© Vasha Hunt-USA TODAY Sports
SEC Commissioner Greg Sankey took to Twitter on Monday afternoon and tweeted out the following in response to the news that the Big Ten is likely postponing football.

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SEC presidents are expected to discuss fall sports later this afternoon in a meeting that wasn't previously scheduled, according to multiple sources.

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Filed Under: LSU Football
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Tiger198849 months
Pussy Skankie is a Alahoe and will do whatever big 10 Nick says to do. Where is Nick on this?
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zoom49 months
They have lawyers in their ears. That's what's going on.
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blueboy49 months
Yep. That's what's fueled all of this from the beginning. And of course, trial lawyer associations tend to weigh heavily left.
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Buckeye Jeaux49 months
'We have never had a FB season in a COVID-19 environment.' - Hey Sankey. You've had about 150 years played during the flu season to look at. Start there
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hottub49 months
Sunbelt Network will make a killing if they don’t cancel their conference games.
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TigahTeeth49 months
All they talk about are their “concerns” and “risks” but never elaborate on either. Surely they’re not doing this because they’re “concerned” players MIGHT run a fever and cough. Maybe feel lethargic and some aches. Because that’s it. I know it sounds much scarier now to say they could get sick. But the death rate of this crap is extremely low. 99.7% survival rate.
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rob6249 months
Sankey will sit back and draw his salary while the SEC Member Schools suffer. What a leader.
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Tiger4life580349 months
Shut up Rob
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Rougarou1349 months
Not trying to detract from what you said (I agree with you), but it's a 96.7% survival rate. Of the confirmed cases, 3.3% died. I've never had cancer, so I can't be included in cancer survival rates just like I can't be included in Covid survival rates.
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LesnarF549 months
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LSU82Cajun49 months
So does the SEC have the balls to follow a different path. From the time The Big 10 went to an all conference schedule then the SEC followed suit that’s where I know the answer =bend the knee. This further proves the media and liberal leftist in academia run the show. They are trying to destroy our economy and the American spirit by using this China virus. No backbone no substance = College football administrators.
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rob6249 months
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lsualum9649 months
They're trying to "destroy the economy" with the Trump virus? C'mon, you're smarter than that. LOL!
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Tiger4life580349 months
Shut up Rob
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Midget Death Squad49 months
We are seeing that the world is run by cowards.
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Cshaw9149 months
God I miss Mike Slive
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Nix to Twillie49 months
That’s funny I could have sworn we hated his guts when he had the job.
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Purple Spoon49 months
That is the most limp dick fricking thing I’ve ever read. Anyone in the world can do what you are doing right now. Prove to the world that you are qualified above everyone else.
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rob6249 months
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rob6249 months
Tigerforlife5803. ??
user avatar
Tiger4life580349 months
Shut up Rob
user avatar
Ace Midnight49 months
Try harder. It is just your phony-baloney job.
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LSU Bayou Jim49 months
Setting us up for the fall.........
user avatar
alumni9549 months
Or the Spring, or the NEXT fall........
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