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CDawson32 months
Why is the guy with the mic standing so far from Joe?
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LSUfan042032 months
It’s such a joy to be able to watch him and Chase together and crushing it. Never thought I would root for the Bengals now in my 40s but damnit it is awesome !! On another ridiculous note about that interview , they do the whole six feet apart interview and then when you watched it live he and reporter hugged each other afterwards and we talking with each other up close. Such a charade ! Hahaha
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Winnebago Tiger32 months
God as my witness I love that man
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CAD703X32 months
Gives credit to coach for the play call and Chase for catching it then stops mid interview to shake opposing player's hand who knocked him on his arse the whole game and tell him good game. Damn.
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mattchewbocca32 months
I’m in love. Not gay.
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Jimmy2shoes32 months
we should all admit it wasn't the joe brady offense
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AtlantaLSUfan32 months
Then explain 2018
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CAS765932 months
No, Sir. It was the binder.
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LSUnation7832 months
2018? Did you watch the UCF game? A blind man could have seen the Joey B awakening. The announcers would have been making excuses for any other qb’s off performance after getting hit that hard. Instead Joe put the team on his back and kicked their f’in teeth in. WITHOUT Brady. That was the day it all clicked.
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Havoc32 months
This guy is so incredible you really can’t say enough about him. Truly a once in a decade talent plus such mental/emotional drive and toughness. Add 1000 more words still not enough.
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CAD703X32 months
Sacked 9 times. Comes into game with 20 second left and on first play calmly completes pass to Chase to set up field goal. I can't imagine getting knocked flat on my back once by a 300lb guy. Happened to him 9 times in 3 hours.
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jptiger200932 months
Burrow really has a Tom Brady aura. Stay healthy, baw!
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Im4LSUnTN32 months
Reminds me so much of Joe Montana…another “Joe Cool”
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Fightin Okra32 months
As big as he is in LA, he’s even bigger in OH and getting bigger every game
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Wallace Ritchie32 months
Big Dick Joe doesn’t shrink in the cold
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wrongRob32 months
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FLObserver32 months
We got lucky boys. when its all said and done there won't be many like Joe Burrow.
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Davy32 months
We’ll never see the likes of him again. Let’s build the statue.
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crossfire32 months
The best attribute he has is the ability to lead and not flinch. He's special he will go down as a generational talent. Can you believe Meyer didn't start him?
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LSU-DUDE32 months
Hell yeah Joe!!
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oline526432 months
Can this site name be changed to Joe Droppings?
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Shooter32 months
It would definitely make it more valuable.
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Murray32 months
BDJ!! Joe’s dick is definitely huge. I’m glad I found a site where there are many, so many, dudes to keep talking about it with. Totally not gay.
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Shooter32 months
It sounds like you need to get something off your chest Murray! Are you a Homo?
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Birdie22532 months
It’s cool, man, everyone’s gay once in a while.
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Jabontik32 months
Being gay for Joe is not really being gay at all
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Salviati32 months
Looks like he's having fun . . . even behind that line.
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BigRaggedyTiger32 months
BDJ is a class act
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LSU_Legz32 months
This. Not a more likeable or deserving dude out there.
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