ESPN's Stephen A. Smith threw out the first pitch at Yankee Stadium on Thursday and it's what you'd expect from a guy who talks a lot...
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Filed Under: MLB
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Timeoday12 months
Obama threw the best 1st pitch I have ever seen in my life. Fauci threw the worst.
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biglego12 months
Amazes me how non-elderly grown men throw a baseball so pathetically
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Ponchy Tiger12 months
Most of the these ppl that throw out first pitches have never thrown off of the mound. That is why they will often suggest that they throw from the side of the mound or just in front. Some insist to do it from the mound and it almost always bites them in the arse.
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financetiger3812 months
The only good thing George Bush ever did in his life is throw a strike from the mound after he orchestrated 9/11 and reaped all the benefits from the aftermath
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theBru12 months
Well, there are people who can play, then there are those that just talk about it. We know who has a big mouth...least he owned it.
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cajunmud12 months
I haven't thrown a football or frisbee in years and a baseball/softball even longer. But unless all of those muscles up in there go all completely to hell...I still think I wouldn't look like a girl out there. I may be wrong, but kinda don't think so.
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cypresstiger12 months
Stephen A. Smith....Miserable. Checks out
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TigerCoon12 months
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wallowinit12 months
One would think they would practice at home.
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statman3412 months
The funny part is he knew once it bounced that he would hear shite about it for a long time.
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FlyinTiger9312 months
Talking head with no athletic ability.
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CDawson12 months
That is the norm and the worst kind. The "critics" have no idea what it takes to compete on that level and tell us every day why the ones that can compete on that level suck.
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Shaq4prez12 months
unathletic buffoon. It amazes me how many people cant throw a baseball
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AtlantaLSUfan12 months
This is the guy who criticizes athletes. What a clown.
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deernaes12 months
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Fauci throw.
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