Favorite team:Virginia 
Number of Posts:299
Registered on:7/11/2018
Online Status:Not Online

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Read about this. I think it was just a prop for a movie, no big deal if I remember correctly.
Why not just have one and stop?
This makes me feelwarm inside.
With the way autism is over-diagnosed now days, it’s likely you could look at this kind and never tell he was afflicted (if he even is).

Need more facts.
Fatties are going to destroy American from the inside out.

When 2 out of every 3 people of a nation’s young population aren’t even able to do basic military service on account of weight and associated health issues, the writing is on the wall.
Rejoicing because your rival lost is the telltale sign of a second rate team.

Lions are not concerned with the opinions of sheep.
This guy isn’t the worst, but literally anyone can sell insurance.

It sells itself, really.
Never understood why BMW didn’t market their tourer wagons more in the States.

Best car I ever owned.
Man this woman has you guys triggered like no one else.

You know who else was a two-term representative who had baws triggered, but didn’t ever really accomplish much of anything in Congress? Cleo Fields.

The 10 lowest states are all in the southeast with their heavy minority populations.

Hmmm if there’s a rhetorical question in there, you just answered it.

re: Rally car hits a deer

Posted by Longstreet on 1/7/19 at 6:50 am
Wow that driver screamed like a little bitch.
This will play into Dem’s hands as Trump shutting down the gov for longer than anyone ever.
If you don’t realize it, every year attorneys become more and more needed.

Notnin the PI sector, but Administrative\regulatory.
How long before thug ruffians spray paint shitty graffiti all over it?
The USMC is a department of the Navy. The women’s department :lol:
How do they improve it?

Speak no English. Join gangs. Shiny rims with glitter paint Chevy 1500s. Pedro staches.
