Favorite team:Davidson
Location:17th Street Canal
Interests:staying alive
Number of Posts:4209
Registered on:9/17/2006
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re: What triggers your gout attack?

Posted by Sal Minio on 7/23/24 at 8:31 am
Watch your shellfish intake. Also, get a script for allopurinol. ...

re: Latoya’s Boyfriend Indicted

Posted by Sal Minio on 7/20/24 at 12:20 pm
I am really disappointed in both of them....

Put your TRUMP SIGN UP now!

Posted by Sal Minio on 7/13/24 at 7:52 pm
We need to rally NOW! What are we waiting for? :angry:...
[quote]I swear I'm ready for the big asteroid now. And I mean big. I don't want to limp away from it.[/quote] This gold Jerry, gold! :devil:...
What station is this shindig on?...
[quote]i hate the future[/quote] Why wait, hate now. ...
Last bill was 3 x higher than first two of this year. I have been checking the meter for the last few days and also checking for leaks. The meter said I used 8,500 gallons of water in the last 24hrs. My irrigation system uses about 1,200 gallons a day, three times a week. What gives? :angry:...

re: New thread started for Beryl

Posted by Sal Minio on 6/16/24 at 1:07 pm
Set us straight Levi. :pimp:...

re: McIlroy Divorce called off

Posted by Sal Minio on 6/13/24 at 3:35 pm
[quote]He's probably still tapping Amanda on the side.[/quote] Would Amanda really do that? :pimp:...
[quote]Also, original McDonald’s fries.[/quote] Maybe a working shake machine as well?...
[quote]you ain't black.[/quote] What you talkin' about Willis? ...

re: traffic pet peeve

Posted by Sal Minio on 6/11/24 at 1:51 pm
People that don't signal, Frick all of them. ...
Portland? Carpetbagger? Why not both?...
That the 2020 election was fair. Math does not work....

re: New thread started for Beryl

Posted by Sal Minio on 6/5/24 at 9:17 pm
Only one thing is important here. That's whatever Levi Cowan says. :pimp:...