Two days after winning the Finals championship, Dallas Mavericks' star DeShawn Stevenson was arrested for public intoxication last night in Irving, Texas. He was found walking around an apartment complex drunk, telling cops he was lost. Law enforcement sources said, the officers...

"felt he was a danger to himself and others."
Filed Under: NBA
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Philosoraptor159 months
That sucks. If he was better known, he would've got a pass. Especially since they just won the championship.
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StrongSafety159 months

Two days after winning the Finals championship, Dallas Mavericks' star DeShawn Stevenson was arrested for public intoxication last night in Irving, Texas. He was found walking around an apartment complex drunk, telling cops he was lost. Law enforcement sources said, the officers...

This is what happened...

Someone saw a huge tattooed black man in their apartment complex. Panicked, thought he was a threat to the sanctity and purity and wholeness of their establishment, and called the cops.

No ones calling the cops on Dirk or Kidd. They are going out there to help him. DS doesnt help his case by tattooing himself to look like a worthless bum though.

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Akit1159 months
I agree with that StrongSafety
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Party At LSU159 months


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fightingtiger2335159 months
Maybe he should have thought twice about being black then
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OBUDan159 months
On a positive note, DeShawn Stevenson becomes the first man to have a two-faced mug shot.
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LSUEnvy159 months
I :lol: But surrisley ossifer
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Woopigsooie20159 months
we drrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrunk
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chinese58159 months
lesson for Deshawn:

Don't party in Irving. Worst cops in the metroplex.

We don't even speed through Irving because of their cops.

Drive out Hwy 183 anytime during the day and you'll see lots of fricking cops.

Stay away from Irving unless you have business there DS.
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LSU-MNCBABY159 months

lesson for Deshawn:

Being a drunk heavily tattooed black man in Dallas > Being a world champion basketball player for a team from Dallas.
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RunningHeel159 months

Being a drunk heavily tattooed black man in Dallas > Being a world champion basketball player for a team from Dallas.

Plus Dallas is a football city, people in Dallas couldn't tell you who DeShawn Stevenson is including law enforcement
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I mean the fact is the guy is 6'5 220lbs covered in tats, piss arse drunk.
A white guy gets arrested too with the same traits, in that spot.

If Jason Terry gets arrested (a smaller guy who looks less threatening); Id agree it was probably just a white lady scared of a black guy.
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c on z159 months
lol at Deshawn
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CP3LSU25159 months
IF this was Lebron it would be 200 pages making fun of him. This won't even make it onto sportscenter.
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Buckeye Fan 19159 months
Considering it was on SportsCenter before it was on here...
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LSUnGA159 months
I just don't get the obsession with tats, especially on the neck and places like that. I automatically think trash, black or white. I guess I am too old, I'm sound like my parents.....
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jditta159 months

Dallas Mavericks' star DeShawn Stevenso

:lol: :lol:
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OBUDan159 months
Perhaps he should re-evaluate the meaning of "classless."
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Bho159 months
Wonder if he tasted his cellmates dirk?
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LSU82BILL159 months

Wonder if he tasted his cellmates dirk?
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
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jnatio4159 months
After you win a championship you can do whatever you want :dude:
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