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Recent Posts
re: A few questions about the black delivery driver who says two white men shot at him
Posted by ShortyRob on 2/14/22 at 6:42 am
It’s probably all bullshite.[/quote]...
re: Texas high school coach recovering after he was beaten by middle schoolers
Posted by ShortyRob on 2/14/22 at 6:41 am
Don't get me wrong, there are a LOT of problems in the community. I sometimes post the "crabs in a barrel" gif in response to these stories. But, it's reasonable to assume that the violent criminals are only some members of the 6% and not a majority[/quote] Exactly and he claimed it was one...
re: Why is fascism connected to "RIGHT WING?"
Posted by ShortyRob on 2/13/22 at 9:06 pm
I compared it the extreme capitalist ideology, anarcho-capitalism, which is also powered by unicorn farts, so in that way they are comparable[/quote] You compared something extremely common on the left with something rarer than pink diamonds on the right
re: They just sung the "Black National Anthem" at the SB
Posted by ShortyRob on 2/13/22 at 9:04 pm
[quote]Nobody believes for a second that didn’t make you want to strangle a small animal [/quote]
You're projecting
In any case. I didn't see it. So there's that. ...
re: They just sung the "Black National Anthem" at the SB
Posted by ShortyRob on 2/13/22 at 5:02 pm
[quote]y Roger Klarvin[/quote] So pathetic...
re: Texas high school coach recovering after he was beaten by middle schoolers
Posted by ShortyRob on 2/13/22 at 4:37 pm
[quote]Honestly, I believe that the truth (1 - 2% of the population is responsible for 53% of the crime) is more telling[/quote] Assuming for a moment that you are correct it is telling. It's even more telling about the level of Intellectual and moral corruption that exists in the black community ...
re: Why is fascism connected to "RIGHT WING?"
Posted by ShortyRob on 2/13/22 at 4:32 pm
[quote]It wasn't the liberals who started eroding our 4th Amendment rights under the War on Drugs[/quote]LOL
Conservatives definitely are largely in the wrong on the war on drugs but are you seriously trying to give democrats a pass on it? What the frick...
re: Why is fascism connected to "RIGHT WING?"
Posted by ShortyRob on 2/13/22 at 4:29 pm
Just fricking stop it already[/quote] You are the one that inserted what you plainly now argue is an irrelevance. Then try to draw similarities with right wing thinking where there were none. You should have stopped it already...
re: Why is fascism connected to "RIGHT WING?"
Posted by ShortyRob on 2/13/22 at 4:28 pm
It's an IDEAL. There's nothing realistic about it.[/quote] It's not an ideal because they can't even explain how it might work even in a perfect world . It's nothing more than unicorn farts.
And don't think that marx inserted it there For no reason. He understood that people would recogn...
re: Why is fascism connected to "RIGHT WING?"
Posted by ShortyRob on 2/13/22 at 4:22 pm
High Communism, aka worker's Utopia, does propose that in such system nor poverty nor hunger exist.[/quote] I am amused that marxists even try to claim this would be anything but a free-for-all. If there is a reason that you will never hear a marxist even try to explain how that bullshite w...
re: Why is fascism connected to "RIGHT WING?"
Posted by ShortyRob on 2/13/22 at 4:19 pm
Also, Anarcho Capitalism is hardly the endgame of any right wing ideology[/quote] Exactly. It was a completely stupid comparison on his part...
re: Why is fascism connected to "RIGHT WING?"
Posted by ShortyRob on 2/13/22 at 4:18 pm
[quote] be honest, I was contrasting the Worker's Utopia with Anarcho-capitalism. And I'm not sure on what side of the spectrum Anarcho-capitalism exists, I was assuming the right since it advocates private ownership of the means of production, and espouses individual liberties over community rights...
re: Why is fascism connected to "RIGHT WING?"
Posted by ShortyRob on 2/13/22 at 3:00 pm
It doesn't, there is no state. And no ownership as we know it. It was summed up by Marx as, "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs[/quote]
Oh frickin pahleez.
Who administers this? Unicorn's?? Just stop it you're making a fool of yourself...
re: Why is fascism connected to "RIGHT WING?"
Posted by ShortyRob on 2/13/22 at 2:59 pm
It's not a "lie", it's an "ideal". Just like the right's ideal of Anarchy, and ideals in general, it's practically speaking, unachievable[/quote] No it's a lie. There is not a single advocate of marxism who believes that once you have full government ownership of the means of production tha...
re: Texas high school coach recovering after he was beaten by middle schoolers
Posted by ShortyRob on 2/13/22 at 1:59 pm
I didn’t suggest that everyone is a Thomas Sowell fan. I’m simply stating that once you leave the shitholes, black men are not what is being portrayed. You have an issue with 83%, fair enough, then pick your percentage. I’ll lower it to 66% if that suits you. I’ll also state this though, ...
re: Texas high school coach recovering after he was beaten by middle schoolers
Posted by ShortyRob on 2/13/22 at 1:15 pm
Can I just point out that if the teacher had been armed and turned around and shot them, every black leader and every liberal would have been 100% on the side of the pursuers...
re: Why is fascism connected to "RIGHT WING?"
Posted by ShortyRob on 2/13/22 at 1:12 pm
Many people don't understand that the end goal of Marxism is a stateless worker's utopia with no government.[/quote] I understand the lie but it's still a lie...
re: Why is fascism connected to "RIGHT WING?"
Posted by ShortyRob on 2/13/22 at 1:11 pm
Because the left controls the media and the education establishment
So they disconnect themselves from all totalitarian movements movements even though the left is Naturally totalitarian...
re: Texas high school coach recovering after he was beaten by middle schoolers
Posted by ShortyRob on 2/13/22 at 12:36 pm
[quote]I’m simply saying that it is actually 1% responsible for 53% of the violent crime, not 6%. [/quote] This is fantasy. The idea that 83% of black males are fine upstanding citizens is absurd. [quote]. I also believe that it is insane that the Democrats protect the 1% at all cost.[/quote] The de...
re: Texas high school coach recovering after he was beaten by middle schoolers
Posted by ShortyRob on 2/13/22 at 12:33 pm
I have said it before, I feel for the vast majority of black guys that are always being associated with these shite bags solely on skin color[/quote]
I don't feel sorry for them at all because they almost never speak up and they vote virtually the exact same. And if you listen to them talk...