What a play by LSU safety Greg Brooks Jr. to intercept this pass right out of Koy Moore's hands on Saturday night.

Filed Under: LSU Football
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NPComb23 months
Koy was the turning point in that game for so many reasons. Thanks brah!
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Wolfhound4523 months
Frick yes!
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LSUvet7223 months
Defense is getting nasty just in time for the Vols but we need more man to man in secondary
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B00M23 months
Koy, open mouth insert foot. Thanks for being you and helping us lock up the W. You are the man.
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CAS765923 months
Isn’t a koy a fish?
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theBru23 months
Got to love Koy, threw ani int & gave up 1. You would think he could have kept his mouth shut until after the game instead of the middle of the week.
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Robber DeNiro23 months
Koy Moore thanks bruh once a Tiger always a Tiger lol
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Im4LSUnTN23 months
THE play of the game
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WhiskeyPlease23 months
Honey Badger nodding his head approvingly
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Drizzt23 months
Couldn’t happen to a nicer bitch
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HoustonGumbeauxGuy23 months
Hardest tackle of the game.
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TygerDurden23 months
that was a helluva tackle by that auburn QB
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tigersaint2423 months
That was a hit stick
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Sal Minio23 months
Facemask and all.
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HoustonGumbeauxGuy23 months
Hardest tackler of the game.
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