How could you not love Coach O?

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Wolfhound4563 months
So proud of Coach O. A leader of men.
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The Belk63 months
I'd bet money he wouldn't do that if we lost the game.
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TigerChief1063 months
No shite dude. The whole LSU fanbase would be calling for his head if he was this excited after losing.
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Matisyeezy63 months
He has won me over as a character guy — more than Miles. I just want him to win. Character is vital for a program’s sustainability, but so is winning. As long as the wins keep coming, he’s the guy. It’s rare to find that balance. Some win without it, and that’s amazing, but also hollow.
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Tridentds63 months
How can anyone not like this guy? He fits LSU like custom made suit. He's awesome.
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NPComb63 months
Would I've been a double entendre if he ended the conversation with "Geaux Tigahs!"
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BobABooey63 months
Did you all see how Coach O blatantly held Big Cat? Even slapped him a couple of times and no flag!
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Goldfinger63 months
First round pick first round pick. Could have been playin for the good guys....
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Mouth63 months
he said 1st round pick, first round pick. just like i told y'all on the recruit.
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StarkvilleTigerFan63 months
I'm sure he recruited both of them!!
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BayouTiga63 months
He did.............
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AU4real3563 months
Ole Cookie Monster is a good dude. They absolutely didn’t understand one word that he said, but that didn’t matter.
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abellsujr63 months
They don't need to understand him to know they screwed up by deciding not to play for him.
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AU4real3563 months
Yeah they’re first rounders, really screwed up big time.
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abellsujr63 months
And would have been at LSU too. They just wouldn't have to play for a nut job, cuck.
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PeopleChamp63 months
Wanna share this so as many recruits and parents see what type of man he is
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geauxbrown63 months
After every win he gives credit to the opposing team. Saban could learn a thing or two from O
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elcid63 months
Saban may not say much, but he does give credit as does every SEC coach EXCPET THAT POS DAN MULLEN - classless SOB
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Bayoubengal20563 months
Gosh I love Coach O What a class act.
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Geauxld Finger63 months
We almost ended up with Big Cat if not for some last minute negative recruiting by auburn
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Geauxld Finger63 months
We almost ended up with Big Cat if not for some last minute negative recruiting by auburn
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To those who don’t speak O: “Big Cat...Where you at Big Marlon? You boys were something else! Damn y’all were good. Good to see you guys. Hey! 1st Rd pick. 1st Rd pick. Just like I told you recruitin’. I’m proud of you guys.”
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St Augustine63 months
Think he actually called the baws.
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weeble63 months
There is something special about Coach O. He loves LSU, he loves his job. It is evident in wins and losses.
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HuRRiCaNe MiLeS63 months
I’ll wait n see until he loses a game. Let’s see how everyone reacts.
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CanebreakCajun63 months
He's lost a few here, shite up hurricane
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dellis33763 months
The special thing about Coach O is that he loves leading and transforming young men. That's the thing that makes him a great recruiter! That's the thing that makes him a great leader. There are better coaches out there, hell there are better coaches on our own coaching staff, but you'd be hard pressed to find a better leader anywhere in the world!
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Accardo4463 months
"Damn y'all are good. Hey, first round pick, first round pick, just like I was telling you. I'm proud of you guys."
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elcid63 months
Anyone know what was said?
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Tigerpride1863 months
Exactly elcid, Mullen won't do anything to show respect to an opponent. I legit hate that dude. I can't name 3 people that I dislike more then him
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Bayoubengal20563 months
Tigerpride18 I completely agree. Cannot STAND Mullen. I would be ashamed as a parent to willingly send my child to be under Mullen in any capacity.
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TheWalkoff63 months
Coach O is the man. Truly loves the guys he recruits, even if they don’t choose LSU.
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blade brown63 months
That’s actually really awesome!
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Water Mocassin63 months
Coach O is all class. Coach Gus could learn a lot from him. Gus is a major tool.
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elcid63 months
Gus gave props to LSU, it is DAN MULLEN who is the classless jackass post game.
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lathoroughbred63 months
I meant to up vote. My bad
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