Aaron Doster-USA TODAY Sports released updated odds on who will be the next head coach at the end of the season and Houston's Tom Herman is the favorite.

Behind Herman is LSU interim head coach Ed Orgeron and Florida State head coach Jimbo Fisher.

Here are complete odds as of October 21st.
Tom Herman -165
Ed Orgeron +200
Jimbo Fisher +300
Field – Any Other +400
Lane Kiffin +1000
Kliff Kingsbury +2500
Larry Fedora +2500
Art Briles +3000
Gary Patterson +3500
Mike Gundy +3500
Kyle Whittingham +3500
Bobby Petrino +4000
Bryan Harsin +4500
Sonny Dykes +6000
Todd Graham +6000
Chris Klieman +6000

Who do you think will get the LSU job at the end of the season?
Filed Under: LSU Football
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Woodman100 months
So the Forty-niners are now 1-6. Chip Kelly needs to be on this list of options if SFO doesn't win more than 3 games.
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weeble100 months
Basing it on the last two hires, no one saw or talked about Saban from Michigan State or Miles from Ok State, it will probably be someone out of left field that no one is talking about. So how about Dabo??
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YellaPurp100 months
I'll take the field
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double d100 months
Herman will be in burnt orange. Dana Holgerson to LSU
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19100 months
It inks the Bama game as a win or else it gets the hose again. Yes, he will, Precious. He will get the hose.
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saint tiger225100 months
I don't understand why everyone thinks O will just continue the winning. Yes, he's doing a good job right now, but no way in hell should he be the permanent head coach at a school like LSU. Herman, Fischer, Fedora would be the top 3. O is a great story, but I don't believe he'd be a great permanent head coach....of course all the idiot ranters will disagree just because he's from Louisiana and "he bleeds purple and gold," idiots.
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timm6971463100 months
Yes you are stupid ,herman , fisher and them other losers you negatigers want are being handed their butts to them on the field of play right now . AS long as we have Ogeron we will do just !
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jayboy504100 months
How the hec would you know if Coach O would be a good permanent coach or not? And you have Fedora on your list?!? Tom Herman is getting his arse handed to him right now and you think he's ready for the SEC?? Give me a guy who is all about Louisiana and I guarantee you that the cam robs, the Landon's and some of our other top notch la. talent won't leave this state. All coach o needs is to find a top notch off coord with creativity in his offense
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LovesJesusAndLSU100 months
Not a fan of Fisher. I believe his success was Jamies Winston. Florida State is heavily underperforming with superior recruiting (like Les), and they face weaker competition every season. He wouldn't stand a chance again Bama and Sagan, or even Houston with Herman!
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bringit3210100 months
I agree. Fisher has been hit or miss at FSU. I'd rather Petrino before Fisher or Fedora. Hope it can work out that Coach O can remain at LSU in some kind of capacity. DC? D-Line Coach? Asst. AD? He's an asset for the program.
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LovesJesusAndLSU100 months
Chris Peterson I believe would be a great choice. As much as I'd love to land Herman, Peterson is more proven. Also, the SEC isn't ready for his offense with LSU athletism!
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Placebeaux100 months
That's not gonna happen. Child has special needs and Washington is the best place for that.
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mmtiger100 months
if kiffen is selected, then put lsu football in a hole. how many other programs has he set back
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tbrud100 months
If Joe Alleva lives up to being the dumb arse that he is, he will string Coach O and all the Les Miles haters and at the end of the season hire some loser and embarrass LSU once again by NOT hiring Coach O, and totally ruin recruiting for about 5 yrs. So y'all got what y'all asked for, haters. Live with it, Joe Alleva is BAD for LSU, his picks so far have panned out right lmao.
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GeauxLSUGeaux100 months
Holy sh*t, are you still pumping Les Miles? Alleva did the right thing and got rid of him. You can throw away your LSU fan card and go cheer for Purdue or wherever Les Miles ends up.
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BigRaggedyTiger100 months
I think alleva did the right thing firing miles. It was time. That being said i think he is the next person that needs to go
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The Belk100 months
I'd rather Kiffen than Fisher.
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DJ3K100 months
Coach Orgeron
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I am GLORIOUS100 months
Herman to Texas, Jimbo to LSU. Book it.
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tbrud100 months
Jim O to LSU wow cause he's doing so well this year, what a joke
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Tiger in Texas100 months
That's what I think as well, as long as Coach O doesn't continue winning. If O wins out, you have to give him the job!
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Draconian Sanctions100 months
I guess "Field" means PJ Fleck
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Campaign100 months
Aranda isn't an option?
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atltiger6487100 months
zero head coaching experience, and he's been at LSU half a season. We can't risk hiring a new guy with no experience. Coordinator and head coach are completely different jobs.
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sfltiger100 months
Ed Orgeron
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I am GLORIOUS100 months
Problem is, he's at -420 to be Texas' new HC
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LSUsuperfresh100 months
I assume that's contingent upon them firing Strong though, correct?
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I am GLORIOUS100 months
Strong will be gone. That's an afterthought
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I am GLORIOUS100 months
Problem is, he's at -420 to be Texas' new HC
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evangelfan100 months
It's going to be Herman. He's too smart and loves football too much to deal with the Texas debacle. The opportunity to lead the university that puts the most athletes in the NFL, and goes head to head in the SEC west each year? Why would Austin even be seriously considered with the LSU job open?
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I am GLORIOUS100 months
Like it or not, UT is still considered the premier college HC gig for whatever reasons. Herman is a Texas guy and got his Masters there.
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LSUTigersVCURams100 months
"Like it or not, UT is still considered the premier college HC gig for whatever reasons." LOL!
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tbrud100 months
We fired the COACH who put more players in the NFL, not the university, who in their right mind would want to coach here after what Alleva did here, the boosters need to coach they think their so good at it. Nobody WANTs to come here until Alleva is gone. Too much shaky ground, never know if you will get fired. Wake up man
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hombreman9100 months
I think Herman goes to Texas and we end up with Strong.
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VesperiaLSU100 months
If we end up hiring Strong, that's pretty much a big F you to all the LSU fans.
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Passing Wind100 months
You hush your mouth with that jinx
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Giantkiller100 months
I will be fricking livid. That would literally be the shittiest hire he could make.
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NastyTiger100 months
Pls God, let it be daddy herm.
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TampaTiger22100 months
What has Herman done without a running QB? Except lose to navy. If LSU lost to navy everyone would be saying, fire the coach.
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