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Location:Fort Lauderdale, FL
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Registered on:9/21/2006
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My father used to tinker in the garage every Saturday. He'd come in for lunch and have a sandwich using Pumpernickel bread with a pickle on the side, a scoop of cottage cheese and a can of Ballantine Ale. He's the healthiest 88-year old I know. Still mows his own lawn, trims his own trees and gets o...
I saw the end of it. My first impression was that she may lie more than Trump. Bring on the fact checkers. My second impression is that she may love to her herself talk more than Trump. I didn't think that was possible. ...
[quote]Had Chad Jones not gotten into his car accident, that would have been a different story, but don't let me stop you from showing everyone your ignorance. He was drafted in the third round by the Football Giants and in the 9th round the last time, he'd been drafted in baseball twice previous...
[quote]Aside from Chad Jones who had his career tragically cut short from a car accident, only Deion, Bo and Brian Jordan have really been able to play 2 sports successfully.[/quote] A guy who never played in an NFL games and pitched 12 innings of rookie league baseball is in the same league with...
Just happened to see this on Facebook the other day - Robert Shaw taking a break while filming that scene. [img]https://scontent-mia3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/451325661_336845622811093_2352609895696342303_n.jpg?_nc_cat=104&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=aa7b47&_nc_ohc=FTrPCnXjnqQQ7kNvgF7LHEm&_nc_ht=scontent...

re: Mold in Cabinets

Posted by LSU82BILL on 7/22/24 at 4:54 pm
That may just be surface mold without an active leak (source). First thing you need to do is determine if there is a leak. If not, you can just wipe the cabinets down with an anti-microbial solution and air it out. Any chance that cabinet houses pots and pans or something that wasn't properly dried ...
[quote]In terms of qualifications, that's pretty solid as far as Presidential Candidates are concerned.[/quote] Yeah but did she ever develop real estate and peddle bibles, wine, steaks, clothing made in China or have a university named after her? ...
The elites in both parties are still queasy about people from late Generation X and younger holding high office in Washington DC....
I’ve met 1,000 old guys like that here in South Florida. Guarantee you he is a blue collar retiree from a Northeast. He worked outdoors in freezing weather in the winter and had 4-5 beers after dinner ever night. He mowed his own lawn, fixed his own car and voted Democrat in every Presidential elect...

re: Trump made Biden quit.

Posted by LSU82BILL on 7/21/24 at 3:00 pm
Trump didn’t make Biden quit. Jill Biden didn’t make Biden quit. Chuck Schumer didn’t make Biden quit. Nancy Peluso didn’t make Biden quit. Barrack Obama didn’t make Biden quit. Megadonors refusing to fund his campaign is what made Joe Biden quit. That should piss off every American - Demo...

re: Anthrax Attacks from 2001?

Posted by LSU82BILL on 7/19/24 at 4:49 pm
Oh, I remember. I was a UPS supervisor at the time. I had been doing a ride along with a driver on the day that they determined that the letter containing anthrax had been delivered to the American Media mail room in Boca Raton that eventually killed an editor in that building. ...
[quote]How would that have kept him out of prison?[/quote] That was my first thought. If getting shot at was a way to stay out of jail, half of the hardened criminals in US prisons shouldn't be locked up. ...
[quote]At least once you will hear "Thank you for your service to this country and the great job you've done. I am sorry for the way my fellow Republicans have attacked you and treated you..."[/quote] Yep. They will read her resume back to her to impress the C-SPAN crowd as though it absolves her...

re: 616 Pounds | Will Campbell

Posted by LSU82BILL on 7/19/24 at 3:43 pm
The best part is how pumped his teammates were for him!...
Paying a shitload of money upfront to unproven HS players who may not develop or who can transfer on a whim is just plain stupid and hamstrings future rosters. Just ask Jimbo Fisher. ...
This will help LSU tremendously. I guarantee you that they are losing out on kids that, all things being equal, would rather be at LSU but signed elsewhere because it was more financially feasible. ...
Today is walking away from the blackjack table and flipping the dealer a $5,000 chip as you head over to cash in $500,000 in chips. Then off to bed for good nights sleep and back at it again in the morning. ...
The assassin was on a 1/12 slope. Her own countersnipers were photographed on a 3/12 or 4/12 slope. I'd call what she said a stupid excuse. But that's not what is. What it is is a fricking LIE. [img]https://media.washtimes.com/media/image/2024/07/14/Election_2024_Trump_43537.jpg[/img]...

re: Game 1 Starting outfield?

Posted by LSU82BILL on 7/17/24 at 12:54 pm
[quote]Game 1 starters LF- Pearson CF- Stanfield RF- Brown Would be my guess.[/quote] Larson was LSU's leading hitter (.337) in SEC play. The only way he isn't starting in the OF is he starts at 1B or DH and Jones will be playing 1B. ...