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Registered on:12/2/2012
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[quote]The suit may be new but the story isn't. This happened several months ago.[/quote] Get a life loser ...
[quote]And this affects you how? [/quote] Classic response from leftists when they know their people are doing something absolutely retarded. ...
There’s something seriously wrong with leftists brains ...
Data released by the CDC shows that young people are over twice as likely to be hospitalized by the vaccine than they are after contracting the virus. The push for young people to be vaccinated proves they don’t give frick all about the science. ...
My cousin has been telling me he’s leaving if they force it. He’s already fed up with the SJW bullshite they’re pushing ...
[quote]The most gun-toting demographic in America aren't fat middle-aged men, but you're most likely a white prog who is too self-loathing to be honest with this board about who is.[/quote] Studies have shown that conservatives are much more likely to be in good physical shape because we value pers...
[quote]still don’t dislike Spleen, but he does lean left and advocates for really nasty stuff (like CRT) [/quote] [i]Leans[/i] left? Guy jerks off to a poster of Che Guevara before bed...
Anyone posting anything other than black people are just wrong. ...
[quote]You are off your rocker Spleen is a solid member of this forum & you are making a fool of yourself attacking him [/quote] Spleen is a POS commie...
[quote]That’s fricking sad. All for a virus that likely wouldn’t have even made him sick.[/quote] According to their own data the vaccine is twice as likely to hospitalize a young person than the virus is. But hey, TrUSt tHe ScIEnCe...
[quote]Dip shite saw Atlanta + school with different sounding name he knows nothing about and decided to play "Tell me you're a racist without telling me you're a racist."[/quote] EvErYbODy iS rAcISt...
Yep. Like I said earlier in the thread I originally thought he was just a braindead leftist. After hearing about the other stuff it’s obvious he supports this for more nefarious reasons....
I don’t know for sure but Jones posted in the original thread on this that he stalks a woman from this site. He had been posting several times on each page and immediately stopped after that. LSUCoyote also said he was sending friend requests over and over to one of the girls he always mentions on h...
I’ve started sending these videos to a lot of the white girls I know that posted black squares and fall for all this BS. They need to be told the truth about what they’re supporting and the media isn’t going to do it...
When will we stand up to them? I’m getting sick of this shite and the media gaslighting us telling us we’re the problem and source of all the division while ignoring these freaks are out there doing stuff like this....
[quote]texridder[/quote] You’re one of the first that needs to go ...
Don’t call them antifa anymore. We need to start calling the radical democrat protesters. Make the left answer for them ...
[quote]No if I’m being honest it has absolutely no affect on my daily life or the daily lives of anyone I know and care about. So no I don’t care. There are actual things to concern myself with. I don’t have the extra capacity to garner up outrage over everything that happens in the world. Sorry if ...