It's been a minute since we've all seen legendary NBA Star Yao Ming...
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(The Spun)
Filed Under: NBA
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TigersJump14 months
Ming 7’ 6”
Greenberg 4’ 6”
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LesnarF514 months
Ming's shoe size looks like 24" lol BOATS!
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CDawson14 months
You wanna see just how unreal Ming’s size is. Here is a pic of him and Shaq. LINK
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Porpus14 months
Minimum height to get Tinder matches in 2023.
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Lsudave8915 months
The kind that's walking through any security with an escort not a search
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lsutiger215 months
dude was built in a lab
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GruntbyAssociation14 months
You’re joking but I wonder. We’re talking about the Chinese here so who knows.
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SwampyWaters15 months
I loved watching Yoa Ming! Clearly, the best Asian player to ever play in the NBA!
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HoustonGumbeauxGuy15 months
What rock has that dude been living under?
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Rza3215 months
How does a Chinaman get so tall?
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TommyDaTiger15 months
Rice! Lots and lots of rice!!!
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CDawson14 months
When you have a billion plus chances it’s not that impossible.
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White Raj15 months
He's definitely got a big ole head!
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JackieTreehorn15 months
Like Shaq once said: “tell Yao Ming I said Ching Chang Chang walla walla bing bang.”
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Geauxmbo15 months
Bao Ming
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I hate the corny music people use for short videos
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xGeauxLSUx15 months
"You can be the greatest yea you can be the best. But you'll never be as tall as Yao Ming with your family full of incest."
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Porpus14 months
That "ooh wee makay bahbah" crap irritates me.
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redfish9915 months
Sat behind bench Houston at Hornets game way back,dudes legs were tree trunks. Thighs and calves big as normal man’s waist. Incredibly sized human.
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McMahonnequin15 months
Wish his knees would have held up. Dude was a force, and we didn't even get to see his full potential
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Tigers4Lyfe15 months
Not a knock but he had plenty of time to show full potential. His biggest issue was he wasn't aggressive enough.
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SlimTigerSlap14 months
Nothing to do with his knees. He had chronic feet issues.
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Gifman15 months
So he's still tall and has a beer gut now. Do better Larry.
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MintBerry Crunch15 months
I feel like "Do better Larry" could be the slogan of this website.
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TommyDaTiger15 months
You’re killing your father Larry
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NASA_ISS_Tiger15 months
Did he put on some weight around the midsection?
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FlyinTiger9315 months
Still looks like he moves around pretty good.
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BobABooey15 months
All that came and fortune but I’m still not leaving my open can of Coke in his vicinity.
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GeauxZone9015 months
Would like to see shaq v yao in a cage match
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cajunmud15 months
I used to be a Rockets fan and I think Shaq got the best of him every time they played...which sucked.
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