know sickle cell trait has was the cause of 11 deaths since 2000. They are full of shite.
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MeatPants53 months
“One is too much”. This is exactly why letting medical advisors make decisions is useless. They are going Default to no risk ever. Zero practicality or realistic solutions Get their input then leave them out of any plan to keep the world spinning
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CanebreakCajun53 months
Who cares. A toothless little kitten.
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LSUNV53 months
The NCAA is a joke at this point! It is only a matter of time before the Power 5 cancels there arse
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LSUNV53 months
“their” damn spell check
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tigerballs53 months
What about CTE cases? How many head injuries are acceptable to the dr. I would bet none. Football wouldn't exist it was up to her.
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