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TaderSalad76 months
Bookmarking for a complete list of the negatards that want a true Tiger to fail at the next level.
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theOG76 months
A true Tiger-Boilermaker.
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rilesrick76 months
Ultimate camp arm number
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Ted201076 months
He's just honoring Coach Orge's IQ.
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GeologyGrad8876 months
Still double your IQ!
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jp9076 months
Damn no one mentioned LSU’s first championship year?
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voodooidotwo76 months
Man I really hope he does well. Always liked Danny. Felt he was held back by last years piss poor play calling
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PortHudsonPlaya76 months
Well after his first read, he put his head down so not sure how he was ‘held back’.
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voodooidotwo76 months
Not sure you watched the same games I did. His progression was slow but it still happened. You also need to remember most of LSU routes were quick slants or outs. Not much time to go through progeressions.
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BatonrougeCajun76 months
It was real while it lasted
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StupidBinder76 months
Gonna line him up at to Trindon Holiday.
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LSUnibrow76 months
I wouldn’t read much into it. New England Patriot website/roster says “# n/a.”
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ByUselves76 months
Just keeping it warm for some LB.
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LSUDAN176 months
All the DE haters can go fly a kite.
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tigersquad8976 months
You guys clearly missed the troll. 58 3+2 8 NE 3 ATL 28
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Breaux76 months
The back was 19
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Hangit76 months
Is it now Sam Etling?
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KING NOLA76 months
That's a very odd number to give a QB you just drafted when there's only two QB's on the roster and #12 belongs to Tom Brady and #2 belongs to Brian Hoyer so that means by NFL standards there are 17 QB friendly numbers they could've gave Danny Etling. I don't know the story behind the number but if they gave Etling the number then that is so disrespectful.
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Jack Daniel76 months
They don’t plan on keeping him long enough to give him a real number.
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SamuelClemens76 months
Yet they signed him to a 4 year contract instead of a camp contract like Tolliver got.
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Chad504boy76 months
Someone whisper in Sammy's ear and let him know all 7th round picks get 4 year contracts, standard status quo.
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El Campo Tiger76 months
Future linebacker?
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FournetteForEver776 months
Thats how many touchdowns he gonna throw this season
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KennabraTiger76 months
Clearly our coaching staff was too dumb to realize Danny should’ve been a starting linebacker. F’n Alleva.
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X123F4576 months
Honest assessment, Danny probably wouldn't have been the worst starting linebacker in the SEC. He wasn't afraid of contact.
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BoudreauxinGA76 months
They don’t want Tom Brady to think there is another QB on the roster. He might melt.
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KING NOLA76 months
Well I don't think Danny Etling has to worry about Tom Brady pulling a Jimmy Garoppolo on him.
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