Cracker Jack Is Adding Cracker Jill To The Team For Baseball Season
"Buy me some peanuts and Cracker Jill...?" Your favorite ballpark snack, Cracker Jack, is adding Cracker Jill to the team to celebrate women in sports. They will also reportedly be donating $200,000 to the Women’s Sports Foundation as part of the initiative...
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KennabraTiger29 months
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KAGTASTIC29 months
Lets not forget this is Frito-Lay being woke and meeting their ESG quota.
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DoubleDown29 months
In which case men are gonna dress up as women, beat them, then take back over and call it Cracker Jacks again. I'm seriously down for this transgender movement. Bringing toxic masculinity right back to where it needs to be, dominating everything!
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Tenntig29 months
Donate to the Women's Sports Foundation that advocates allowing men to compete in women's sports events? These kinds of organizations are more interested in collecting huge amounts of money from woke corporations to benefit the group's executives while trampling the rights of girls and women.
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dehsloot29 months
They try to promote women's rights and tear them down through transgenderism all at the same time. They just make this shite up as they go.
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MSTiger3329 months
What about little Debbie?
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CanebreakCajun29 months
You beat me. I want some little Dannys. Wait, that sounds bad.
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jp4lsu29 months
"Big Dicky" or Bigus Dickus for a Monty Python reference
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gamecockman1229 months
This is some pretty dumb shite.
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Jinks29 months
I'm guessing no nuts then.
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Cliff Booth29 months
Can't be sure these days. One in the middle is suspect.
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ThatTahoeOverThere29 months
Was hoping for Cracker arse Cracker
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jnethe129 months
I’m offended, where are the trans jack?
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Albino Potato29 months
What about cracker they/them?? Bigots…
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atltiger648729 months
good god, even Cracker Jack has gone Woke.
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LSUtoBOOT29 months
Get Jack off while Jill handles the nuts, it’s a stroke of genius.
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pkf4lsu29 months
So let me guess. They have to change the lyrics to Take me out to the Ballgame?
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KAGTASTIC29 months
Ackually....I heard there is a new version that some singer came out with to match up with this. smfh
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tonydtigr29 months
But is she a Doctor?
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Solo Cam29 months
Thank god. I'm sure this will change the world now
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LSU FSU Grad29 months
Where's Cracker They? And isn't Cracker racist? Oh! That's right! It's not when it's Whitey.
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SelaTiger29 months
But what about the LGBTQ community?
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CanebreakCajun29 months
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