During last night's game between Liberty and New Mexico State, Aggies forward Robert Carpenter was ejected for punching Liberty forward Shiloh Robinson...
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Filed Under: NCAA Basketball
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windmill13 months
Get rid of the hood rat bastard.
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CanebreakCajun13 months
More like a sissy slap.
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Clark1413 months
After further review, the liberty player attacked the other player’s fist with his face. Not guilty.
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JackieTreehorn13 months
Hate crime. We shall overcome. May we march in the streets. Swing low sweet chariot.
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Bayou13 months
Aggie player is RACIST and should be expelled from NCAA
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ExpoTiger13 months
I’m sure they have boxing or wrestling at NMSU right? Make him go through a week of hard sparring and see how he likes being humiliated and humbled.
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ExpoTiger13 months
I’ll never understand throwing a sucker punch in a sport that isn’t combat related. Wtf are you thinking? It doesn’t matter what proceeded it. You are a coward and you forfeit your right to ever be on the court when you assault someone in such a cowardly way. It’s basketball. Not fighting. If you can’t handle competing in a team sport without assaulting an opponent then you shouldn’t be playing. You are weak minded.
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lionward201413 months
This is what happens when Draymond Green is glorified as a hard working role model.
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UnclePat7613 months
9 months of planning and the best name they could come up with is Shiloh.
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JustinT3713 months
Suspend the player, coach, and Ad. Stuff like this would stop really quick. All I know is Illinois has a player accused of rape who is still playing.
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NPComb13 months
is it them again B.. ...
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duckblind5613 months
"They" just have no self control. This POS should be banned from college BB.
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tiggerfan02 202113 months
He should never set foot on a college gym floor again as a player.
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