Michigan Baseball Player Gets Ejected For The Dumbest Reason
© Aaron Doster-USA TODAY Sports
Check out Michigan outfielder Jimmy Oberto get tossed out of the game for dragging his bat in the dirt after a call he didn't agree with against Vanderbilt on Friday...
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Come on, man.

(The Spun)
Filed Under: NCAA Baseball
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kengel255 months
Baseball has to be full of the most sensitive people on earth.
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GeauxsomeMeaux55 months
The ump probably thought he was showing him where the pitch was... inside. He thought he was “showing him up!”
user avatar
The line he drew was perpendicular to the path of the ball. Don’t think he was showing the umpire up in that way. Player had to have said something or this umpire is an idiot.
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TDsngumbo55 months
That’s bullshite.
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atltiger648755 months
good lord.
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TampaTiger2255 months
If he drew a line, that's an automatic ejection. It's petty, but they warn coaches at the plate meeting. Don't argue balls and strikes. Drawing a line is always an immediate ejection.
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Fremont55 months
TT22, that’s nothing but stupid.
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TampaTiger2255 months
Fremont, guess you have never done it. Stupid is commenting on something you know nothing about.
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pellietigersaint55 months
That just fricking stupid. Umps are pussies
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BowDownToLSU55 months
Ump should go back to ten and under travel ball
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saint tiger22555 months
I heard after the bad call, he told the umpire "this is how many inches I'm putting in your wife tonight". Then, proceeded to draw the line.
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Blizzard of Chizz55 months
I watched this about a dozen times earlier and I just don’t get it. If you watch the batter, his body language is not out of the ordinary. He honestly looks like he barely reacts to the call. Even the line he may or may not have drawn is questionable because it’s so quick and he’s looking towards the outfield when it occurs. All I’m seeing is that he drops the bat head and then taps his cleats off in one motion as he begins stepping out of the box.
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geauxbrown55 months
Only way I could see this happening is if the player said something to the Umpire.
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Macavity9255 months
I suspect the ump thought he was drawing a line as to where the batter thought the pitch was.
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9Fiddy55 months
This. It’s common to see a batter unhappy with a call draw the pitch path in the dirt to call out the ump. I don’t think that’s what this kid did, but I’d bet that’s what the ump thought he did
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CDawson55 months
Umpires have little to no accountability. If you wanna see bad, watch NCAA softball.
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s255 months
ump motioned with his hand like he was swinging a bat like the player did. still, what is the foul?
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cle7055 months
Never in all my life have I seen such. Batter bound to have said something.
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ctiger6955 months
Umpire should be suspended.
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TampaTiger2255 months
You probably never played past little league. Drawing a line to show up the umpire is always an ejection. The batter is a douche and knows this. He tried to get away with it.
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HalfCocked55 months
This guy legit responds to every single negative opinion about umpires.
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LSUNV55 months
He had to have said something! Only way that happened
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ShortyRob55 months
That umpire should never call a game again
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FredBear55 months
It looks like even the catcher was looking at the ump like WTF?. Unless the batter said something that sure was a BS ejection
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CAD703X55 months
Probably muttered "FU ump" under his breath.
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HoustonGumbeauxGuy55 months
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LSULyle0069055 months
So there’s no way he said something Larry?
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