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coachw70 months
4th and Aranda will probably crap his pants again tomorrow, then all the "moon struck" will get on here and tell you how great he is. Hell, Aranda even said he stunk it up in the A&M game playing his prevent BS!!!!!
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Dead End70 months
Where do you coach at?
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ElroyJetSon70 months
Shut the frick up
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Tigrdynasty70 months
Gotta be able to limit the characters in these article "comments". Smh... mf'ers typing up essays
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WhoDatNC70 months
Meanwhile SE says he wouldn't have changed anything he did on offense...
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bengalman70 months
The offense has been the problem for YEARS!
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Tiger_n_ATL70 months
Aranda better get his shite together. He alllowed ATM to run up and down the field and score st will on his vaunted defense.
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mr bunion70 months
You freaking dumbass, they were gassed to shite. The game change happened on the muffed punt by Giles and had nothing to do with Aranda. FO
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coachw70 months
Absolutely correct....the Aranda lickers forget about the rush 3 drop 8 approach the WHOLE overtime. How'd that work out?
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Tiger_n_ATL70 months
Aranda better get his shite together. He alllowed ATM to run up and down the field and score st will on his vaunted defense.
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I would love for him to pull a coup on 0 after the bowl game.
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rob6270 months
And you are an LSU fan? What is wrong with people like you? Aranda has had opportunities to leave but apparently likes it at LSU and apparently has no problem working with Orgeron yet you in your hate for Orgeron make idiotic posts like that? Look Orgeron is doing a good job and has a tremendous recruiting class coming in (& it isn't done yet). Recruiting classes like the one in process reflect that kids, parents, high school coaches, and staff believe in what LSU is doing. If you can't see positives then that's on you and your strange outlook on LSU.
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ElroyJetSon70 months
You suck
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HuRRiCaNe MiLeS70 months
Did anyone ask him how his defense has declined every year since he has been here?
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INFIDEL70 months
Jesus Christ you suck.
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BayouBengal9970 months
I love how y'all flip their comments to fit what your mind is made up about. You people are amazingly dumb. They both said the exact same things about different games and their perspective situations on their side of the ball. E said put the bama game on me and y'all say he blames the players. Aranda says the same thing and y'all bow down to him. LMFAO. Y'all excuse Aranda for injuries saying it'll be different if we had all our players but when it comes to the misfortune of the offense y'all say E just needs to make due and scheme better. Which one is it you morons? Yalls bias is just as obvious here as it was for O in the offseason. None of you know what the hell you're talking about. Geez LSU is one lucky school that you unbalanced MFers don't make decisions for this program. Y'all can all STFU.
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TaderSalad70 months
Feel better, Francis?
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CDawson70 months
You’re not wrong ya know.
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BayouBengal9970 months
I really could care less TaderSalad. I'm neutral and simply want LSU to win. I don't think changing coaches and schemes every year we have misfortune is the way to get there. I think we need consistency and balance while also getting depth and both the offense and defense will be fine. I've seen both good and bad play calling on both offense and defense so that tell me that neither is better than the other, but both are limited in what they can do and run. Both just said this almost the exact same way and everyone had the complete opposite opinion about the comment. When Aranda said his piece, positive comments resulted but when SE was quoted as saying almost the exact same thing people saw it negetively. That's really all you need to see in how off this fanbase is about both coaches and O included. O wasn't supposed to win with this team and even though he was dealt about the worst hand you can be dealt prior to the season AND during the season, you never heard excuses and we still had chances to make a run this year. We get the right depth in this program and O will take us to a playoff with this staff. We are finally RSing OLman and DLman. When we are on our 3rd class of RSing quality at most levels of both the O and D then we will be competing with bama again. I know people don't like to hear it but it takes real quality depth in this day and age to make consistent runs. We might play with them every 3 or 4 years at the rate we were going but to be consistent it will take some time while recruiting at this high level we've seen this year.
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SEC Grapevine70 months
"Tempo/RPO? Yeah, I noticed all the CFP teams using it the last 5 yrs or so. But, ya know, we are in a bubble, man, completely. Other than ALA, MSU, OM, AUB, & A&M we don't play pace teams, don't practice that, so, intriguing, concerning. Bowl games are tough. I'm worried about the game, stressing about the game, and people at the hotel are so damn happy and smiling and planning their day, yelling "Davo, What's Up". I'll tell ya, UCF runs more plays in regulation than A&M did in 7OTs and I was not prepared for that. Got any ideas?" Never let them see you sweat. That 2.5 mil is guaranteed. Bank on it.
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rintintin70 months
So Ensminger says he sees nowhere that he needs to improve, the players are too dumb to run audibles, and blames youth on the offense not being that good....Aranda takes full blame for our performance at A&M and he needs to improve. That my friends is one of the differences between a average coach and a great coach.
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Boom_boom70 months
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TaderSalad70 months
Ones a coordinator, and the other is a position coach. I'll let you figure out who's more experienced.
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eugene1928LSU70 months
I've been down on the so called anointing of "genius aranda", i've said it on here several times that his inability to get a stop/turnover anything against atm the last 8 drives is all on him. ONE STOP the Tigers win the game, glad he manned up. Now show us what you're made of against ucf
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RB1070 months
"Aranda said they could have used Jamal Adams like they used Grant Delpit this year, but they just weren’t ready as a defense. " Jamal Adams could have been a Bednarik/Thorpe winner in this defense. A healthy Delpit will be in the discussion of best defensive player in the country next season.
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shutterspeed70 months
He wants to be a head coach one day. He hopes to be at LSU for a long time. Your serve, LSU.
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coachw70 months
4th and Aranda needs to lose the prevent, and get back to pressuring the quarterback. Thought he had a very so-so year.
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twilliam1270 months
Coachw - if you ever were a coach, you would know the quickest way to get fired as a DC is to give up a quick touchdown when you have a lead...especially with our offense. That being said, this cliche spread by talkin heads with the same fear of being fired as a weatherman is just garbage. Aranda knows more about defense than you second guessing Sunday morning defensive coordinators all combined.....
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LesnarF570 months
I situation (future head coach) may be the closest thing to when Saban was here. Can't-lose this guy, IMO will make a great head coach one day.
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CDawson70 months
Based on what? I hope he is but it’s a crap shoot. Never know til you put them I’m there.
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GoldenAge70 months
LSU can not afford to lose this guy. Throw the bank at the man to make him stay, promote him to HC, and pray he stays.
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LSUBlitzkrieg70 months
Agreed...Promote him and bring in a stud offensive coordinator...Aranda csn give him the liberty to run the offense while he focuses on the defense.
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dcrews70 months
Won't happen unfortunately. Coach faux is Alleva's guy and he isn't going to get rid of him anytime soon.
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Huh? Why? He has faced two offensive coaches in the last two years and both proved how to beat him with inferior talent. Mullen has done it two years in a row and he just admitted he was not fully prepared for A&M. As the highest paid coordinator in the world, that is a tough pill to swallow. Not to mention finishing 29th in overall defense (should have been 22nd, but for the A&M game). If we’re the highest paid coach in the country and we finished ranked 22nd you would be calling for him to be fired. Aranda does it, even with three that will go in the top 10 of their respective drafts) and you want to anount him
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GoldenAge70 months
LSU can not afford to lose this guy. Throw the bank at the man to make him stay, promote him to HC, and pray he stays.
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GOMD7870 months
You can say that again......
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coachw70 months
Please....4th and Aranda will again show his true self tomorrow,(crapping his pants) then you can make more excuses for this guy!
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