Stephen Lew-USA TODAY Sports
During Wednesday's press conference, LSU head coach Ed Orgeron was asked about his relationship with coordinators Dave Aranda and Matt Canada. Here is what he had to say:

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Filed Under: LSU Football
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bees0382 months
The head coach is the head coach. If, for any reason he is not happy with the performance of any of his staff, especially if there is the perception of disloyalty, then he is gonna act. Not sure Steve E is the answer...
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Space Cowboy82 months
Subsequent to that meeting with Alleva, Canada spilled his guts to people outside the LSU football program. O obviously found out about it, and perceived it as him being betrayed by Canada. Hence, since Canada has not always remained loyal to O in his eyes, Canada must be terminated regardless of his offense. The most important thing for any prospective coaches contemplating working for O, is that you must always remain 100 percent loyal to him because if he finds out otherwise, you will be gone shortly.
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Old82 months
Orgeron: Dave Aranda can't work harder. He can't be more loyal. ... "Dave knows how to game plan against anybody. I'm looking forward to his game plan against ND." #LSU
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Old82 months
Canada is a weak
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KiwiHead82 months
If Canada was being insubordinate with his superior after a reasonable request by his superior then I don't care how god he is, he immediately starts living on thin ice. If he is going behind your back and bad mouthing you and the others are not, then at the first available opportunity he gets canned. Whether you like Orgeron or not, he's the head coach and he is entitled to influence the direction of his team and his responsibilities. If Canada thinks he could do a better job as the head coach, then maybe he should go someplace where he can be a head coach or a head coach in waiting....etc.. I don't think any Div 1 coach worth his salt would put up with insubordination (if that is what happened) . Not Saban, not Dabo, Holgorsen, Bielema, Smart, Charlie Stong...not anybody.
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PlayActionPass82 months
Agree 100% kiwihead.Being a leader can be extremely challenging in almost any environment, you can imagine what it could be like at LSU. A leader just can not allow that or it starts to erode the team like a bad player who does the same thing. It is difficult to respect and understand the challenges of a good leader if one has never really experienced it. But once you do, a person tends to do a self reflection, and at that moment in time truly understand or have respect for those who have been thrust into higher leadership positions.
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ImayGoLesMiles82 months
frick matt canada. He has been known for this exact thing at other programs he has been. He job hops, not only bc he is going to better jobs, but bc he can't seem to work well with the staff no matter where he is. I'm sure coach o has a very good reason for encouraging him to leave and I know he has a good plan in place to get another capable oc at LSU. He's made great coaching changes so far, so why would this be any different. I wouldn't be surprised if hugh freeze is coaching at LSU next season.
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STRIPES82 months
If a coach comes in and makes 1.5 million per year as an OC at a school like LSU and cant get along and has a resume' that shows he is a job hopper you have to think the problem is with Canada. He is beginning to look as if he is a malcontent.
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VooDude82 months
Remember, Pittsburgh offered Canada a raise to not leave. So I don't know where this be speculation is coming from when referring to Canada being a one and done coach.
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STRIPES82 months
Becsuse it his track record. He moves alot. Whether it is by his choice or not he has coached at 5 scjools in 7 years. I rememner there was some controversy about him at NC State. It isnt as if LSU has several coaches leaving because Orgeron is to hard to work with.
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Datbayoubengal82 months
Really dude? It's easy. For one, his track record speaks of moving upward after only 1-2 years at any place. The only place up from LSU's OC is being a HC. Two, the guy obviously has problems as he has been recently let go by somebody that was worse than Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh was stupid. The only thing that would have happened under them is that he would have been exposed. He's decent-great when he has an experienced roster and good QB.
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Vernonbrew2282 months
Jesus Rockne might have a tough time coaching our O next season. Expect 10, 13, 17 final scores for us next season. No way to replace Guice, Chark and crew Coach O postering.
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Nix to Twillie82 months
O is a narcissist, and an arse.
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1982 months
...both of which are pre-reqs for a successful HC, with Dick Vermeil being exceptio probat regulam, of course.
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cj3582 months
Orgeron is a douche.
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GoRuckTiger82 months
Did Orgeron not learn a thing from the way things ended with Miles? FFS this is damn near the exact situation that got Miles fired. Why in the hell do you even hire Canada if you plan on not letting him run his offense?
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Lexman182 months
Well, Genestealer 55, just last week Jeff Grimes announced he would be leaving after the bowl game and O immediately had Coach Cregg from the NFL to replace him. Next
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Lexman182 months
Update: Scott Long of Dandy reports that LSU and Matt Canada will part ways after the Citrus Bowl. It looks like the Canada merry go round will end after 1 year with the Tigers. His employment term is not very impressive. Oh well, I feel reasonably sure O has a suitable replacement ready to roll.
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Genestealer5582 months
Was has O ever done as a head coach to make you reasonably sure he has a suitable replacement? I’m truly curious
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jbro1282 months
He did have an oline coach lined up when Grimes moved on. This seems like it’s been in the works for a while. Wouldn’t be surprised if he has someone in line to take over as OC. Whether or not it’ll be a good hire is the real question. This can make or break O. I’m an LSU fan no matter who the coach is so hopefully it works out well.
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OweO82 months
If I remember correctly, I thought the issue had to do with Canada not wanting to adapt during games. Coach O wanted him to slow things down at times in order for the defense to get some rest, which I think is a reasonable request. If we score 3 unanswered TDs in the first quarter, do you still want to keep going up tempo? Maybe if we were playing in Conference USA, but once the defense adapts and your offense starts going 3 and out while using up little time on the clock, the defense begins to be on the field more and that is the type of shite that allows teams to come back. While coordinators should coach their side, everyone still has to be in sync. The offense can make the defense's job easier or more difficult and vice versa. From what I understand, Canada isn't the easiest person to work with. I am not "taking sides" on this. I don't care what the problem is, I only care about them fixing it and winning football games, but if I recall, this was an issue. Canada not wanting to sync his offense with the rest of the team.
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jonboy82 months
Canada's offense isn't up tempo. His offense is dependent on motions and shifts. O was confused and wanted him to cut them out. It would be like asking a triple option offense not to actually option every play. If you score 3 TD's in the first qtr you always keep the pedal to the metal.
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Sid in Lakeshore82 months
Jonboy, we were not scoring at an impressive clip, though....
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bringit321082 months
Hey TD Staff Reporter, do any of you actually have any journalism experience? I ask because all you guys ever do is post Twitter comments from others.
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BananaHammock82 months
Hey bringit3210, here’s a thought - why don’t you scroll through the Twitter cesspool yourself to find relevant LSU news?
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Vidrine82 months
Canada ran his mouth to board members after Troy game. Same thing happened at NC State. He’s not loyal to his employer. He has complained to people all year this isn’t his offsense. Other names are mentioned as the new coordinator. It might not be Steve.
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GulfstreamTiger82 months
Do you know this as a fact? If so it's pretty damning.
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Placebeaux82 months
If thats true he is a cancer to any program. They'd have people like that offshore, B operators always badmouthing the Lead to either get their job or boost their own ego. #shitdontrolluphillmattcanada
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Datbayoubengal82 months
I wonder were any of you guys the same guys crowning Canada before and right after the hire. I knew this wasn't a good hire from jump, but board favorite, and O not having any fricking forward thinking got us a guy who has not made the offense any better and is leaving with an inexperienced team learning a brand new offense again.
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Stud Bud82 months
O will be worse than Miles in his later years
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kjanchild82 months
He needs to STFU and let his offensive coaches coach because he doesn't know anything about offense!
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Sid in Lakeshore82 months
Child, please....
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Lexman182 months
Not a big deal. Never was. Media blowing everything out of proportion, as usual. Besides, Canada is obviously leaving as soon as he gets offered a good HC job elsewhere. I would rather focus on the relationship that O has with Aranda. We can replace Canada easy enough, but Aranda is the key to our success. Must have a strong defense to compete in the SEC!
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DanglingFury82 months
I’m a support O guy, but it’s so stupid that his pride, or whatever his reasoning, won’t just quash the whole Canada thing. All he has to say is “we started with some growing pains, but we’re professionals, it’s all behind us, and we’re all LSU.” Instead he openly “bristles,” so the media can comment on it. It’s not smart. If you hate each other, keep that behind closed doors.
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HC8782 months
Well said.
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Brazos82 months
It's because O is insecure about being head coach. Its a classic sign of insecurity.
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tiogatiger1982 months
Yea it must be O, Canada has a good track record getting along with coaches.....oh wait nvm
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