Watch Mark Cuban's Reaction When He Gets Text The NBA Season Has Been Suspended
© Gary A. Vasquez-USA TODAY Sports
This is Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban receiving the news that the NBA season has been suspended due to the Coronavirus...
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Filed Under: NBA
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RowdyMcflowdy54 months
Absolute hysteria. This period will be studied by psychologists and historians for many years to come. The year the world went completely mad.
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Midget Death Squad54 months
Mass hysteria. This is obnoxious, and Cuban's reaction is spot on
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Tigers4Lyfe54 months
Sure, it was initial shock. Then once that was over he was mature about it and realized people's lives like his 82 year old mother are at stake.
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imjustafatkid54 months
Pretty much everyone's reaction. Might be the dumbest decision ever.
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TigerB854 months
LOL...good. What a worthless product the NBA has become. I won't miss it.
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Skinny54 months
Guys! Guys! Guys! I love your product. Ill give you the 100k for 75% of your business but you gotta say yes right now.
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EulerRules54 months
YES!!!...[Is this the post you were waiting for?]
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RazzleDazzle54 months
And for that reason....I'm out.
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Murda198754 months
NBA is just doing this to save money. They initially mentioned games without fans. This would require ticket companies (including the nba) to refund ticket purchases for games and playoffs. If the season is suspended or “postponed to a later date”, the tickets will be delayed and redistributed for those dates. The NBA is taking measures to preserve funds not health. Not to mention, the NBA experienced major financial losses due to the Lebron and China issue.
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Bige1154 months
NBA is making a huge mistake here. This is so ridiculous.
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The Torch54 months
Cubes > better than your owner fact
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TigersJump54 months
Cuban is a bad actor off of a bad script.
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Murda198754 months
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LSULyle0069054 months
Huge douche
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Hangit54 months
Don't call him Cubes.
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LSULyle0069054 months
Who did
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Hangit54 months
A dude on Shark Tank. He was pissed.
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ksdolfan54 months
So the nba suspends the season without consulting the owners first?
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Privateer 200754 months
They don't have to. Teams are franchises. Just like McDonald's can do shite without consulting local franchisees.
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idlewatcher54 months
Do you even Coronavirus Mark bro?
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Mahootney54 months
Any sane person sees this for the shite show it really is.
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BestBanker54 months
"Any sane person sees this for the shite show it really is."
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