Watch This Girl Hit Layup, Free-Throw, 3-Pointer & Half-Court Shot To Win Car
Aaron Doster-USA TODAY Sports

She couldn't keep the car. Per


After posting the video to Twitter, Kornet followed up Saturday morning with bad news: She wasn’t eligible. In a tweet that was later deleted, Kornet said the contract for the contest said the participant needed to be four years removed from their basketball career. Her final season at UCLA, where she transferred to after playing three years at Oklahoma, ended in 2017.

“They’re not letting me keep it,” she wrote in another deleted tweet. “It’s okay though, my dad can now sleep easy knowing I don’t have to pay any taxes. Forward thinking.”

When you're feeling it, you're feeling it. And then the universe rewards you with a car. Watch former UCLA basketball star Nicole Kornet make it happen...

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Filed Under: NCAA Basketball
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JackieTreehorn74 months
Jackie Moon would come up with a way to get out of giving her the car.
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scuppernong74 months
I would have sex with her.
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225Tyga74 months
Yeah but she wouldn’t with you lol
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Longstreet74 months
What the big print giveth, the fine print taketh away.
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BRgetthenet74 months
Nice sense of humor she has. That goes a long way.
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HonoraryCoonass74 months
Former Atlanta kicker Mick Luckhurst has a company that sells insurance against half-court shots for prizes, holes in one, Dr Pepper Challenge, and whatnot. Odd line of work.
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ReauxlTide22274 months
1. There's nobody there 2. I don't think she left the ground when she jumped.
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Fightin Okra74 months
White girl can’t jump
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91TIGER74 months
You get nothing, you lose, good day sir !
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SpartyGator74 months
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Volt74 months
She knew ahead of time that she was not eligible to win the car. Another article said it was her birthday which is why they let her do it.
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bamafan100174 months
The one in the green is some quality girl next door marriage material
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xGeauxLSUx74 months
Dude...what?! Are we watchin the same video?!
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bamafan100174 months
Cute, athletic, nice legs, doesnt dress like a whore....sounds good to me
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CDawson74 months
Good looking shot.
user avatar
kjntgr74 months
She’s sexy
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jgoodw31874 months
Larry... Pics
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HoustonGumbeauxGuy74 months
Textbook example of “not reading the fine print”. Millennials. SMH.
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rbdallas74 months
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loweralabamatrojan74 months
Should have played CFB @ Bama. Errbody wins a car.
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idlewatcher74 months
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Crimson1st74 months
Everybody wins multiple Nattys as well! Honk honk! :)
user avatar
TheWalrus74 months
Except she didn’t win the car
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