Crystal LoGiudice-USA TODAY Sports
Former LSU head coach Les Miles has officially been hired by Fox Sports to cover College Football.

The network announced the hire of Miles along with former player and ESPN analyst Danny Kanel and former Orgeron head coach Mark Helfrich.

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Filed Under: LSU Football
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ApexTiger89 months
Reporter asks Miles about his new gig: Les Miles : "when I lean into the mic, I certainly have a want to commentate with great enthusiasm and at the end of each contest, I think the fans will like the outcome"
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Pianoman89 months
Guess that means LSU will end up paying out his entire owed contract since he didn't get hired as a head coach then, correct?
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East Coast Band89 months
Miles statement," The want of broadcast to the satellites and back to TV sets across the nation and this country has me urgently working on game observation perpectives."
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SamuelClemens89 months
He will praise everyone and say foolish things
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foshizzle89 months
This will be ... interesting. Miles certainly has experience on TV - he isn't the smooth presenter others might be but he's always entertaining.
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JumpingTheShark89 months
But everyone assured me he would be snatched up as a head coach immediately after being fired by LSU. I'm so perplexed.
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PeteRose89 months
Maybe fox sports can incorporate a segment called "Les top 5 Clapping moments" each week.
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shotcaller189 months
Whats with Lsu hiring coaches who are too dumb to put together a sentence? First miles now ogre.
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YrNucoach89 months
You tell us trolls like hanging out with ogres, right?
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YrNucoach89 months
You tell us trolls like hanging out with ogres, right?
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BayouBengal9989 months
Looks like you have joined that club.
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Twenty 4989 months
Put him in the booth with Lou Holtz and let them call the Special Olympics.
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SoulGlo89 months
Just in time for Fox to flush ESPN's SJW asses down the ratings tubes.
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Scoob89 months
I think Les is going to become a hot commodity as an announcer, and will surprise a lot of people. He's an old-school, hardnosed football guy, with a sense of humor and can make fun of himself. He's going to own a lot of people (like he did the former Bama QB when they interviewed him).
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tigerpawl89 months
Sorry - I've had my fill.
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Lsu10120589 months
I love it. I can hold on to the good memories I have of him as a great leader of our football program and its players without it feeling tainted seeing him coach elsewhere. There 100% needed to be a change and he needed to go, but that doesnt mean it wouldnt have been extremely awkward seeing him wear someone elses colors.
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Bestbank Tiger89 months
He might be more cogent. The malaprops could have been due to him not wanting to reveal anything to the opponent. And if he ends up sounding like he did when talking to reporters, it'll be grand entertainment. Fans will have funny catchphrases for Monday.
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eddieray89 months
Les is gonna tied the audience's brain in knots with that speak.
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Lsuchs89 months
Can't wait for him to announce a UNC game
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LSUvet7289 months
Cover the eyes of your don't want them to clap like a spastic
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Genestealer5589 months
Does Fox Sports supply the translator or does Les bring his own?
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roger7989 months
This will last no more than one season, and Les will be as bad at it as he was letting his offensive coordinators coach.
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loweralabamatrojan89 months

The network announced the hire of Miles along with former player and ESPN analyst Danny Kanel and former Orgeron head coach Mark Helfrich.
Damn, Coach O has his own state now? #badass
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nolatiger71189 months
I was pictured his future replacing Lou Holtz. Similar notoriety and quirkiness.
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