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Location:NELA. after 30 years in Dallas.
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Registered on:6/14/2004
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[quote]Greg and Bryant Gumbel were regarded as the whitest black men to ever live.[/quote]Until Mike Tirico showed up....
[quote]where can we catch this?[/quote][quote]Netflix[/quote] Any thread that gets as far as this one did before someone tells where to watch it is always on Netflix. Always. ...

re: Saw Steel Magnolias tonight

Posted by chinese58 on 5/10/24 at 7:06 pm
Entertaining movie up to the point where the girl gets sick. Just like Terms of Endearment. Life has enough of those kinds of situations. Not my kind of movie....

re: Most Overrated Coen Bros Movie?

Posted by chinese58 on 5/10/24 at 1:12 pm
[quote]Inside Llewyn Davis is a snooze fest.[/quote]Watched it because so many on this board said it was great. I guess maybe you have to be into Folk music. I thought it sucked. A movie about just the cat would have been better....
[quote]The dialog is in Russian, but you can enable English subtitles.[/quote] I've reached the point where I don't even notice what the people are saying in a foreign language, and keep subtitles running on everything I stream..I watch a lot foreign content, but subtitles also help with some Englis...
They could keep going after the 2nd season, because Toranaga can keep him there for years. :nana:...
You were doing so well by yourself. Then you lost all credibility with the tweet from Kendrick Perkins. :banghead:...
[quote] The WCF will be a great series between two young athletic teams in OKC and Minnesota.[/quote]I'm pulling for Dallas, but Game one is a beatdown. Looks like Minnesto won three of five games in the 2023-2024 season. [img]https://i.imgur.com/7sP6BqF.jpeg[/img] Was wondering if their de...
[quote]Should read the NBA plans to fork over an extra $50M[/quote]I wish ESPN/Disney could somehow lose money from this move too. When they go bankrupt maybe NBC can take over their NBA and SEC coverage. Peacock could be everyone's favorite streaming platform at sometime in the future....
No, the six man championship games Benjamin High won in 2022 & 2023 were on Bally Sports, but I didn't bother to watch them. Wish I had watched it now. This kid had crazy stats in the 2023 championship game! 263 rushing yards & 6 TD's on 15 carries 7 for 7 for 116 yards passing.with 3 TD's 3 ca...
[quote]My Name Is Earl.[/quote] What's not to like? [img]https://media.tenor.com/QlPt0z84cXMAAAAM/hey-crabman-earl.gif[/img][img]https://media.tenor.com/gHcoHXrr8IUAAAAC/hey-earl-cool.gif[/img][img]https://giffiles.alphacoders.com/170/170707.gif[/img][img]https://media.tenor.com/UIo6eHxWoecAAAAd/...
The Mummy 1999 & The Mummy Returns 2001 were really fun, entertaining movies. They were good clean fun. [img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/b8a21f75baee18db4e5d218f2d37ad54/83e92b9c34ae8290-0a/s540x810/283f2e24fa44fd71af71eaaba80ab7884f18618a.gifv[/img] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/5b/ce/37/...
[quote]how many of those are virtual bodies?[/quote]Just one Agent Smith? [img]https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMTI4Mzk3NTIyOF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMzE5OTEzMw@@._V1_.jpg[/img]...
[quote]Confidence Power[/quote] When I was dating, women were responsive to a man having confidence and a sense of humor.Self reliance was a must for a guy dating in the 70's & 80's.Guys didn't let women take care of them back then, the way I've seen happening since the 90's..When it came to seriou...
Guess I won't be watching the draft or the combine anymore if I have to watch it on ESPN. During football season I watch Good Morning Football at least a couple of times a week. It was better when Kay Adams was there. I watched it more back then. [img]https://images2.minutemediacdn.com/image/u...

re: Thoughts on The Fall Guy

Posted by chinese58 on 5/4/24 at 10:50 am
[quote]I am in love with Emily Blunt[/quote]I loved her first. [img]https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BN2QwZTVjYTUtNWQ4ZC00Nzk3LTkzYTctZmYyYjc0YTI2MjMyXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNzc5NjM0NA@@._V1_.jpg[/img]...
[quote]i could see him trying to coach his kids team if/when they get to/stay in the league[/quote]Like Cal Ripken Sr. did in 1987 and the first six games of 1988. Had both Cal Jr. and Billy on those teams. [img]https://www.baltimoresun.com/wp-content/uploads/migration/2022/06/17/XDVYYVIDVFE5LALP...
[quote]Night Court - with Markie Post. Every character was flawed, but extremely likable….especially Dan. [/quote]The original Night Court is a great answer! A couple of others with ensemble cast. [img]https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BNmM0YzcwZWQtYTIxMC00NTlmLThlMmItOGRjNWI5MTk5YmJkXkEy...
We need a movie with most of that same crew working for the CIA like Chuck Barris did in Confessions of a Dangerous Mind, only with the smae level of comedy as Tropic Thunder. Make it a rescue mission to North Korea. Put Deniis Rodman in a scene with Les Grossman and Kirk Lazarus. I watched it a ...